Katedra aplikované elektroniky a telekomunikací / Department of Applied Electronics and Telecommunications
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Gudovich, Andrei
Realizace elektronkového zesilovače pro kytaru This bachelor thesis deals with the implementation of a low-frequency tube amplifier for electric guitar. The aim of the diploma thesis is determination of the requirements for the techni cal parameters of the guitar tube amplifier and the implementation of equipment that ... |
Bartůněk, David
Vývoj otáčkoměru pro elektrický pohon In the bachelor theses the sensors for measuring speed and angle are described. Furthermore, the work focuses on the development of hardware for IRC sensor, by selecting suitable components and their connections. The signal transmission between the sensor and the microcontroller is carr... |
Hubač, Robert
Širokopásmová dielektrická spektroskopie jako moderní diagnostická technika pro hodnocení dielektrických vlastností pevných a kapalných elektroizolačních materiálů This bachelor's thesis is focused on dielectric measurement using broadband dielectric spectroscopy method. This modern method is confined between electrical engineering, materials science and chemistry field. Its aim is to obtain and evaluate dielectric spectra, which represents frequency and tem... |
Háže, Daniel
Samouzdravující polymery a jejich perspektiva v elektrotechnice This thesis aims to investigate the strategies and application possibilities that are used in the field of self-healing polymers in electrical engineering, which is increasingly involved in modern material engineering. The first chapter is devoted to basic terms in the field of polymers... |
Trojan, Adam
Systém snímání a vyhodnocení polohy pedálů elektrovozidla This bachelor's thesis is focused on the current standards and recommendations in application with sensing the position of the electric vehicle pedals. The thesis summarizes the commonly used principles of sensing the position of the pedal and their alternatives. A selection of a... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- 269 diplomová práce
- 251 bakalářská práce