Diplomové práce / Theses (KEE) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Vurm, Vojtěch
Možnosti použití indukčního ohřevu při povrchovém kalení specializovaných a komplikovaných strojních součástí The present thesis deals with designing an inductor for induction surface hardening of a specific machine component. Due to the complex shape, a classical cylindrical inductor could not be used because of the unfavorable distribution of the electromagnetic field in the groove and o... |
Veselý, Daniel
Vyhodnocení kvality elektrické energie paroplynové elektrárny Počerady 2 This thesis deals with the quality of electricity - it deals with research of relevant standards concerning the quality of electricity and electromagnetic compatibility and then evaluates the quality of electricity at both ends of the transmission line leading from the Počerady 2 p... |
Turek, Jakub
Návrh fotovoltaické elektrárny This master's thesis focuses on the design of a photovoltaic power plant. The aim of the work is to design the parameters of the photovoltaic power plant so that the use of the produced electricity is as efficient as possible with regard to connectivity to the di... |
Gross, Pavel
Návrh dobíjecího hubu pro elektromobily The presented master's thesis on the topic "Design of electric vehicles charging hub" focuses, in its first part, on providing a comprehensive overview of the issues related to electric vehicle charging and charging stations. This section delves into various metho... |
Ullmann, Jan
Návrh elektrické části SMR TEPLATOR The submitted master's thesis deals with the overall design of the electrical part of the SMR TEPLATOR. The first part of the thesis describes critical systems requiring electrical power. Subsequently, the thesis presents the requirements for the design of nuclear facilities. It the... |
Řimnáč, Jan
Návrh budícího systému pro synchronní stroj Diploma thesis deals with design of excitation system for synchronous machine. In the first part it discusses the general theory of excitation systems, what excitation systems consist of and what are the requirements for them. In second part, thesis deals with practical design of... |
Smeták, Jan
Simulace provozu lokální distribuční soustavy v podmínkách ČR This master´s thesis focuses on energy communities and the simulation of operation and billing possibilities between users. The aim of the thesis is to find out a simple system for billing between customers and to create a simulation of energy flows between objects and a ... |
Mencl, Dominik
Provoz fotovoltaického systému ve spolupráci s bateriovým uložištěm (BESS) This thesis deals with the operation of a photovoltaic power plant in cooperation with a battery storage system. In the first part, the legislative regulations for connecting power generation plants to the distribution grid are described. The requirements resulting from the regulations ... |
Mertl, Miroslav
Výpočet rozložení výkonu reaktoru III+ generace This work deals with the issues of nuclear energy in the Czech Republic and describes the development of nuclear reactors according to generations, providing examples of their representatives. The main focus of the work is the description of the core of III+ generation reactors... |
Frasyňuk, Stanislav
Integrace SMR do elektrizační soustavy ČR This master's thesis evaluates the integration of nuclear SMR into the electrical grid of the Czech Republic. Goals of the state strategic documents clearly define the need of big and small nuclear reactors, e.g. small modular reactors (SMRs), where Czech Republic is choosing b... |
Kugel, Lubomír
Návrh a nastavení elektrických ochran synchronního generátoru The thesis focuses on the selection and setting of the protection functions of the generator protection SIPROTEC 5. The thesis presents the general principles of protection and the reasons for its use. Subsequently, a specific generator with its parameters and the connection of the... |
Šiman, Stanislav
Aplikace moderních fotovoltaických systémů In this diploma thesis, I deal with description of the individual components of a modern photovoltaic power plant and the explanation of their functions and purposes. For the chosen model object, I evaluate its existing self-consumption and the possibilities of its optimization with... |
Bůžek, Ondřej
Vyhořelé jaderné palivo z malých modulárních reaktorů This master's thesis focuses on the back-end of the fuel cycle of small modular reactors, which are expected to play a significant role in the transition to emission-free energy sources according to the current energy concept. The main aim of this work is to assess th... |
Chvála, Daniel
Posílení technické infrastruktury stávající distribuční sítě nízkého napětí This Master's thesis focuses on designing reinforcements to the current low-voltage cable network. The reason behind this is the increasing demand for higher electricity consumption. The thesis describes the connection of a new kiosk-type transformer station to the electrical distribut... |
Liška, Marek
Experimentální sestava pro studium tepelného namáhání izolace vinutí This thesis addresses the issue of heating the winding turns of an asynchronous motor and the degradation of its insulation when the permissible temperature is exceeded. The work examines the theoretical aspects of heat transfer and applies them to practical examples of heating in&... |
Černohorský, Pavel
Zemní spojení v distribučních sítích vn - detekce a způsoby chránění těchto sítí The presented diploma thesis is focused on faults in the HV distribution networks, specifically on the ground-faults. The work presents the types of networks and their operation with regard to node grounding. Furthermore, the possibilities of occurrence of faults, their identifi... |
Košuta, Lukáš
Možnosti využití regulačních a kompenzačních zařízení v sítích vn The thesis deals with regulation and compensation devices in MV networks for voltage and current stability, efficiency, and reliability. Firstly, the work deals with theoretical analysis of the power quality, technological principles of power flow control, and regulation of active and reacti... |
Jašíček, Tomáš
Posouzení aplikace tepelného čerpadla s FVE jako doplňkový zdroj tepla v lokalitě TDK This thesis is focused on the design of an additional heat source for the Dvur Králové nad Labem heating plant in the form of a heat pump and a photovoltaic power plant. The first part describes the initial state of heat supply in the given locality. The followi... |
Šonda, František
Scottovo zapojení transformátorů This master thesis is focused on Scott's transformer connection and its properties. In the first part of this thesis describes the ways of connecting the Scott transformer and its properties. Next, we deal with a mathematical description for calculating voltages, currents and power&... |
Voříšek, Jiří
Návrh speciálního autotransformátoru The presented diploma thesis deals with the design of a special autotransformer for the protection of light bulbs in the lighting circuit of the Jawa 555 motorcycle. Its design consists in explaining the principle of operation of the autotransformer, the generation of magnetic flux... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta elektrotechnická / Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- Katedra elektroenergetiky / Department of Electrical Power Engineering