Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KRF) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Ivanova, Elena
Poznávací zájezdy po Permském kraji The topic of this bachelor's thesis is the development of a combined tour of the Perm Territory and the study of its attractiveness for foreign tourists. To achieve this goal certain tasks were set, which were carried out as the bachelor's thesis was being written.... |
Rybolovleva, Iuliia
Překlady básní Vladimíra Vysockého do češtiny The bachelor's thesis is devoted to the Russian poet Vladimir Vysotsky. The work considers the concepts of translation theory, as well as literary terms. Also, the work presents the classification of periods of the poet's work with characteristic features of his poetry. In... |
Ladyga, Jekaterina
Nina Šulginová, významná překladatelka české literatury The bachelor thesis is dedicated to the personality of Nina Mikhailovna Shulgina, a significant Russian translator of Czech literature. The thesis defines basic theoretical concepts of translation theory, summarizes information from theoretical literature, compiles a bibliography of translations by N.... |
Sopova, Veronika
Prvky hovorového stylu v črtách kolumnistů deníku Metro Petěrburg This bachelor's thesis conducts an analysis of elements of the conversational style in the sketch stories of the Metro Saint Petersburg newspaper. The study aims to identify conversational elements in short publicist texts that belong to the publicistic style of the Russian language... |
Martinkovič, Filip
Pověst o krysaři z Hamelnu v ruské a české literatuře The bachelor thesis examines traces of the German legend of the ratcatcher in literature, with a focus on the Russian and Czech literary environments. It also analyzes two most significant works on this topic - "The Ratcatcher" by Viktor Dyk and "The Ratcatcher" ... |
Varantsová, Anastasija Alexandrovna
Jan Zábrana jako překladatel ruské poezie The bachelor thesis is dedicated to an important personality of Russian-Czech literary history, the poet and translator Jan Zábrana. The thesis focuses on the notions of translation theory, versology and the life and work of Jan Zábrana. In addition, the thesis briefly outlines the... |
Nazarenková, Viktorie
Ruský dětský filmový týdeník Jeralaš The work is devoted to learning the history of the film weekly "Jeralaš" and to examining its general perception today. The work is structured into three parts. The first part is dedicated to the general characteristics of the film weekly. In the second chapter, vari... |
Hodková, Šárka
Ruští spisovatelé a historické osobnosti v českých lázních This bachelor thesis describes significant Russian visitors who visited the Czech spa. The work describes in detail the stays of individual personalities. The author of the work proposed an educational trail that brings the stays of Russian visitors closer to the public. In the... |
Strejcová, Eliška
Ruská lidová hudba a tradiční hudební nástroje This bachelor thesis deals with Russian folk music and traditional musical instruments, genres of Russian folklore and performers of Russian song creation. It focuses on the approximation of Russian folk music and the mapping of its terms. Part of this thesis is a lecture &quo... |
Yursinova, Zarina
Ruský jazyk v Uzbekistánu This bachelor's thesis scrutinizes the role of the Russian language in Uzbekistan. It looks into the national composition of the population, tracing the history of the emergence of Russians on Uzbek territory and changes in their numbers over time. Attention is drawn to R... |
Karfusová, Adéla
Děkabristé a děkabristky This bachelor thesis on the topic of Decembrists is divided into three parts, of which the first two parts are theoretical and the third practical. The first part is dedicated to the uprising of the Decembrists at the Senate Square on December 14. 1825, and its after... |
Novotná, Lucie
Vnímání pobytů ruských (sovětských) vojsk na českém území The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of perception of stays and operations of the Russian (Soviet) army in our territory. The work is divided into four chapters. The first chapter deals with the operation of the Russian army in the Czech countries in the 17th... |
Sabov, Khrystyna-Olesia
Zlá síla v příběhu N. Gogola ¨Vij¨ The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to analyze the evil spirits in the mystical novel in N.V. Gogol's story "Viy". Folklore sources and a portrait of Gogol's Viy are considered. The description of witch image of a witch in the novel by N.V. Gogol is... |
Barbořáková, Valentýna
Mezinárodní den žen v Rusku The bachelor thesis deals with the International Women's Day. It is divided into three chapters. I deal with the history and present of the International Day in the World and in Russia, part of the work is a practical part, a questionnaire survey. The aim ... |
Proskuriakova, Nadezhda
Slovníky ruského jazyka The aim of the work is to describe the dictionaries of the Russian language in synchrony and diachrony. The work consists of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion, an abstract in english, a list of the literature used and an annex. The theoretical part describes th... |
Shashkov, Artur
Překlad úryvků románu "Probudím se na Šibuji" Anny Cimi Characteristics of Anna Cimi's novel "I wake up on the Shibuya". Theoretical bases of translation and types of translation. Translation of selected passages of the novel with commentary. |
Dadaeva, Markha
Vývojové tendence jazykových norem v současné ruštině The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to identify trends in the development of standards of the contemporary Russian language. The first chapter is based on literary sources and its aim is to describe how language norms are formed and what currently cause... |
Moudrý, Petr
Krasobruslení v Rusku (minulost a současnost) This presented Bachelor Thesis focuses on figure-skating in Russia and the past and the present of this sport. The main objective of this thesis was to clarify the development of figure-skating in Russia and introduce the readers with Soviet and Russian figure-skaters and trainers.... |
Lukavská, Šárka
Neverbální komunikace, etiketa Rusů The bachelor´s thesis addresses the topic of non-verbal communication and etiquette of the Russian people. It focuses on the mimics, gestures, haptics, postures and proxemics of the communication. It show the differences between the Czech and the Russian culture in this area on sel... |
Kumpan, Valeriia
Realizace ironie v českých překladech povídek Taťjany Tolsté The bachelor's work ?Irony realization in the translations of Tatyana Tolstaya's short novels to Czech language? considers the concept of irony in the literary works of a famous contemporary Russian writer. The main attention is paid to the ironic component in the stories o... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra ruského a francouzského jazyka / Department of Russian and French Language