Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Polák, Michal
Vyšetřování optických a strukturních vlastností tenkých vrstev Cu\dindex{2}O dopovaných dusíkem This bachelor thesis examines optical and structural properties of transparent conductive oxides (TCO), particularly copper oxides enhanced with nitrogen atoms. Basics of TCO theory and techniques for measuring their parameters are explained, specifically ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy. Those are ... |
Lucák, Lukáš
Charakterizace elektrických vlastností tenkovrstvých polovodičů na bázi Cu-O and Cu-O-N This bachelor thesis focuses on the investigation of the electrical properties of copper oxide thin films doped with nitrogen (Cu-O, Cu-O-N) in two series of samples with different deposition conditions. Resistivity, charge carrier concentration and mobility were measured on square samples u... |
Baštářová, Barbora
Studium chování tenkovrstvých kovových skel W-Zr za zvýšených teplot In the bachelor thesis, the effect of heating temperature in the air on the structure and properties of the W-Zr thin-film alloys was examined. Three W-Zr thin-film alloys with different Zr content were examined (32 at.% Zr, 48 at.% Zr and 61 at.% Zr). The films were... |
Vosejpka, Jan
Studium elektrických a elektrochemických vlastností tenkovrstvých materiálů pro rozklad vody This bachelor thesis deals with photoelectrochemical water splitting and hydrogen production. First, it discusses the photocatalytic decomposition of substances with a focus on water, including the conditions for the course of chemical reactions. Subsequently, it deals in detail with the photoele... |
Němcová, Veronika
Diagnostika magnetronového výboje pomocí cavity ring-down spektroskopie The bachelor's thesis deals with the determination of the particle state concentrations of titanium atoms and ions. The development of these concentrations on the power of the discharge is determined using the cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) method. The theoretical part of... |
Kučera, Petr
Nalezení optimální konfigurace vzorku pro přesné měření elektrických vlastností tenkovrstvých materiálů na bázi směsi oxidových nanočástic This bachelor thesis deals with an investigation of an optimal sample configuration for an accurate measurement of electrical properties of thin-film materials based on a mixture of oxide nanoparticles. So far, the sensing properties of thin-film oxide materials have been successfully measur... |
Hodan, Ondřej
Charakterizace vlastností magnetronově naprašovaných vrstev na bázi kovových skel This bachelor thesis is focused on examination of mechanical properties gained by nanoindentation analytical methods of metallic glass thin films prepared by magnetron sputtering. Four Zr-Cu-N based samples were prepared with various Cu-N content. Their composition and structure was determined by... |
Koloros, Jan
Vliv geometrie vzorku na přesnost měření elektrických vlastností tenkovrstvých transparentních vodivých oxidů This bachelor's thesis is focused on the investigation of the influence of the sample geometry on the measured values of resistivity and concentration of charge carriers in thin layers of transparent conductive oxides. Different geometries are investigated on two transparent conductive o... |
Hendrych, Ondřej
HiPIMS depozice vrstev CrN This paper focuses on thin CrN films deposited by High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS), especially on the effects of negative substrate bias on the growth of thin films and their properties. A single thin film was deposited without a substrate bias and six were... |
Hantová, Kamila
Předpověď struktury vrstev ZnO vytvářených atom po atomu pomocí klasické molekulární dynamiky This work deals with the modeling of ZnO thin film using classical molecular dy- namics. Interaction between atoms is described by the method of empirical poten- tial. The simulation was done using LAMMPS software. Individual zinc and oxygen atoms arrived on the ZnO crystalline... |
Teřl, Vít
Počítačové modelování pulzního vysokovýkonového magnetronového výboje pro depozici vrstev The presented thesis is focused on the ionization of different atoms by secondary electrons in high power impulse magnetron sputtering used for thin film deposition. A computer model was developed for this task. In the first part, the principles and development of high power i... |
Čurda, Pavel
Vysokovýkonová pulzní reaktivní magnetronová depozice termochromických vrstev na bázi VO2 This thesis is focused on reactive deposition of V1-xWxO2 thin films using High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering and their thermochromic properties. Shortages of current VO2 thin films and posibilities of future solutions are given. Possible solutions are the use of anti-reflexive coating ... |
Dvořák, Tomáš
Studium vlastností tenkých vrstev na bázi multiprvkových kovových skel This bachelor thesis is focused on the study of properties of thin films based on multi-component metallic glasses. The influence of Al and Si doping in two series of ZrHfAl/SiCu layers on the phase composition, thermal, mechanical and surface properties and on electrical resi... |
Macháňová, Pavla
Předpověď struktur multiprvkových kovových vrstev vytvářených atom po atomu pomocí klasické molekulární dynamiky This paper presents modeling of thin layer CuZr using classical molecular dynamics. Interactions among atoms were described with empirical potentials. The simulations were done using the LAMMPS program. Single atoms Cu and Zr were deposited on crystalline Cu substrate. I focused ... |
Bělohoubek, Marek
Simulace transportu rozprášených atomů v magnetronových výbojích The main subject of this thesis is a simulation of transport of neutral particles in magnetron discharges at low pressure. It focuses on processes in the specified geometry and describes interaction of argon process gas with the sputtered metal. The theory of magnetron sputtering... |
Kaufman, Michal
Vysokovýkonová pulzní reaktivní magnetronová depozice termochromických vrstev na bázi VO2 This thesis is focused on the reactive deposition of VO2 thermochromic thin films using High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HiPIMS). It describes the unique properties of this oxide, the method of its synthesis using the Reactive Gas Flow Control (RGFC) and the possibility of ... |
Lerchová, Tereza
Parametrické modelování pulzního vysokovýkonového magnetronového výboje pro depozici vrstev At the beginning, the presented bachelor's thesis is focused on the plasma medium and plasma technologies. Next, it describes the current state in the field of modelling of plasma discharges during the deposition of thin films. This chapter also contains a brief description of&... |
Matas, Martin
Modelování vlivu kinetické energie atomů kovu a kyslíku na růst krystalických oxidů Classical molecular dynamics using the Buckingham empirical potential was employed to optimize some technical parameters of the simulation procedure, and then to simulate the growth of Al2O3 thin films on alpha-Al2O3 (0001) substrate at 300 K. Crystallinity of the films obtained was inv... |
Benešová, Martina
Počítačová simulace procesů na terči během reaktivního magnetronového naprašování This thesis studies processes on a target during reactive magnetron sputtering. The theory of reactive magnetron sputtering and the methodology of simulations of atomic scale processes on the target are summarized and also SDTrimSP program is described in the first part of the thes... |
Kubásek, Tomáš
Multikomponentní keramické vrstvy připravené pulzním magnetronovým naprašováním This thesis deals with hard multicomponent thin films M-B-C-N (M = Ti, Zr, Hf) prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering. Four films in total were created and their elemental and structural compositions, mechanical properties and electrical resistivity were measured. The focus of this... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta aplikovaných věd / Faculty of Applied Sciences
- Katedra fyziky / Department of Physics