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DC poleHodnotaJazyk
dc.contributor.advisorBaštář Leichtová Magdaléna, PhDr. Ph.D.
dc.contributor.authorLouženský, Ladislav
dc.contributor.refereeCabadová Waisová Šárka, Doc. PhDr. Ph.D.
dc.description.abstractDiplomová práce se zabývá fenoménem korporátní společenské odpovědnosti jakožto nástroje socio-ekonomického rozvoje. Rozsah analýzy konceptu bere v potaz jak domácí, tak zahraniční angažmá nadnárodních korporací a zkoumá potenciální rozvojové možnosti konceptu společenské odpovědnosti. Práce taktéž zkoumá vztah konceptu CSR s tradičními formami rozvojové pomoci. Teoretická část je zaměřena na konceptualizaci fenoménu CSR. Text využívá k potřebám analýzy vlastní analytický rámec, testovaný pomocí případové studie korporace Volkswagen AG v praktické části textu. Případová studie je omezena časovým obdobím let 2005 - 2014.cs
dc.format88 s. (155 735 znaků)cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rightsPlný text práce je přístupný bez omezení.cs
dc.subjectkorporátní společenská odpovědnostcs
dc.subjectrozvojová studiacs
dc.titleKorporátní společenská odpovědnost jako nástroj rozvoje společnostics
dc.title.alternativeCorporate Social Responsibility as a Tool of Societal Developmenten
dc.typediplomová prácecs
dc.thesis.degree-grantorZápadočeská univerzita v Plzni. Fakulta filozofickács
dc.description.abstract-translatedThe diploma thesis deals with the topic of corporate social responsibility as a possible tool for socio-economic development. The scope of analysis is not limited only to the countries of origin of respective transnational corporations. It also seeks to analyze how or to what extent corporate social responsibility could be possibly perceived as another tool of development overseas. The thesis also attempts to explore if the developmental potential of analysed concept could possibly surpass or substitute traditional developmental tools available to traditional development assistance donors. To reach the proclaimed goals own analytical framework has been crafted using Bank's model of immanent corporate development as a inspiration. The analytical tool could be possibly re-used for analysis of different corporate activities in future. This framework was extensively tested in the analytical part of this particular thesis, focusing on analysis of Volkswagen's socially responsible activities. Analytical framework was thus used as a tool in an extensive case study of Volkswagen agenda in the time frame starting in 2005 till 2014. Which has proven that Volkswagen's conduct in Germany and overseas could be framed as partially developmental. General assumption emanating from this particular analysis also proven that TNC's are willing to act responsibly only in context specific cases and their engagement must be legitimised as a business case with positive impact on company's business. The analysis itself proven the theoretical assumption that corporate social responsibility could be possibly used as a complementary tool for socio-economic development, mainly of middle-income countries. The analysis also proven that social responsibility at least once took form of classical non-official development assistance thus proving the other theoretical assumption that corporations are re-taking some responsibilities of former developmental actors.en
dc.subject.translatedcorporate social responsibilityen
dc.subject.translateddevelopment studiesen
dc.subject.translatedcorporate governanceen
dc.subject.translatedglobal compacten
Vyskytuje se v kolekcích:Diplomové práce / Theses (KAP)

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