Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Brůžková, Jana
Kritická edice Artophaeových děl k velikonočním obřadům a ke svátkům svatých The work presents the life and work of the composer Bernard Artophaeus, OFMConv. He lived and worked in the period known in Bohemia as the High Baroque. At that time he was popular in the whole Czech provincience, but by the first half of the 20th century he... |
Virčíková, Zuzana
Populární a klasický zpěv se zaměřením na rozdíly v pěvecké technice This work is focused on similarities and differences in the technique of classical and popular singing. The theoretical part is focused on explaining the principle of the vocal and respiratory system and further focuses on its diseases. It also contains a comparison of two son... |
Moravová, Alžběta
Tradiční výroba hudebních nástrojů karlovarského kraje The bachelor thesis briefly summarizes the history of the production of musical instruments in the Karlovy Vary region. The first chapter focuses on the production of tools in Luby from the very beginning of production to the present. The chapter concludes with a highlight... |
Dobrý, Jan
Písňová tvorba Petra Skoumala Bachelor Thesis is written about Petr Skoumal's "Song Making". It specializes in the choise of his songs and their usage in teaching in kindergartens and all the years of elementary school. The thesis is divided into two parts that follow-up each other. In the fi... |
Kubaň, František
František Kubaň - osobnost hudebního života Klatovska This work contains the biography of František Kubaň from childhood to the present. It is focused on his musical activities and his work in various musical groups. This work is also devoted to his pedagogical work in the German and Czech art schools. The practical part... |
Kličková, Marlen
Možnosti instrumentálního doprovodu na jednoduše ovladatelné nástroje u dětí předškolního věku ANNOTATION The main topic of the bachelor's thesis is the use of non-traditional instruments in music activities in kindergarten. The work consists of a theoretical part and a practical part. In the theoretical part, I deal with a brief description... |
Volfová, Miroslava
Vladimír Mišík - osobnost české rockové scény This bachelor thesis focuses on Vladimír Mišík who is one of the most prominent personalities of the Czech rock scene. It also deals with the origin and evolution of rock music in the world and in Czechia listing the main representatives and characterizing the musical gen... |
Piorecká, Kateřina
K možnostem začlenění HV do programu výchovné práce MŠ The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to present the possibilities of including music education in the program of educational work in kindergarten. In the theoretical part, we deal with the documents that educational work in kindergarten must follow. We also handle all... |
Zíková, Veronika
Lidová a umělá píseň v hudební pedagogice a její začlenění do programu výchovné práce v MŠ Záchlumí (okres Tachov) The topic of the present thesis is folk and artificial songs in music lessons for children of preschool and kindergarten age and the inclusion of such songs into educational unit in Kindergarten Záchlumí u Stříbra. The theoretical part of the thesis concentrates upon the ... |
Holasová, Karolína
Rozvoj hudebních schopností a dovedností u dětí mladšího školního věku se zaměřením na vokální činnosti The purpose of the thesis is to reflect on development of musical abilities and skills of younger school aged children. This includes children at the age of 6 to 12. It mainly focuses on vocal activities of this target group. In the first part, the ... |
Moravcová, Tereza
Rozvoj hudebního vnímání a vyjadřování dětí v mateřské škole prostřednictvím instrumentálních činností. In my bachelor's thesis, I focused on the musical perception and expression of preschool children. More specifically, I dealt with music and general psychology, the Framework Educational Programme for Pre-School Education and Literature on the topic of musical education project. The aim&... |
Kováříková, Barbora
Vliv hudby na člověka This work deals with the influence of music on the human subconscious. It focuses on the receptive component of music with regard to brain activity and emotional experience. Based on the experience, the individual chooses music to listen to, which can also affect social relati... |
Šimánová, Veronika
Hudební výchova v mateřských centrech v Plzni (se zaměřením na mateřské centrum Uniťáček) The topic of this work is the mother's centers and music education in them. The author tries to explain the functioning of the mother's centers in Pilsen and focuses on work with music education and related activities. At the same time, using his practice in one... |
Hubaczová, Zuzana
Hudební činnosti s dvouletými a tříletými dětmi a jejich začlenění do programu výchovné práce v MŠ Tymákov This bachelor thesis focuses on the importance of musical development of children and the music education with two- and three-year-old children in the kindergarten. The theoretical part applies with the musical development of a child under three years of age, the function of ... |
Hradecký, Hynek
Václav Švík - dudák a zpěvák lidových písní, interpret západočeského folkloru The bachelor's thesis maps the Chod region, bagpipe music, a typical instrument of these musicians, which are bagpipes, their history and development to this day. There is also an overview of the most famous bagpipers operating in Chodsko. The main point of the bachelor... |
Vališová, Anežka
Dechový orchestr Prachatice Bachelor thesis oriented on Brass orchestra of Prachatice treats about longtime work and its influence on musical events in the city of Prachatice and its surroundings. It deals with leaving from the music school auspices and proves the importance of the support for music scho... |
Brychová, Jana
Tachovský dětský sbor The main goal of Bachelor´s thesis entitled "Tachov Children's Choir" is to introduce readers the historical and cultural development in Tachov from its beginnings to the present. These parts precede the most important chapter of my thesis entitled Tachov Children's Choir. ... |
Šilhavá, Kateřina
Uplatnění zobcové flétny v mateřské škole The bachelor thesis deals with the application of fipple flute in kindergartens. It focuses on the possibility of using the fipple flute as a methodological aid in educational work with children, and on the method of teaching to play the fipple flute for pre-school children.... |
Kroupová, Lucie
Psychologické předpoklady dítěte pro hru na klavír. The bachelor thesis with title "The psychological predispositions of a child to play the piano." Deals with the ability of the child to play the piano. It deals with the historical development of the piano technique, the development of a young school age child and... |
Podlenová, Dominika
Vlastimil Podlena - hudební pedagog a sbormistr This thesis is focused on the work of Vlastimil Podlena, an educator and a choir master, who contributed to the development of the high level of children's choirs in the region of Most. The thesis consists of description of his life, his work with choirs at eleme... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019