Katedra anglického jazyka a literatury / Department of English language and literature


Recent Submissions

Kavinová, Denisa
Monty Python - comedy icon and its influence on comedy

This bachelor thesis analyses the work and influence of the British comedy group Monty Python.

Macourková, Aneta
Analýza použití emoji v internetové komunikaci na WhatssAppu

This bachelor's thesis entitled "Analysis of usage emoji in internet communication on WhatsApp" deals with the characteristics of emoji and its historical development and subsequently also in relation to the social network WhatsApp. The bachelor thesis is divided into two main ...

Velíšková, Kristýna
Contemporary British Fantasy Literature: An Analysis of Selected Authors and their Contributions to the Genre

Bachelor's thesis titled Contemporary British Fantasy Literature: An Analysis of Selected Authors and their Contribution to the Genre is divided into two parts. The first part deals with the definition of fantasy and its sub-genres. It also discusses the influence of fairy tale ...

Kilberger, Jan
Populární kultura v USA: Dopad útoků z 11. září na kinematografii, literaturu a hudbu

This thesis looks at the impact of September 11, 2001, on literature, cinema and music. I chose this topic because this event has greatly affected the world as we now know it. In the first part of my work, I describe the event of September 11, 2001, and in&...

Milota, Michal
Phenomenon of Food Banks in Britain after 2010

The bachelor's thesis entitled The Phenomenon of Food Banks in Britain after 2010 deals with the question of whether the increase in food banks between 2010-2020 was caused by the government's social policy. The thesis describes specific examples of people living in poverty,...