Diplomové práce / Theses (KKY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 179
Široký, Dan
Detekce anomálií stavů turbíny v datech systému RMS

This thesis deals with the task of remote monitoring and diagnostics of rotating machines, industrial steam turbines in particular. Its goal is to design a software solution for anomaly detection in an area where high volumes of data are encountered. Successful anomaly detection is...

Žán, Vilém
Pokročilé nástroje pro interaktivní návrh jednoduchých regulátorů

The aim of this thesis is to develop tools for process model identification, robust controller design for processes with uncertainty, and closed-loop performance optimization in the time domain. In the first part, the control theory used in the author's ap...

Vladař, Lukáš
Analýza velikosti dat pro neurální syntézu řeči

The aim of this thesis is to describe the impact of the amount of used training data on the quality of the speech generated by a neural synthesizer. Another goal is to answer how the use of pretrained neural models can affect the quality of the final speech....

Wébr, David
Metody rychlého prediktivního řízení pro mechatronické systémy

The main aim of this thesis is to study the methods of fast predictive control. At the beginning of this thesis it is described the principle of the predictive control in the standard form. In this form of predictive control it is necessary to solve the optimization&...

Trejbal, Jan
Numerická řešení bayesovských vztahů v úloze terénní navigace

The thesis deals with the problem of state estimation of stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems. The aim of this thesis is to determine the optimal location of the points of numerical methods for solving Bayesian recursive relations. Numerical methods for solving Bayesian relations...

Špirk, Michal
Metody moderní teorie řízení pro návrh regulátorů elektromechanických soustav

This thesis focuses on the modern control theory of low damped electromechanical systems. The aim is to acquaint with modern methods of automatic control and develope an appropriate method for designing complex compensators and also compare the quality of control between complex and...

Zieba, Jakub
Využití strojového překladu v úlohách porozumění textu

This paper analyzes the usage of machine translation in natural language understanding tasks. It explores the possibilities of using Czech machine translation of English datasets for training machine learning models and their application on natural language inference tasks. It uses online ma...

Šmíd, Matěj
Data and hybrid models of dynamical systems

This thesis presents a hybrid approach for modeling and of dynamics by combining first principles modeling and data-driven modeling. An unique property of the RGP is exploited, namely that it is able to fit the dynamics online, without the need for a training run, ...

Majer, Tomáš
Odhad pózy zvířat pomocí metod hlubokého učení

The goal of the thesis is to study, use and evaluate the animal pose estimation methods. These methods are to be used on the novel Lynx-Pose dataset introduced in the thesis. The thesis consists of an introduction to the animal pose estimation theoretical basis and...

Bosák, Michael
Hardware-in-the-loop simulace mobilního robotického systému

This thesis is focused on the development of ROS2-based AGV platform IOT Bot's HIL simulation. In the beginning, the kinematic model of robotic system computing its current position and orientation in 2D space is built. This model and the dynamic model of robot's wheels'...

Kölbl, Lukáš
Automatická klasifikace objektů z obrazových dat

In recent years, the use of automatic surveillance devices called camera traps has become widespread. These devices are used to collect information needed to monitor different ecosystems. With the acquisition of a large amount of data, there is a time burden on researchers and ...

Müller, Luděk
Detekce hudby a řeči v rozhlasových nahrávkách

This thesis aims to design and experimentally test a new optimal method of a voice-activity-detector, which should add successfully solve the task of automatically determining the beginnings and ends of radio broadcasts programs for the purpose of their seamless display on the&#x...

Honzík, Tomáš
Kvasinkové systémy pro programovatelnou degradaci proteinů

The design of multicellular biological yeast circuits usually relies on pheromone signaling. It is well established to use natural mating signaling as a~backbone of the information transmission from one cell to another. Such designs typically use an activated form of the transcription f...

Malina, Milan
Návrh, realizace a automatické řízení prototypu bezpilotního letounu

The master's thesis Design, assembly and automatic control of unmanned aerial vehicle prototype is divided into eight sections. First, construction of a mode aircraft is described. Second, the development of avionics components of this aircraft is described. That is followed ...

Železný, Tomáš
Popis obrázků pomocí metod hlubokého učení

In this work, I discuss an automatic image captioning technique based on an existing method Oscar. Using a Faster-R-CNN detection network, I pre-process the images so that they can be further used by Oscar. By combining these two methods, I create a pipeline that allows m...

Váverka, Jan
Design of a Cable-Driven parallel manipulator for pick&place applications

In this thesis the theory and construction of a wire robot is discussed, in- cluding the analysis of the workspace, inverse and forward kinematic tasks, trajectory generation, software model and constructing a physical model to show the theory in the real world.

Varáčková, Andrea
Návrh systému bezznačkové rozšířené reality

This diploma thesis deals with marker-less augmented reality (AR). The scope of this thesis is to introduce and explain AR, use of it and methods used for its creation. Those methods include feature detectors and descriptors, feature tracking through individual frames, visual odometry,&...

Šafránek, Vojtěch
Mobilní aplikace fotoaparátu využívající prvky umělé inteligence

In my diploma thesis I deal with the design and develop of a camera application for mobile devices with the Android operating system. The application will use the key points in the slides for different types of tasks. The application will remove the objects in movement&#x...

Kučera, Martin
Genetické algoritmy v úloze obchodního cestujícího

The subject of this diploma thesis is genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are a type of random search supported by a heuristic in the form of a fitness function that imitates the natural process of evolution. We will analyze their performance in the travelling salesman prob...

Sieber, Matěj
Analýza stavu stolního fotbálku a predikce jeho změny na základě obrazových dat

This work aims to design an agent to play a mechatronic model of table football. This work is divided into two parts theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of this work presents reinforcement learning methods, a simulation environment in ROS in combination with Gazebo,...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 179