Diplomové práce / Theses (KRF) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Blechová, Viktorie
Hra a její role ve školním procesu The thesis is devoted to the theme of the game and its role in today's education. The work consists of four main parts. The first part describes the role of games in education across the history. The second part examines the role of the game in the psycholog... |
Drábková, Markéta
Fenomén mnohojazyčnosti ve vzdělávání The theme of the diploma thesis is multilingualism in education. The theoretical part contains a chronological interpretation of data on the development of linguistic policy in Europe and its subsequent influence on the development of language policy in the Czech Republic. The practical... |
Kulikov, Dmitrii
Dramatizace románu Michaila Bulgakova Mistr a Markétka The aim of the thesis is the creation of my own dramatic text of the novel Master and Margarita. This thesis is focused on the analysis of both the original text and the texts which have already been produced by Czech theaters. The work contains its own design... |
Váchalová, Šárka
Literatura a kinematografie: současné filmové adaptace děl klasické ruské literatury This thesis is concentrated on the mutual relation between literature and cinematography, with the analysis of film adaptations of significant works of Russian classical literature and in the final it deals with the practical use of the film in the teaching of Russian language.... |
Halamková, Kateřina
Slavné moře, posvátný Bajkal (využití ve školní praxi) The diploma work is interested in the issues of Lake Baikal and using this topic in Russian language teaching. Together with basic historical and geographical facts the life of local inhabitants is characterized, questions about ecology and possibilities of using this topic in less... |
Golovko, Vjačeslav
Didaktický význam "Děniskynových povídek" V. Dragunského a možnosti jejich využití na hodinách ruštiny jako cizího jazyka Master's thesis deals with use "Denise's stories" by V. Dragunsky for the RCT lessons.The work is divided into three parts. The first theoretical part deals with biographies of Victor Dragunsky and his children, then is description of his creation. Second chapter is de... |
Kovačová, Kristýna
Donští kozáci a Chodové - podobné a odlišné (s nastíněním možností využití v pedagogické praxi) The diploma work consists of four parts. It is interested in historical facts, which are related to Don Cossacks. Their traditions are described in the work; the attention is paid to settled areas, to a traditional national Cossacks' folk costumes and cuisine. From the sam... |
Marchevková, Josefína
Zdrobněliny v ruštině Thesis describes deminutives in Russian language in diferent perspectives. There are discribed their origin and meanings in Theoretical part. The practical part is didacticaly focused. There is analysed presence of deminutives in textbooks of Russian, then one lesson of deminutives in ... |
Matoušková, Julie
Tvorba Tamary Michejevové v kontextu současné dětské ruské literatury The topic of the thesis is translation of tales "Jurkiny bumerangi", "Taj", "Joločnaja istorija" a fairytale "Žili-byli karandaši" from Russian children´s writer Tamara Michejev, complete with brief commentary. Thesis is divided on four chapters. First chapter is... |
Ťoupalová, Karolína
Pamětihodnosti jako historické memento Stalingradské bitvy The main aim of the thesis is to determine the meaning of historical sights as a memorial of the Battle of Stalingrad. The thesis is divided into four main sections. The first section includes the history of the city of Caricyn Stalingrad Volgograd and a brief... |
Berná, Lucie
Interference ve školní praxi The thesis deals with knowledge and analysis of problematic issues in phonetic and graphic areas of Russian language which are caused by interference. Analysis of the mistakes and focus on problematic issues help to form appropriate exercises for students which help to reduce or... |
Rybková, Jevgenija
Současná emigrace z RF do ČR - míra adaptace na českou kulturu The thesis deals with emigration from the Russian Federation to the Czech Republic. It is focused on Russian-speaking foreigners coming to the Czech Republic from various reasons. The thesis discusses an extent to which it is possible to adapt in foreign countries, problems that... |
Buřičová, Irina
Orfografija inojazyčnych slov v sovremennom russkom jazyke The thesis examined the process of borrowing and adaptation of anglicisms in contemporary literary Russian, while attention is paid to the different historical periods. Various spheres of social life are selectively described. It can be considered as an important exploration of the proc... |
Menclová, Lenka
Donští kozáci (tradice, kultura, zvyky, dialekt) The aim of the thesis is to describe traditions, culture, customs and dialect of the Don Cossacks. The first chapter is dedicated to the history and formation of Russian Cossack troops. The biggest attention is paid to the Don Cossack troop. The second chapter is dedicate... |
Slámová, Barbora
Kulturologický potenciál pohádky Morozko The aim of the thesis is to selectively describe facts of Russian culture as well as linguistic facts. The thesis provides ideas how to work with the materials in a school practice and is also dedicated to characteristics of fairy tales and adaptations of myths and f... |
Kuchařová, Blanka
K otázkám pravopisné gramotnosti ve školní praxi The graduate thesis "The problems of ortography in schools" deals with current problems of Russian orthography didactics during the Russian language lessons at Czech schools. The thesis also deals with the position of Russian language at Czech schools generally. The thesis contains... |
Deinechyna, Yevgeniia
Aktivizační metody psaní The thesis is "Activation methods of writing". This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part introduces the basic concepts related to the topic of the thesis. It presentes analysis of learning methods, describes methods of writing and includes... |
Legezová, Ksenija
Lexikální synonymie ruského jazyka (konec XX. - začátek XXI. století) The work offered for lexical synonymy teaching admits to more deeply examine processes and it acquaints in full extent with basic teaching content of lexical terms ( synonyms, lexical synonyms, grammatical synonyms, word formational synonyms, synonymous succession etc.). In total the w... |
Klásková, Petra
Aktuální otázky školství Ruské federace The graduate thesis Current Issues of Education in the Russian Federation deals with the present situation of education in the Russian Federation and its the most topical problems in historical pedagogical context. The thesis consists of two chapters. The first chapter History of E... |
Ratajová, Anna
Motivační a demotivační faktory ve výuce cizích jazyků This diploma thesis deals with motivation and demotivation in foreign language teaching. Theoretical part occupies by term "motivation" and "necessities" in relation to a learner and a teacher. It is also focused on major factors that influence teaching of foreign languages.... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra ruského a francouzského jazyka / Department of Russian and French Language