Diplomové práce / Theses (KVK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Šimsová, Kateřina
Využití odpadových materiálů ve výtvarné výchově na 1.stupni ZŠ In the first part, the diploma thesis deals with the characteristics of art and environmental education in the framework educational program for basic education. Together with this, it describes individual types of waste material and their possibilities of use in art education. The ... |
Žáková, Iveta
Tisky a otisky ve výtvarné výchově na 2. stupni ZŠ The qualification thesis deals with classical and alternative graphic techniques in art education at the 2nd level of primary school. It seeks to highlight the importance of children's personal experience with graphic concepts in art classes. The theoretical part focuses on the char... |
Kloubová, Barbora
Projektová výuka ve výtvarné výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with the use of project teaching in art education at the first level of elementary school. Analyze the effect of project-based teaching on the active involvement of pupils, the development of their creativity and problem-solving thinking. The thesis combines... |
Valíčková, Lucie
Výrazové vlastnosti luminiscenčního světla a možnosti využití ve výtvarné výchově The diploma thesis deals with luminescent light, its expressive properties and possibilities of professional use in practice. The qualification work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The first part of the diploma thesis approaches luminescent light, deals with its p... |
Holátová, Tereza
Příroda linorytem The thesis is focused on the theme of nature, forests, and trees throughout the history of art. It is divided into three main parts: theoretical, practical, and didactic. The main part is the practical section, which includes 6 linocuts on the given theme, representing forests... |
Pavlíčková, Kateřina
Barevné experimenty ve výuce výtvarné výchovy na 1. stupni ZŠ The aim of the thesis is to take a deeper look into the didactics of art education. The thesis focuses on the description and explanation of art education teaching methods, but also on the goals that should be achieved in its teaching. We also explore the topic ... |
Říská, Lucie
Mapy vody This thesis is divided into three parts. In the theoretical part we look at water as a socio-cultural topic. We follow its conception in the works of Zaria Forman, Christo and Jeanne-Claude, Robert Smithson, William Turner, Claude Monet and David Hockney. In the practical part... |
Slanařová, Karolína
Fantaskní krajina The thesis titled "Fantasy Landscape" explores the examination and creation of landscape painting, in connection with the fantastical worlds known from film narratives. In the theoretical part, the author analyzes the historical development of landscape painting and examines how artistic... |
Vosáhlová, Michaela
Fenomén nástěnka. Možnosti a limity vystavování výtvarných prací žáků 1. stupně v současných školách The diploma thesis focuses on the phenomenon of noticeboards and their role in presenting students' artwork at the primary level of elementary schools. The aim of the research is to map teachers' approaches to exhibiting students' artwork on noticeboards and to identify crit... |
Boršová, Katarína
Smysl pro nesmysl The diploma thesis focuses on the topic of absurdity in art. It deals with the realization of an art project, which aims to provide a space for experimentation, the development of creativity and a sense of nonsense in artistic creation. The theoretical part clarifies the ... |
Macková, Amálie
Ruku v ruce. Rozvíjení kooperace při výtvarné výchově na 1. stupni ZŠ The thesis explores the integration of cooperative elements in art education at the primary level of elementary school. In the theoretical part, it examines the goals of art education and focuses on the concept of cooperation. Additionally, the theoretical section presents possibilities ... |
Vránová, Eva
Plzeňská krajina The aim of my diploma thesis is to create a series of six large-format graphic sheets inspired by the Pilsen landscape using classical graphic techniques. The graphic is printed in multi-color with an emphasis on contrast. Part of the work is the design part, which is... |
Poláková, Magdaléna
Svět naruby - autorský animovaný film This thesis deals with the issue of animation and consists of three parts, theoretical, practical and didactic. The purpose of the work is to connect these three levels, so that the work as a whole is comprehensive in terms of factuality, practicality and didactic transformati... |
Pitulová, Barbora
Proces utváření kritického diváka ve výtvarném vzdělávání na střední škole This thesis explores The process of cultivating a critical viewer within the context of visual arts education at the secondary school level, focusing on the phenomenon of interpretation in relation to hung painting. The theoretical part focuses on describing the interpretation of a ... |
Říhová, Kristýna
Pestrobarevný příběh koláže The topic of this thesis is the development of collage and its changes and overlaps to non-traditional art techniques. The theoretical part deals with collage and its possibilities of representation. It presents it in terms of individual techniques and principles. Collage is described... |
Kauerová, Tereza
Pohyb krajinou As a main topic of my thesis I chose Movement through the landscape, because it is something very natural for me and I can´t imagine my life without it. Based on this topic, I decided to walk a long journey to Santiago de Compostella, so I could experience ... |
Pelcová, Tereza
Mezioborové vztahy ve výtvarné výchově na prvním stupni základních škol I focused my dissertation on two parts. This is a theoretical and practical part. I focused on the issue of interdisciplinary relationships in art education at the first stage of primary schools in the theoretical part. An art project was designed in the practical part.It ... |
Hořká, Vlasti
Keramická plastika - Komunikace The aim of the diploma thesis is to create a set of ceramic sculptures on the theme of communication, based on the intellectual specification of concept, drawing sketches and subsequent elaboration into spatial shapes. The theoretical part deals with the concepts of communication, ... |
Černická, Barbora Theodora
Autorská kniha - Vývoj výtvarného projevu The thesis is dedicated to the topic of healthy development of children's artistic expression with a focus on the possibilities of its support with regard to the individual development of each individual. The main part of the thesis is practical and consists of an author... |
Polák, Martin
VAZNE ZUB - Příběh sochaře The thesis deals with the possibilities of using augmented reality in art and art education. Its main part is the animated AR film "VAZNE ZUB" with the subtitle "The Story of a Sculptor." This augmented reality film tells the story of a sculptor experiencing... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra výtvarné kultury / Department of Art