Diplomové práce / Theses (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 142
Kastl, Petr
Hrad a krajina. Hrady česko-bavorského konfliktu 2. poloviny 15. století.

This thesis follows up a research of Czech castles involved into the Czech - Bavarian conflict in the 15th century. This work is focused on Castle location surface survey, including description preserved building elements and fortifications providing. Based on the evaluation LIDAR image...

Junková, Eliška
Zaniklé kostely v okrese Klatovy za josefínských reforem

This thesis is focused on description and localization of religious architecture, which was desecrated in the context of Joseph´s II. reforms in the former Klatovy district. The description also summarizes principal terrain documentation, study of iconography, cartography and archival sources. On...

Chlevišťan, Jiří
Mohylová pohřebiště v krajině: potenciál leteckého laserového skenování při průzkumu jižního Přešticka

Thesis is focused on landscape and spatial content of the burial cemetery in south Přeštice region. It has been used ALS (Airborne laser scanning) data and it has been also tested a potential of this method for identification of archaeological features.

Havlíková, Markéta
Pravěké válečnictví: účel meče ve společnostech doby bronzové

This thesis is concerned with use-wear analysis of Bronze Age swords in Bohemia and with Prehistoric warfare. Warfare has been an important part of communities past and it is important to pay attention to this theme in archaeology. One way is use-wear analysis of prehistoric&#...

Bradová, Martina
Gotické vesnické kostely mezi Plasy a Žihlí

Work is focused on rural Gothic churches in the former estate of the Cistercians in Plasy. Architectural and historical analysis has undergone five standing churches: St. Jan Křtitel in Ostrovec, St. Jan Blažej in Vysoká Libyně, Povýšení St. Kříže in Tis u Blatna, St. Martin&#...

Hauser, Jan
Výzkum hmotné kultury zaniklých středověkých vesnic na Plzeňsku a Rokycansku pomocí detektoru kovů

This work is devoted to the metal artifacts from the last Medieval village Sloupek in Region Rokycany. I was studying found artifacts, that were finded by the metal detector.Finded artefacts were described by the desrciptive system and data were inserted to database, which captures...

Bezděková, Barbora
Kruhový šperk z laténských pohřebišť v horizontu LT B-C

The submitted diploma thesis is dealing with findings of circular jewel coming from the middle La Téne period in a region of Bohemia and Moravia. The aim of the thesis is to briefly introduce the studied topic, to describe a general formal characteristics of this ty...

Judina, Alisa
Problematika jehlic ve starší a střední době bronzové v Čechách

This thesis deals with Pins from the Early and Middle Bronze Age period in Czech part of Czech Republic. It focuses on the topology and chronology of the pins. This thesis deals also with the purpose of artifacts and their symbols. The main goal of this diploma...

Swatzina, Martin
Novověká keramika z trauttmansdorffského paláce Praha – Hradčany

In this thesis will be analyzed Modern Ceramics based on a few selected files from ceramic Archaeological research of Trauttmansdorfského Palace in Prague. As part of the work will be formalized through a description of Synthetic evaluation addressed issues relating to the typology,...

Ulč, Martin
Zrození národa nebo Slovanská etnogeneze v českém archeologickém myšlení (1860 - 1920)

Views on an ethnogenesis of the Slavs in Czech and German archaeological thought between 1860 - 1920.

Visinger, Bohumil
Historická krajina Kdyňska. Terénní ověřování výsledků dálkového archeologického průzkumu

The goal of this work is mainly to make a terrain research in region of Kdyně and then make a database of found archaeological immovable objects with help of lidar data. In the database will be documentation of found objects (or pseudoobjects).

Šilhánek, Tomáš
Vývoj severočeského tradičního domu

Aim of this study is to summarize development of North Bohemian traditional house and to revise current state of knowledge. We mainly focus on field surveys, which helps us to confirm or reject some of known theories. We are also trying to clarify reasons why a woode...

Hamberger, Karel
Kynšperk nad Ohří. Hrad na pomezí Chebska a českého státu

In this dissertation, I discuss a question about it´s constructor. There are probably two options, wich I am trying to prove in this work with evidences. The purpose of this work is evaluation of archeological research from second half of 20th century (1972 - 1974). Resul...

Česal, Jan
Plzeňská čára - nedestruktivní výzkum vybrané části čs. předválečného opevnění

The work follows the course of the West Bohemian fortification line in the second half of the 30s of the 20th century, its fortunes during the German occupation in World War II and the reactivation of work in the 50s and 60s of the 20th century. Furthermore, the...

Větrovec, Vojtěch
"Železná opona" v Československu: Možnosti archeologického poznání bezpečnostních a obranných prvků komunistického režimu v západních Čechách

The thesis´es theme are the archaeological remains of security and defence features of the (Czechoslovak) communist regime in western Bohemia. By using LiDAR scans and other non-destructive methods of landscape archaeology it tries to determine the possibilities of studying these modern reli...

Mařík, Tomáš
Bergfrity českých hradů

The work deals with czech bergfrieds and with issues connected with their form, functions and quality.

Krofta, Tomáš
Nedestruktivní výzkum hradu Třemšín a okolní krajiny

The study is interested in the "Třemšín" castle which is located in Central Bohemia. The main objective is explanation of the construction of the castle at this area and identification of the builder. In the first part of the work is focused on summarization of ...

Urban, Tomáš
Změna sídelní struktury v rámci kolektivizace zemědělství

The big changes were happened in the lanscape in the last 150 years. This topic pursues the changes during agricultere colectivization in the second part of the 20th centrury. Case studies are focus on changes in land use, a potential LiDAR for detection objects and analy...

Javorčíková, Katarína
Nedestruktivní výzkum v Bělčicích a čtyřúhelníková ohrazení mladší doby železné

The main aim of this master thesis is non-destructive archaeological excavation of squaring closer (viereckschanze) Bělčice. The next part will concern of modern ways, how to document our locality in the context of contemporary settlement and landscape. For this purpose will be create&#...

Čibera, Jan
Topografie novověké nezemědělské výroby na vybraných lokalitách Českého lesa

The thesis deals with the topography of non-agricultural production of the northern part of the National park Bohemian Forest from the period of industrial expansion (during the 17th to 19th century). Specific territorial scope covers the area of the former Tachov estate, farmhouse ...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 142