Diplomové práce / Theses (KAP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Brejchová, Anna
Irsko a NATO This diploma thesis analyses the relationship between Ireland and NATO. The European states have started to reconsider their own defence after the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Finland and Sweden have become new members of NATO and even in Ireland there was a slight... |
Spěváčková, Lucie
Veřejně-politická debata o jaderné energetice v České republice This diploma thesis presents an analysis of the public-political debate about nuclear energy in the Czech Republic. The thesis focuses on the period 2015-2024, focusing on the last four years. In the first part of the thesis, the relevant actors participating in the debate are... |
Raková, Anna
Diskurzivní konstrukce symbolických nepřátel a othering: Případová studie české politiky The thesis examines the utilization of othering and symbolic enemies in Czech politics on the social media platform Facebook. It is divided into two parts. The theoretical section introduces political discourse in the online environment, the creation of symbolic enemies, and the theory&... |
Krátká, Karolína
Formy nacionalismu v komunikaci ANO, ODS a SPD The thesis focuses on nativism as a form of nationalism. Issues related to definition are described, which is primarily based on what ideological element is prevalent in nativism. Therefore, the thesis discusses these phenomena more in order to be able to show in the analysis&... |
Štěpánková, Iva
Metafory korupce v českých on-line médiích The thesis focuses on the symbolic level of perception of corruption in the Czech Republic and follows the constructivist tradition of corruption research. It describes the problem of defining corrupt behaviour and emphasises the necessity of examining corruption within the framework of ... |
Schejbal, Dominik
České předsednictví v Radě Evropské unie. Analýza ovlivňování agendy The thesis deals with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2022 in the sense of working with the agenda. For the purposes of the thesis, the concept of "Agenda Shaping" as defined by political scientist Jonas Tallberg was chosen. The thes... |
Krešne, Jan
Mezi Ruskem a Čínou: mongolské snahy zajistit vlastní bezpečnost a nezávislost po skončení studené války The main goal of this diploma thesis was to find out how Mongolia has ensured its security and independence since the end of the Cold War. I did so by comparing selected basic strategies that scholars offer to small landlocked countries like Mongolia that are trying ... |
Špičková, Adéla
Jihoafrická republika jako regionální mocnost The topic of the thesis is the rise of South Africa (SA) as a regional power in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Sub-Saharan Africa, there is competition for overall regional dominance among states that have ambitions to become regional powers. South Africa has had to deal with col... |
Tlustá, Sára
Environmentální budování míru: analýza obsahu konceptu a jeho reálného naplňování Environmental peacebuilding is a relatively young concept, but rapidly evolving. It seeks to link reconciliation efforts between opposing actors with the protection of the environment or natural resources. The main goal of my diploma thesis is to map the development of the concept... |
Kepka, Vojtěch
Dezinformace jako nástroj ruské hybridní války: Analýza českého kontextu The paper focuses on pro-Russian narratives in Czech disinformation Telegram channels and discursive strategies used to increase their legitimacy. Russian information pressure on the digital space of the Czech Republic increased after the start of the war against Ukraine. The paper uses ... |
Pojar, Adam
Geopolitický význam Malackého průlivu The thesis analyses the geopolitical importance of the Strait of Malacca at the level of regional and global actors. It presents the Strait of Malacca as an important choke point of the contemporary maritime system and the evolution of its importance throughout history. The pa... |
Vyšínová, Anna
Příčiny trvajícího násilí ve východním Kongu (DRC) The diploma thesis discusses the causes of long-lasting violence in eastern Congo. Collier and Hoeffler's model focusing on the emergence of civil wars is used as a theoretical framework. The model suggests that the main cause is the resource curse, supplemented by several othe... |
Vladyková, Pavla
Konstrukce české národní mytologie v populární kultuře This thesis deals with the construction of Czech national mythology in popular culture with a focus on the myth of the Hussite movement, specifically the figure of Jan Žižka. The main objective is to demonstrate how national myth is reflected, or more precisely, reproduced in&... |
Brůžková, Adéla
Kurdské etnikum a idea vlastního státu The thesis focuses on the situation of Kurds in Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria from the early 1970s to the present. First, the theory of nationalism, on which the whole thesis is based, is briefly mentioned. The thesis then examines each state where Kurds form a signif... |
Paterová, Michaela
Nástroje a dopady švédské feministické zahraniční politiky This thesis focuses on analyzing Swedish feminist foreign policy, its key tools, methods, and impacts on a global level. It presents a comprehensive view of the origin and development of feminist foreign policy worldwide, emphasizing the historical context and political changes that led... |
Benešová, Vendula
Geopolitický význam a vývoj Kašmíru This diploma thesis deals with history and geopolitical significance of Kashmir, whose territory lies between India, Pakistan, China, and Afghanistan. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the geopolitical importance of Kashmir based on its historical development and geopolitical interests of... |
Kalina, Jan
Bezpečnostní a geopolitické dopady dekarbonizace ekonomik EU na země vyvážející fosilní paliva This paper addresses the topic of decarbonisation and the resulting security challenges for fossil fuel exporting countries. In this thesis, the aim is to identify and present the possible risks and threats that the Russian Federation, Norway and Saudi Arabia may face due to t... |
Chumchal, Zdeněk
Americké vojenské základny Grafenwöhr-Vilseck a Ansbach na území Svobodného státu Bavorsko. Interpretativní případová studie vzájemných vztahů vojenských základen a místních samospráv Main goal of this text was to show, through the cases of two US military bases the relationship between the members of the bases and the local municipalities, local inhabitants and other people living and working around the base. In work was mentioned history of the ... |
Kareš, Radek
Bezpečnostní pakt AUKUS My master thesis deals with the topic AUKUS security pact. The AUKUS security pact is a trilateral alliance between Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom that was formed in 2021. The AUKUS pact has two main pillars, the first pillar focuses on... |
Klímová, Anna
Přechod od jednomyslnosti ke kvalifikované většině ve vnějších vztazích EU This thesis aims to investigate the factors that can influence the stance of the Czech Republic regarding the institutional change of introducing qualified majority voting (QMV) in sensitive areas of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union (EU). Using th... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra politologie a mezinárodních vztahů / Department of Politics and International Relations