Diplomové práce / Theses (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 142
Brůžek, Pavel
Středověká keramika z počátků 13. století v jihozápadních Čechách (zpracování souboru středověké keramiky z archeologického výzkumu hradu ve Strakonicích)

The subject of this diploma work is to analyze ceramics of the 13th century from the 2nd courtyard of the Strakonice castle. For processing, stratigraphic units containing ceramics corresponding to this period were selected. Functional, technological and decorative elements were monitored.

Valešová, Jana
Archeologický experiment ve formě stavby a vytápění řivnáčské polozemnice

An experiment in the form of the reconstruction of a Řivnáč pit-house was carried out for the thesis. Attention was paid to the consumption of used After the reconstruction of the residential object, it was heat tested - the rating of which is closely related to...

Heřmanová, Lada
Městské vsi a dvory města Plzně ve středověku a novověku - vývoj jejich struktury a teritorializace v zázemí města

The topic of my thesis is aimed to a study of urban villages and courtyards of the City of Pilsen from the Middle Ages to the modern era. We observe the evolution of the rural environment from the foundation of city at the turn of the fourteenth century whe...

Černá, Lenka
Nestandardní deponace dětských ostatků v českém a moravském pravěku a jejich interpretace z hlediska etnohistorických paralel

This master thesis deals with childhood in prehistory, with emphasis on theoretical approaches and methodological study of children in Únětice culture in middle Europe. In the first theoretical part I deal with key concepts like burial practises, rituals, rite, sacrifice which are appli...

Třísková, Jana
Hrady v majetku církevních institucí

The work titled Castles in the possession of ecclesiastical institutions and their role in the Middle Ages and Modern Times focuses on the castle buildings held by various church institutions in Bohemia. Castle objects could have monasteries, Prague bishopric and archbishopric, knights'&...

Behenský, Pavel
Potenciál metod archeologické prospekce pro detekci poškozených mohylových náspů

This thesis examines the possibilities of identifying heavily damaged burial mounds using non-destructive methods of archaeological exploration. For the examined context, the extinct tumulus graveyard of Zelené was chosen, where available archaeological prospective methods were gradually applied in order&#...

Cieślarová, Markéta
Středověká hradiště v Haliči

This thesis is about hillforts in early middle age in Halycz and near the Carpathian Mountains. In this thesis included research on the sacral buildings in this area.

Levý, Václav
Historická krajinná archeologie v regionu jihozápadních Čech (Nepomucko)

The work is focused on monitoring the dynamics of development and transformation of medieval and modern cultural landscape of Nepomuk. The thesis analyzes the basic issues of study in the field of historical landscape and settlement archeology based on the analysis and evaluation o...

Hotová, Lucie
Podvodní archeologie ve střední Evropě.

Developing of underwater archaeology in Central Europe(Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Czech republic) and conservation of underwater archaelogical finds.

Pojarová, Anna
Studium pozůstatků minulé fauny v rámci archeologie

This master thesis introduces the problematics of study of faunal remains in archaeology. It introduces the main theoretical and methodological approaches of this specialization and deals with the development and conditions of integration of this discipline into the archaeological research especi...

Spěváčková, Jana
Fyzikálně-chemické vlastnosti sedimentů a půd v archeologickém výzkumu

The general aim of my thesis is to establish and broaden the general knowledge of geochemical and geophysical properties of soil and sediment concerning archaeological research and the importance of their significance. More specifically, I attempt to describe the importance of numerous ...

Sosnová, Ester
Marxismus ve středoevropské archeologii

This diploma thesis deals with the assessment of the influence of the main theses of Marxism on archaeological research and provides a more comprehensive overview of the development of Czechoslovakian archeology during the Communist regime. It examines the implementation of Marxist theses&#x...

Nožinová, Soňa
Šperky jako součást kroje v době bronzové

The thesis is focused on reconstruct the look of costumes of selected social groups and their communication purpose (social significance, practical function and symbolic sense). One part of this thesis is the relations database which contains deposits from Bohemia. The collected ...

Mastíková, Ivana
Vztahy sídelní a církevní struktury ve středověku v Plzeňském kraji

The aim of this study was to observe the settlement structures in relation to the churches in the early Christian period in the Pilsen region until the 15th century.The work deals with changes in the settlement structure in the Middle Ages in the territory of today's&...

Bartoš, Marek
Kamnářská dílna Georga Kummerera v Chebu v 19. - 20. století

The manufacture of tile stoves was organized by guilds until the middle of the 19th century. After their abolition, private workshops were set up, including the workshop of Georg Kummer in Cheb. The diploma thesis presents the results of archaeological research of this workshop,&#x...

Moravcová, Lucie
Tvrze na Klatovsku

The aim of this diploma thesis is identification and interpretation of strongholds preserved in Klatovy district and part of Domažlice district. Not only the formal and spatial features of the fortresses but also the role in the Czech-Bavarian conflict in the 15th and the begi...

Česalová, Markéta
Hřbitovy západočeského pohraničí - okres Tachov

Currently engaged in research cemeteries German population in the West Bohemian border after 1945 , specifically in the district Tachov . To work was selected fifteen locations at which they were carried out non-destructive archaeological research . The work is then evaluated typologica...

Krausová, Nikola
Archeologie železné opony (vybraný úsek na Chebsku)

Permanent evidence of the criminal nature of the Communist regimes has become the Iron Curtain, which was to seal the Soviet bloc's lands and prevent its citizens from "voting their feet" and escaping to the west. The Iron Curtain marked hundreds of kilometers of ...

Kohoutová, Andrea
Zaniklé kostely v okrese Domažlice za josefinských reforem

The work deals with localisation deserted churches from period of josefinien reforms in district Domažlice. This churches were described, and it was made basic field documentation. In this work was used iconographical and cartographical and archive information. In case of chosen object ...

Loukota, Martin
Potenciál leteckého laserového skenování při identifikaci a dokumentaci nemovitých archeologických památek na příkladu okolí Plas a Střely

This thesis is focused on identification and documentation of archaeological immobile relics with the use of LIDAR. The research was made near Plasy and in the basin of river Střela. Main focus of the thesis was on hillforts.

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 142