Diplomové práce / Theses (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 121 až 140 z 142
Kašparová, Hana
Dětství ve středověku z pohledu archeologie

This thesis is addressing the issue of childhood in the Middle Ages. Because of the nature of this issue, the most common place to encounter it are the graveyards and burial grounds, the thesis focuses largely on them. The first part pursues the goal of a theoretical...

Sadravetzová, Magdaléna
Středověká a novověká kolonizace Vimperska

This work describes principles and dynamics of colonization of Vimperk region. The first part of the study contains general analyses of the whole Vimperk region from the history, geography, villages' ground plans or ethno ecology point of view. The second part of the work ...

Nováková, Veronika
Textilní výroba v době bronzové až halštatské

This paper is focused on observing textile production in the Bronze Age and Hallstatt period.Introductory chapters deal with general characteristics of the textile production including basics of these technologies of manufacturing and overview of up-to-now knowledge about archaeological textile from&#...

Žaloudková, Martina
Kovové pohřební milodary střední doby bronzové v Čechách

The work is focused on metal funeral alms in the middle Bronze Age in Bohemia. The first part deals with the definition of sources, history and basic research periodization. It also deals with the emergence tumulus cultures in different regions of Bohemia. Separate chapters ar...

Štádler, Jakub
Fenomén střídání kostrového a žárového pohřebního ritu v pravěku

Paper focuses on changes in the burial rite in the Czech and Moravian Prehistory. Development of the burial rite from its beginning in the younger phase of the Middle Paleolithic (only in form of foreign analogies) up to arrival of the Slavonic tribes (Migration period) i...

Štádlerová, Andrea
Genderové přístupy v evropské archeologii

The work deals with the study of gender approaches in European archeology. The theoretical part focuses on the archeology of gender characteristics (origin and development, addressing themes, methods). The practical part is based on a database of relevant literature and focuses on the&#...

Vlková, Monika
Vybrané aspekty pohřebního ritu milavečské kultury

The dissertation focuses on the burial grounds with the evidence of mound funerals of Milavče culture in Western Bohemia. Its object is to follow the specific funeral rite of this prehistoric population. It deals with the internal study of the necropolis, particulary with the...

Kaňka, Jan
Fortifikační systém hradu Andělská Hora a jeho vývoj

Andělská Hora castle occupies a highly visible place belong newly constructed castles of 14/15th century which is typical for a feverish seeking of effective defense against developing gunpowder weapons. Castles of 15th century were subjected to strong endurance test, in which they ...

Štádlerová, Andrea
Genderové přístupy v evropské archeologii

The work deals with the study of gender approaches in European archeology. The theoretical part focuses on the archeology of gender characteristics (origin and development, addressing themes, methods). The practical part is based on a database of relevant literature and focuses on the&#...

Mašek, Jan
Problematika jednodílných hradů v Čechách

The aims of thesis are complex evaluations of problems single core castles in Bohemia. It describes its definition and geography. The thesis is researched its connections to the settlement, site location, period of creation, person builder and other. Two microregions are comparated -&#x...

Brejcha, Roman
Pohřebiště ve Vratislavském paláci v kontextu raně středověkých funerálních aktivit malostranského suburbia

The aim of this thesis is twofold. The mail goal is to present the results of the archeological rescue excavation from Vratislav Palace, 366/III Tržiště street, on Lesser Town which was realized by National Herritage Institute of Prague ? PÚPP (contemporary called Národní pamá...

Hora, Josef
Tvorba a využití archeologických mapových serverů

Work documents, describes and evaluates the map service accessible by the Internet created in the Czech archaeological workplaces.This services are then compared. The information obtained is used for cooperation in the management of map services operated by the department KAR ZCU and cr...

Havlová, Dominika
Vyobrazení artefaktů v gotické nástěnné malbě

The thesis deals with iconographical depiction of artefacts in Gothic mural painting. It seeks links between preserved artefacts and their depiction in mural painting. Based on preserved material sources it strives to evaluate credibility and degree of realism in particular depiction. It...

Budač, Michal
Středověké osídlení Sedlčanska

This work is interested about medieval region Sedlčany. The analysis used data which are based on written sources and archaeological researches. This work is interested about medieval settlement of region and make a description of important medieval aglomerations Sedlčany, Sedlec, Prčice, Vy...

Bendová, Michaela
Archeologický průzkum Řezenské cesty

The work focuses on the reconstruction the paths Regensburg particular period, which begins in Starý Plzenec and ends at the border of the Czech Republic in the early Middle Ages. The aim of this work is to determine the current state of research through written and ...

Bártová, Petra
Picí servisy v době halštatské a časné době laténské

This work focuses on drinking services and drinking practices during the Early Hallstatt and Early Latene Period. Discussed are issues related to drinking customs and their role within the society. Attention is paid to possible function of vessels, too. A part of work is datab...

Bulková, Martina
Kostely tepelského panství

This work was focused on churches, which was built or rebuilt by the Premonstratensian monastery in Teplá. Architectural and historical analysis were subjected to 22 existing and extinct churches. These buildings were compared according to their form. In the group there are church...

Dalihodová, Erika
Vývoj a prostorové uspořádání vybraných hřbitovů na území dnešní Plzně

This work in general deals with the development of burial, cemeteries and tombstones , but also how to deal with the deads and the perception of death and funeral rituals in the past.Followed by focusing on selected cemetery All Saints in Plzeň - Roudná, made their h...

Štádler, Jakub
Fenomén střídání kostrového a žárového pohřebního ritu v pravěku

This paper proposes to map changes in burial rite in the entire Bohemian as well as Moravian Prehistory. Development of burial rite from its beginnings in the younger phase of the Middle Paleolithic (only in form of foreign analogies) until arrival of the Slavs (Migration ...

Burianová, Petra
Znázornění ženy v době kamenné

This work presents the most often hypotheses about symbolical meaning and social significance of women representation in the Stone Age. It also includes the view on artifact?s practical functions with use of interaction modes and in addition it deals with find?s contexts. This pape...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 121 až 140 z 142