Diplomové práce / Theses (KKY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 192
Fehér, Marek
Identifikace dynamických vlastností kompozitního materiálu

This diploma thesis deals with the identification of dynamic properties of composite material. Initially, the thesis focuses on the reasons for modelling material properties. Some of system identification methods which are used for identification experiments are described in the next part.&...

Franče, Zdeněk
Optimální hybridizační poměr paralelního hybridního pohonu

This diploma thesis deals with the optimal control strategy of split factor of the parallel hybrid drivetrain. Split factor determines how the torque demand is split between the internal combustion engine and electric motor at every time step. The goal of the optimal control s...

Faist, Jiří
Vývoj nástrojů architektury orientované na služby pro vestavné řídicí systémy

The goal of this work is to explain the benefits and the use case of web services together with the creation of a web service for simple access to data from the Rex control system. In the first chapter there is an analysis of web service technologies with f...

Bugoš, Michal
Pokročilé řízení kaskády kotlů

This master thesis deals with design of sequence controller of boilers. Summarizes information about control systems for HVAC (Heating, ventilating and air-conditioning), especially about control of boilers and sequence control of boilers.At first, a mathematical model is derived from real heat&#...

Dlouhý, Martin
Datová analýza a simulátor rychlostí větru z veřejně dostupných dat

This thesis examines the statistical properties of wind speed. The essential part is the wind speed data analysis and comparison predictions from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (www.chmi.cz) and the Norwegian server www.yr.no. As another part was created simulator wind speed.

Bouberle, Antonín
Lokalizace zadírání v rotačních strojích

The thesis deals in detail with the problem of localizing the contact area of the rotating and stationary parts of steam turbine. This is a very undesirable phenomenon that is called rubbing. In the first part of the thesis there is an analysis of the signals obtaine...

Matura, Martin
Fonetická segmentace řeči a možnosti její automatické korekce

This thesis is continuation of my bachelor's thesis named Automatic Correction of Phonetic Segmentation of Speech. It in detail describes regression approach which I used to correct boundaries of automatically segmented phonemes. There is going to be a lot of experiments in order&#x...

Popule, Tomáš
Řízení pohybu víceosých robotických manipulátorů

This thesis deals with controlling of robotics manipulators and dynamics parameter identification. First of all, the kinematics and the dynamics models for robotic manipulator AGEBOT are derived. In the next part of the thesis dynamics model identification of this manipulator is analyzed.&#x...

Neduchal, Petr
Návrh a testování metod vizuální simultánní lokalizace a mapování

This thesis deals with analysis and design of visual simultaneous localization and mapping methods. It describes mathematical principles of the problem and it focuses on the special case called monocular simultaneous localization and mapping. The paper contains description of testing landmark...

Chaluš, Michal
Vývoj nástroje pro řízení a podporu vyhodnocení experimentů ve středně-rychlostním aerodynamickém tunelu

The thesis deals with the development of the tool for the control and the analysis of experiments which are carried out on the test stand for blade cascades. The control application consists of the manual control, automatic measurement and data visualization. In the next part&...

Gruber, Ivan
Rozpoznávání lidské tváře využitím hloubkových dat a 3D modelu

This thesis is focused on methods of capturing, editing and subsequent classification of three-dimensional shape data of a human face. There is also described an algorithm for fitting 3D data captured by device Xbox360 Kinect to model created by University in Basel, which is m...

Čechura, Tomáš
Mobilní robot s podtlakovým přisáváním

This Thesis deals with the development of the mobile robotic manipulator´s new conception designated for non-destructive testing of pipelines welds in the nuclear power station. First of all, the mathematical and the simulation models are derived in the MATLAB/Simulink/SimMechanics setting.&...

Hajdúk, Jaroslav
Využití optických snímačů v úloze bezkontaktního monitorování lopatek

The diploma thesis deals with the steam turbines clearance measurement principles using optical probes. In the first theoretical part informations about design of steam turbines and behaviour of turbines in the service are summarized. Then practicable principles of the clearance and vibratio...

Hrdina, Jan
Mobilní robot s magnetickými koly pro ultrazvukovou diagnostiku svarů potrubí

This thesis aims to propose an alternative architecture of a mobile robot for an ultrasonic diagnosis of pipeline welds. The robot should move on the surface of the pipeline made of a ferromagnetic material and follow the weld, which will be highlighted by a color contras...

Boháč, Pavel
Matematický model chlazení spalovacího motoru

This diploma thesis deals with realization of mathematical model of engine cooling system for combustion engine and model of car, which is comparable to case of real moving vehicle in different situations. Thesis analyzed the basic division of cooling-car-systems and their properties. T...

Škach, Jan
Stanovení polohy pohybujícího se objektu pomocí satelitního systému

This diploma thesis details a use of a global navigation satellite system services for a position estimation of an object with respect to its defined trajectory restrictions. At first, a mathematical pseudorange model is introduced in several steps with growing complexity while signific...

Bureš, Lukáš
Sledování pohybu rukou ve 3D pomocí dvou kamer

This diploma thesis describes the theory of computer vision in the introduction specifically the pinhole camera model and 3D projection. The thesis also summarizes the theory of stereo calibration, epipolar geometry and 3D reconstruction. It describes a method for background subtraction and&...

Jůzová, Markéta
Systém syntézy řeči z limitované oblasti

The subject of present thesis is the building of a limited domain speech synthesis system. The thesis describes design and function of a general TTS system based on concatenative method, as well as an analysis of limited domain speech synthesis specifics, where longer units, l...

Chýlek, Adam
Kombinace výstupů rozpoznávačů založených na odlišných principech

This thesis discusses a combination of phoneme lattices and word grammars that can be used for understanding of spoken language via spoken term detection or for searching in audio archives. The methods chosen to reach this goal are based on the theory of finite sta...

Cimpa, Miroslav
Rozpoznávání gest (pohyb a tvar ruky) z webkamery pro ovládání PC

The work focuses on hand gesture recognition from webcam to control the PC. Solution of problem consists of a skin color detection trained in facial, blob tracking and classification of hand gesture with histogram of oriented gradient descriptor. There is comparation of different o...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 141 až 160 z 192