Diplomové práce / Theses (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 142
Ježek, Josef
Pseudoarcheologie a její přínos pro archeologii

The magister thesis deals with global phenomenon collectively referred as the "ancient astronaut theory" or "ancient aliens". The sources accumulated in this work are mainly available in pseudoarchaeological fiction. The aim of this thesis is to find out what contribution can&...

Gryčová, Denisa
Archeologie zaniklých vodních děl v jižních Čechách (Archeologický průzkum Velechvínského polesí na Českobudějovicku)

This work is a synthesis of Bohemian fishponds with a focus on southern Bohemia, during the period of the Middle Ages to the Early Modern Period, supplemented by the own research of the defunct ponds in the Velechvínské pole. The thesis will outline the origins of th...

Štulík, Martin
Sídelní areály unětické kultury v Čechách

The presented work focuses on the problems of the settlements areas of the Únětice culture in Bohemia. The aim of the thesis is to collect a sets of settlement component Únětice culture, which is devided on elderly and younger phase of Únětice culture. The firt part ...

Bergerová, Alžběta
Tvrze na jižním Plzeňsku

This diploma thesis conducts a comprehensive comparison of the currently known objects of medieval fortresses in the district Pilsen-South and describes possible connections affecting their spatial and formal characteristics. Property-law relations were also included in the work. The data were th...

Hotová, Lucie
Podvodní archeologie ve střední Evropě.

This work is about underwater archaeology - history, legal protection of undewrwater archaeological localities, conservation of archaeological finds.In the work is decribed the beginning of underwater researches in Central Europe - Switzerland and Germany, Austria, Slovenia.

Cieślarová, Markéta
Středověká hradiště v Haliči

This thesis is about hillforts in early middle age in Halycz and near the Carpathian Mountains. In this thesis included research on the sacral buildings in this area.

Chalánek, Martin
Zaniklá středověká vesnice Zábdiší u Točníku

This diploma thesis about deserted medieval village Zábdiší near Točník. In urban village there was made non-destructive archaeological research that, after documentation of all preserved anthropogenic relicts, tried to answer some of still unanswered questions.

Brůžek, Pavel
Středověká keramika z počátků 13. století v jihozápadních Čechách (zpracování souboru středověké keramiky z archeologického výzkumu hradu ve Strakonicích).

The subject of this diploma work is to analyze ceramics of the 13th century from the 2nd courtyard of the Strakonice castle. For processing, stratigraphic units containing ceramics corresponding to this period were selected. Functional, technological and decorative elements were monitored.

Dvořáková, Radka
Současné hřbitovy na Domažlicku - příspěvek k archeologii modernity

Over the ages, the way of burial and the rituals associated with it has changed many times. However, we cannot deny them the faith or the religion connected with it. Many scholars devote to the phenomenon of death and burial, whether it is a period of prehistoric...

Levý, Václav
Historická krajinná archeologie v regionu jihozápadních Čech (Nepomucko)

The work is focused on monitoring the dynamics of development and transformation of medieval and modern cultural landscape of Nepomuk. The thesis analyzes the basic issues of study in the field of historical landscape and settlement archeology based on the analysis and evaluation o...

Černá, Miroslava
Vesnice zaniklé po roce 1945 na území okresu Plzeň sever

Target of the thesis are villages extinct after 1945 in Pilsen-north district. Within the frame of this work we virtually travelled through entire district and demonstrated historical and nature characteristics of each micro-regions and also historical development of rural architecture in Pi...

Dvořáková, Radka
Současné hřbitovy na Domažlicku - příspěvek k archeologii modernity

Over the ages, the way of burial and the rituals associated with it has changed many times. However, we cannot deny them the faith or the religion connected with it. Many scholars devote to the phenomenon of death and burial, whether it is a period of prehistoric...

Kursová, Lucie
Studium středověké sakrální architektury v sondě severních Čech, se zaměřením na jejich formu a uspořádání sídelní struktury.

The work summarizes the evaluation of the sacral structures on the defined Bohemian probe from three basic points of view. The first point focuses on the style of medieval churches and its changes in the time and space. The second question addresses the relation of church...

Rohanová, Veronika
Archeologické památky východní části CHKO Křivoklátsko ve světle leteckého laserového skenování

The diploma thesis is primarily focused on searching and recording of prehistoric, medieval and modern times archaeological monuments situated in eastern part of CHKO Křivoklátsko.

Bouše, Ondřej
Zaniklá těžba rud v jižní části Slavkovského lesa

This work deals with the research of extinct mining area Kladská/Lysina (Sn ores extraction). This area is situated in south section of Slavkov forest (in the terrain between Mariánské Lázně and Kladská with some west and north owerhands). It will be implemented detailed terra...

Tomášková, Pavla
Tvrze na Vejprnickém potoce

The work deals with the defunct forts Janov, Tlučná and Vejprnice, which are located on Vejprnice brook.

Šebková, Kateřina
Historická krajina severního Stříbrska. Terénní ověřování výsledků leteckého laserového skenování

This work is based on working with lidar data and other available sources, also to evaluate the potential of lidar data for archaeological research and matters that may to affect it. The goal of this work is making a verification terrain research in the northern part ...

Peklová, Michaela
Potenciál metod dálkového průzkumu pro identifikaci a mapování komponent pravěké a historické krajiny Strakonicka

The submitted work deal with issue of identification and mapping components of prehistorical and medieval landscape using metods of remote sensing, especially by airborne laser scanning. The goal of this work was to make a terrain research of the potencial archaeological features in...

Laštůvková, Karolína
Problémy typologického třídění sídelních objektů na pískovci na příkladu sídelní aglomerace Valečov

This thesis deals with Valečov settlement agglomeration that closely borders with castle Valečov that is situated 3.5 km from the city of Mnichovo Hradiště. Main goals of the thesis were making of database with objects, three ground plans and map plan, where are localized obje...

Kozlová, Klára
Archeologie konfliktů 20. století - Zaniklý Vojenský výcvikový tábor Prameny

The theme of this work was to perform non-destructive exploration defunct Military Training Camp Prameny, which is located in Slavkov Forest (district, Cheb). At work I performed mapping for military objects in GIS and it was obtained fairly comprehensive idea of the extent of ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 142