Diplomové práce / Theses (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 142
Súkeník, Jakub
Pohřební textilie Ferdinanda I., Maxmiliána II., Anny Jagellonské a Eleanory z jejich hrobů v katedrále sv. Víta a rekonstrukce jejich střihů

The goal of this thesis is to gather available information about funeral garments of Ferdinand I., Anne Jagiellonian, Maxmilian II., Rudolph II. and archduchess Eleonor. Another goal is to interpret the cut patterns of these outfits. Finally, the thesis tries to evaluate the curren...

Makovcová, Hana
Raně středověké prsteny jako šperk a symbol v kontextu střední Evropy

Diploma thesis deals with early mediaeval fingerrings from area of the Czech republic. Describe their development in type and decoration during time. Results from the area of Czech republic compare with chosen european areas. Work try to find connection between these areas. Work al...

Boušková, Žaneta
Problematika osídlení jižních Čech v době laténské

The work was focused on the settlement of South Bohemia in the La Tene period. The main thrust was given knowledge of settlement areas and objects. Monitoring of issues was also linked to the mineral resources and communication routes. Little attention has been paid to th...

Burdová, Veronika
Urbanismus ve starověkém Egyptě: charakter a vývoj městské zástavby ve 4.-2. tisíciletí př. n. l.

The diploma work is focused on character and development of urban fabric in 4th-2nd millenium BCE, particularly 2700-1069 BCE, in the area of ancient Egypt. In these historical periods ancient Egyptian society was formed by similar schemes. Individual segments of this development, such&...

Pařez, Jan
Novověké železářství v Novohradských horách

Research of deserted iron hammers and ironworks in Novohradske mountains.

Makovcová, Hana
Raně středověké prsteny jako šperk a symbol v kontextu střední Evropy

Diploma thesis deals with early mediaeval fingerrings from area of the Czech republic. Describe their development in type and decoration during time. Results from the area of Czech republic compare with chosen european areas. Work try to find connection between these areas. Work al...

Augustýnová, Markéta
Doklady metalurgie bronzu doby bronzové v Čechách a jejich informační potenciál

This thesis is concerned with the evidence of metallurgy of the bronze in the Bronze Age in Bohemian part of the Czech Republic. Its aim was an attempt to gather these evidence and to deal with their critical evaluation in sense of their possible statement about the&...

Baier, Ondřej
Hrad Frumštejn a jeho bezprostřední ekonomické zázemí

The work deals with the nondestructive research of the castle Frumštejn and its surroundings. The research work is available written sources, a geodetic survey, a surface collections and topographic survey for the identification and documentation of anthropogenic activities.

Kašák, Karel
Hlubinné dobývání zlata v Kašperských Horách

This thesis presents a summary of current discoveries of mining activities on the property of former royal mining town Kašperké Hory. The work presents the archaeological research of the years 2008-2010, which has revealed relics of the mining works in the area of the city.

Krasanovská, Hana
Výroba a distribuce keramiky ve městech 13. - 15. století

On the area of east-western Bohemia (with an overlap to north-western Bohemia) an areal distribution of concrete technologically-morphological groups of kitchen ceramics will be tracked, with the emphasis on development over time as well as in synchronous perspective. With the help of s...

Plíšková, Lucie
Kultura kulovitých amfor v oblasti Polska

The aim of the work is characterizing the Globular Amphorae Culture in the area of Poland. Individual parts of the work pursue history of research, geographic expansion in Europe, chronology, settlement, economy, etc. Large part of the work is given to the burial rite and ...

Váňa, Martin
Archeologie vesnic zaniklých ve 20. století: Vesnice postižené vznikem vodních nádrží

Work is focused on villages which were transformated by water reservoirs during 20th century. It follows the influence of attributes of this reservoirs on archaeological transformations. In this work the survey of deserted villages Skoky and Mlýňany have been done.

Budač, Michal
Středověké osídlení Sedlčanska

This thesis is aiming its attention to Sedlčany medieval region. Key data which were analyzed here are based mainly on written sources and archaeological excavations. First part of this paper is interested in medieval settlement of monitored region and makes a description of import...

Kohout, Matěj
Hrad Falštejn a jeho bezprostřední hospodářské zázemí

This work deals with defunct medieval castle Falštejn. Aim of the work is to gather historical and archaeological evidence concerning the castle, geodetic survey (its outcome will be 3D modelation of the castle remains) and surface collections, that could help with dating of origin...

Maxová, Eliška
Antropofagie v době bronzové na území Čech: mýtus nebo skutečnost?

This thesis is concentrated on problems with suspected existence of cannibalism in Bronze Age Bohemia. We tried to resolve this problems from etnographic, archaeological and bioarchaeological perspectives. On basis of selected osteological material, we can not agrre with arguments about existence...

Kašparová, Hana
Dětství ve středověku z pohledu archeologie

This thesis is addressing the issue of childhood in the Middle Ages. The first part pursues the goal of a theoretical introduction into the field of childhood in the past. The emphasis is on the definition of the subject at matter, research history and the questions...

Kyselková, Eliška
Symbolika korálků s očky v době železné

This paper examines the symbolism of the eye-beads. Sanža compare with existing symbolic theory, the Evil Eye, with a new interpretation of the moon-solar symbolism that could be with beads attached with eye-beads. It also outlines the possibility of interpretation non-symbolicfunctions of&#...

Bulová, Alena
Porovnání pohřebního ritu evropského mezolitu a neolitu

This paper is focused on recognition of mortuary practices in european mesolithic and elder neolithic. This habitual practises are examined in detail and both periodes one to each other compare. Vector analysis was used To finding some structures in grave.

Novák, David
Tvrze v okolí Křivoklátského loveckého hvozdu

Thesis is aimed at better understanding of area of Krivoklatsko and its wider surroundings on the base of small mansions of nobility. The work consists of solid database of those objects and their statistical analysis in terms of factor analysis and another methods. As a ...

Dalihodová, Erika
Vývoj a prostorové uspořádání vybraných hřbitovů na území dnešní Plzně

The work deals with the development of the cemetery Under The All Saints in Pilsen - Roudná. And searches spatial structure within the complex. This issue is a kind of archeology challenge. It is not no reason to wait for sights to be destroyed and left them alm...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 101 až 120 z 142