Diplomové práce / Theses (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 142
Cikán, Martin
Hrad Starý Rybník

Main purpose of this work was revision of research which took place at the castle of Starý Rybník(Altenteich) in 1973 and research of polyfunctional building which is directly related with Castle and also survey of courtyard and its immediate background. Documentation was made it&#...

Přemyslovská, Petra
Raně středověká kostěná industrie na příkladu nálezů ze Staré Plzně

Documentation and detailed assessment of bone and antler artifacts from Old Pilsen compared with Czech early medieval bone and antler industry.

Heklová, Michaela
Středověké osídlení jižních Brd a jejich podhůří

This thesis dealt with the medieval settlement of the south Brdy region from the beginnings of Slavic settlement to the end of the 15th century. The main part of the paper summarized the current state of research on the analysis of all available sources, especially from&#...

Říhová, Zuzana
Mosul očima evropských cestovatelů 16. - 19. století

This diploma thesis is dedicated to composing the image of medieval and early modern Mosul during the 16th-19th century. Descriptions from the set of travelogues of European travelers from the 16th to 19th century are used for closer look to the different objects in the c...

Ventrubová, Eliška
Lovná zvěř jako archeologický pramen

Energy and nutritional values were used to create mathematical model to analyze subsistencial strategy of Magdalenian population as well as phenomenons related to nutrition (demography and migration of population, seazonality and function of sites).

Šnobl, Jan
Hradiště Třemšín a krajina jižních Brd - archeologický průzkum marginální oblasti

The thesis primarily deals with Třemšín hillfort which was not chronologicaly placed yet. The site was explored through a broad range of non-destructive and less-destructive archaeological methods. Included are also results of the survey of the hillfort´s surrounding area.

Kudlič, Josef
Sídelní struktura v mladším eneolitu

Knowledge from available literature about settlement structure in the Late Eneolithic period has been summarized for the region of Czech republic and the Middle-European states in this thesis. The lack of settlements from this prehistoric period was recorded in this area. Spatial analys...

Kožešníková, Dominika
Komunikace archeologie s veřejností

This diploma thesis deals with problems of the communication between archaeology and the general public. It focuses on basic information about the relationship between archeology and the general public. Information comes from publications of regional, national and international literature, written...

Hobl, Luboš
Keramický soubor z hradu Gutštejna (okr. Tachov)

This thesis dealt with pottery assemblage from the Gutštejn castle. The ceramic material had been obtained during archaeological researches in the years 1997 to 2001. We were able to state chronological model during our research which was created on the basis of analogical pottery&...

Holá, Tereza
Fenomén pohřbívání na sídlištích v době bronzové

The subject of this thesis is buried in settlement context during the Bronze Age. This work creates a general overview of the incidence of human skeletal remains in the settlements objects from Bohemia and Moravia. Part of this work was to create a catalog of sites w...

Kondelík, Michal
Amatérská archeologie v České republice

The aim of this thesis is to provide comprehensive information about amateur archaeological researches in Czech republic. There are approached selected individual archaeological personalities who worked in Czech Republic since the beginning of the research until the present. The next section ...

Fleisnerová, Lenka
Fortifikace doby bronzové v České republice

This diploma thesis pursue the development of fortifications and constructions in the Bronze Age on the territory of the Czech Republic. The theoretical part summarizes the terminology and methods of detection of the fortified sites. There is summarized the current knowledge and theoret...

Havelková, Markéta
Studium artefaktů v rámci genderové archeologie

The topic of this work is the study of artefacts in the archaeology of gender. Gender in the context of archaeology is a relatively new topic. The work focuses on mapping and assessment of theoretical and methodological approaches applied in the study of artefacts within ...

Eberlová, Zdeňka
Drobné předměty kruhového tvaru doby bronzové a železné v Čechách

This thesis is concerned with finds of small circular artifacts, that occur most frequently in the Bronze and Iron Age. Foremost it examines finds from the area of Czech Republic, but in order to comparision, it has a respect to the artifacts from neighbouring Middle-Eur...

Bezděková, Barbora
Kruhový šperk z laténských pohřebišť v horizontu LT B-C

The thesis of this diploma deals with the findings of circle jewelry originating from the middle "La Tene period" in Bohemia and Moravia. Its aim is to characterize these findings, to discover the potential of the information found and find answers to the questions a...

Kruftová, Kateřina
Kostel sv. Anny na Vršíčku u Horšovského Týna v kontextu pozdně gotické sakrální architektury západních Čech

This work deals with the Historic Bilding Investigation and Recordinng St. Anne church on the Vršíček hill at Horšovský Týn. Describes the late Gothic in the Czech Republic through the most important buildings of this period. Based on their analysis then determines the characters&#...

Polívková, Lenka
Problematika obydlí v době bronzové a době halštatské

The aim of the work is knowledge the issue of housing in the Bronze Age and Hallstatt period. The thesis follows what types of questions were dwelling in the Bronze Age and Hallstatt period. Furthermore examined the development of housing in different cultures and their s...

Polívková, Lenka
Problematika obydlí v době bronzové a době halštatské

The aim of the work is knowledge the issue of housing in the Bronze Age and Hallstatt period. The thesis follows what types of questions were dwelling in the Bronze Age and Hallstatt period. Furthermore examined the development of housing in different cultures and their s...

Čermáková, Kateřina
Města jako centrální místa českého středověku

This diploma thesis is focused on application of economic and geographic theories in study of medieval town structure. Preface chapters are concerned on describing geographical and economic theories (particularly the Central Place Theory) and showing some examples of their successful application&...

Súkeník, Jakub
Pohřební textilie Ferdinanda I., Maxmiliána II., Anny Jagellonské a Eleanory z jejich hrobů v katedrále sv. Víta a rekonstrukce jejich střihů

The thesis summarizes available information about funeral outfits of Ferdinand I., Maxmillian II., Anne Jagellon and Eleonor. Other than that, a short outline of the funeral outfit of Rudolph II. is present. The work thematically follows the previous bachelor's thesis. The goals are...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 81 až 100 z 142