Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Burešová, Natálie
Rytmus a tělo jako východisko pro hudebně pohybový rozvoj dětí předškolního věku The main aim of this bachelor thesis is to elaborate on the melodic-movement development of preschool children. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical part, The theoretical part contains a detailed definition of the concept of rhythm in all its possible meani... |
Böhmová, Michaela
Psychologické základy poslechu hudby ve škole The bachelor thesis deals with the psychological foundations of listening to music at school. It deals with music perception and its psychological and physiological foundations. Furthermore, it deals with music listening in school, where it discusses its goals and possibilities of realizatio... |
Brunnerová, Adéla
Tréma při zpěvu a jak s ní pracovat The bachelor thesis deals with stage fright during singing, its laws, manifestations, and causes. The thesis mainly focuses on methods and techniques for working with stage fright. The research focuses on preventing stage fright, which further concentrates on the intensity of stage frig... |
Čajka, Marek
Základní umělecká škola v Dačicích a její význam pro hudební kulturu regionu This bachelor's thesis is entitled "Dačice Elementary Art School and its importance for the music culture of the region". The first chapter describes Dačice, the town where the school is located. It focuses on basic information about the city, its history, the present,... |
Svobodová, Štěpánka
Hudební vzdělávání dětí se zrakovým postižením My Bachelor's thesis focuses on people with impaired vision, parvcularly in music educavon. My thesis aimed to invesvgate and understand the educavon problems of subjects with complete or parval vision loss. Furthermore, I sought to expand my theorevcal knowledge with pracvcal experience... |
Cajthaml, Jan
Pojetí hudební výchovy podle Jana Amose Komenského This bachelor thesis deals with the personality of Jan Amos Comenius and his view of music and music education. The aim is to describe the person of Jan Amos Comenius in relation to music, and how this relationship was formed, to write down his pedagogical views and&... |
Škubalová, Tereza
Zpěvníky Marie Kružíkové a jejich využití v MŠ The bachelor thesis deals with the songbooks of Marie Kružíková and their use in kindergarten. The main goal is to introduce songbooks, describe selected songs with possible use and assign other activities to the songs. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part.... |
Koudelová, Simona
Protest song a jeho představitelé This bachelor thesis characterizes the protest song and analyzes foreign and Czech protest songs of selected authors. The first chapter of this bachelor thesis defines the terms that are related to the protest song itself. There are mainly genres that are most often used in... |
Tafatová, Kateřina
Muzikál jako fúze hudebních a dramatických činností na 2. stupni ZŠ a víceletých gymnázií In the beggining this bachelor thesis presents the musical genre, its brief characteristics and its short history in Czech republic and abroad. In the following part are discussed musical and drama classes which create a starting point for the subsequent chapter about their mutual&... |
Slabý, Michal
Základní umělecká škola Josefa Kličky v Klatovech a její význam pro hudební kulturu regionu The bachelor thesis deals with the Josef Klička Elementary School of Art in Klatovy and its connotation for the musical culture of the region. It is divided into seven chapters. It focuses on history, where Josef Klička is also mentioned, after whom the school was named.&... |
Pflegerová, Kateřina
Dvořákova opera Jakobín na plzeňském jevišti Antonín Dvořák is rightly considered to be one of the greatest Czech composers. After a glimpse into his life, the work notices his contacts with Pilsen and its musical background. The main theme is his opera called in Czech "Jakobín" especially in relation to the... |
Mottlová, Jana
Využití kytary ve výchovných činnostech ŠVP mateřské školy Osek Bachelor thesis is focused on the use of the guitar in the educational activities of the school educational program of the Osek kindergarten. The first part of the thesis deals with the characteristics of a child of preschool age and his development. Furthermore, music educati... |
Babuljaková, Dorota
Život a dílo Karla Babuljaka v kontextu dobového českého hudebního prostředí This bachelor thesis deals with the personality of the polygenre composer and multi-instrumentalist Karel Babuljak, primarily mapping his musical work. In the first part it briefly describes his life, and the core of it is to introduce the reader to Babuljak's both group and... |
Rousová, Tereza
Soubor písní a tanců Jiskra Plzeň The thesis deals with the dancing and singing folklore ensemble named Jiskra. My aim was to map the activities of the ensemble in detail since its foundation. In the first chapter I briefly deal with folklore traditions, namely songs and dances in the Pilsen region, as... |
Kordík, Štěpán
Základní umělecká škola Antonína Dvořáka v Karlových Varech s akcentací kytarového oddělení This bachelor thesis deals with the Antonín Dvořák Elementary School of Art with an emphasis on the guitar department. Six chapters describe the history of the school, its activities, the guitar department, teaching at the school during the pandemic, the current situation at the... |
Ausbergerová, Nikola
Zpěvní projev dítěte a jeho rozvoj v předškolním věku This bachelor thesis deals with children's voice and the development of singing in preschool children. The work presents examples of activities by which we can develop children's voice and singing expression of preschool children. Part of the work is also an educational project,... |
Bernklau, Kateřina
Antonín Konrády a jeho dudácká muzika Describing a life and music succes of folklor legend Antonín Konrády. |
Jančíková, Tereza
Využití klavíru v MŠ - tvorba autorských modelových lekcí The aim of the Bachelor thesis was to find out a use of piano in kindergarten, introduce the piano as a musical instrument and to compare its advantages with other musical instruments. It also examines several professional publications for preschool education and it examines p... |
Křížová, Eva
Slavní Češi v kontextu světového jazzu Bachelor´s thesis deals with two Czech jazz musicians, father and son Karel Růžičkas. Karel Růžička senior was pianist, composer and educationalist. Karel Růžička junior is saxophonist, composer and educationalist. Karel Růžička junior acts more than 20 years in United states of America. |
Rous, Jakub
Testování hudebních schopností studentů učitelství 1. stupně ZŠ This thesis focus on testing musical abilities problematics. It summarizes terminology, history and methodology of this field and describes research that was realized at the turn of years 2020 and 2021 with students of the Faculty of Pedagogy at the University of West Bohemia. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019