Diplomové práce / Theses (KKY) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 192 z 192
Zimmermann, Pavel
Identifikace poměrného útlumu lopatek z experimentálně naměřených dat

This work deals with methods of damping ratio estimation. These are the methods from the signal analysis domain. In the first part, the selected method are tested on a simple reference model, and subsequently applied to real experimentally measured data. The conclusion is an a...

Špatenka, Pavel
Předzpracování a 3D segmentace lékařských obrazových dat

This Master Thesis has been written under the Queetech project at the Department of Cybernetics and deals with preprocessing and segmentation of 3D medical image data. It describes medical imaging methods and DICOM format for storing medical image data and explains some of the ...

Vlk, Jan
Využití metod zpracování obrazu pro určování mechanických vlastností polymerů

The goal of the thesis is evaluation of feature extraction and classification algorithms for texture recognition. First motivation for the thesis writing was physical feature recognition of polymer glasses through image processing. This problem can be generalized about simple texture recognition&...

Pittr, Lukáš
Analýza přesnosti polohování a kalibrace dvojramenného SCARA robotu

The work includes a simple procedure for calibrating the dual SCARA robot using direct and indirect kinematic description using the DH transform.It also deals with a summary of possible effector position measurement procedures. Finally, the estimation of unknown parameters indicated by the&#...

Reitinger, Jan
Interaktivní virtuální laboratoř prezentující techniky tlumení vibrací

This thesis describes the full development of Virtual Laboratory presenting vibration damping techniques on mechanical models. Mores specifically, a gantry crane with load on rope will be considered as oscillatory process. Mathematical model of both crane system and motion drives will be...

Perný, Adam
Regulační potřeby provozovatele přenosové sítě v podmínkách nárůstu obnovitelných zdrojů elektrické energie

This work deals with analyzing the current situation of the prediction of electricity production from renewable sources, namely from photovoltaic systems, and methods of deviations control of production from these sources in order to minimize losses. In the practical part of the work&#x...

Kopřiva, Jakub
Detekce hlasivkových pulsů v řečových signálech

Automatic glottal closure instant detection problem is the goal of the thesis. At the beginning of the thesis knowledge base is placed to support further research. The following part is focused on comparing selected approaches, that are designed for pitch tracking task. Various sel...

Krejčí, Alois
Pokročilé techniky řízení pohybu pro mechatronické aplikace

The submitted thesis deals with advanced control algorithms for AC/DC drives. At the outset, basic principles of construction, operation and control of direct and alternating current motors are clarified. Next, the fundamentals of cascade control and controller design in individual regulatio...

Pöschl, Michal
Model parního kotle a jeho řízení

This thesis presents a model of a steam boiler and its control. The reason for developing this thesis is poor availability of such proceedings. The work contains a detailed description of the model boiler and designed its control of two outputs quality of steam and water&...

Lehečka, Jan
Detekce slov s nepravidelnou výslovností v českém textu

The goal of this work is proposal and implementation of a system, which is able to find and mark words with irregular pronunciation in Czech texts. Irregular pronunciation of word is such pronunciation, that can not be derived by using rules of Czech phonetic transcription.&#x...

Mráz, Jaroslav
Lokální, polynomiální a robustní filtry

This thesis briefly introduces the reader to ordinarily used local filters which estimate the state of nonlinear systems. Namely there are extended Kalman filters, unscented Kalman filter and divided difference filter. The reader gets familiar with polynomial filters which use higher moments...

Hlaváč, Miroslav
Detekce rtů ve videozáznamech

This thesis deals with detection and tracking of lips in video sequences. Statistical model is used for modeling lips shape and appearance. The algorithm for training and detection was created as a part of this work and is availible on the attached DVD. Various experiments...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 181 až 192 z 192