Hofmanová, Michaela
Možnosti rozvoje pěveckých a hudebně pohybových činností v mateřské škole This bachelor thesis aims to create its own set of singing and musical movement activities for preschool children. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the connection of music with the human being from birth to adulthood, the prerequisites for the work of a music ... |
Somolíková, Adéla
Organizace a vedení základní umělecké školy What personality of the headmaster should be and what are his duties? What is he responsible for and how important is it to make the music school a place full of fun? How to organize concerts and other events for school pupils and how to motivate teachers to... |
Malechová, Anna
Základní umělecká škola v Třeboni a její význam pro hudební kulturu regionu This bachelor thesis focuses on the Elementary Art School in Třeboň. It describes its history up to the present day. It also focuses on describing the taught disciplines, school ensembles, and the main part of the thesis examines the school's influence on the region's ... |
Manko, Marharyta
Tvorba Alfreda Schnittkeho v perspektivě Západu a Východu The bachelor thesis explores the work of the composer Alfred Schnittke from the perspective of the West and the East. The thesis reveals the attitude to Schnittke's work in the USSR era, the influence of the political context on composers and the perception of ... |
Čermák, Stanislav
Výuka hudební nauky na základní umělecké škole s využitím exkurzí This bachelor's thesis explores the significance and implementation of field trips within the teaching of music theory at an art school. The author, a music theory teacher with extensive pedagogical experience, presents his insights and practical applications of field trips within the... |
Pěkná, Ivana
Využití Orffových nástrojů v mateřské škole s ohledem na hudebně výrazové prostředky The bachelor thesis is based on activities for preschool children that develop musical expressive means using Orff's instrumentation. The theoretical part consists of three chapters. The first chapter deals with the life and work of Carl Orff and the Czech version of Orff's ... |
Kuželková, Eva
Pěvecké činnosti a práce učitele MŠ s nácvikem nové písně This bachelor's thesis is about singing activities and teacher's work of kindergarten with practising a new song. The work is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical part. The first part deals with the theory and characteristics of the anatomical and physiologic... |
Mazancová, Tereza
Lidová píseň v mateřské škole The bachelor thesis is focused on a Folk song in kindergarten. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter describes the term Folk song, its history and its collection. The next chapter mentions the musical development of the child and musical activi... |
Houšková, Lucie
Internetové portály o vážné hudbě The main theme of the thesis is the connection of music with the Internet through platforms sharing music events in the country and in the world. The content, message of these platforms and a description of their mission is discussed. The exceptions of individual portals ... |
Predescu, Michaela
Rozvoj hudební představivosti prostřednictvím vícesmyslové stimulace u dětí předškolního věku The bachelor's thesis focuses on the development of the musical imagination of preschool children. The thesis describes the characteristics of a preschool child, the characteristics of his psyche, the personal concept of his upbringing and education. Musical abilities are described here, ... |
Štěpničková, Lenka
Hudební klima v rodině dítěte mladšího školního věku This undergraduate thesis topic is Musical Climate in the Family of a Child of younger school age. It aims to characterize the importance of music education for the child's development and examine if parents continue to support their children's development in the music educ... |
Tonárová, Kateřina
Rozvoj osobnosti dítěte prostřednictvím hudebních činností v MŠ This bachelor thesis deals with the development of the personality of preschool children through musical activities. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to point out the relationship between music and the development of the child, to evaluate the positive effects of musical activitie... |
Aubrechtová, Magdalena
Poslání hudby v osobnostním rozvoji dítěte mladšího školního věku Annotation: The bachelor thesis "The Role of Music in the Personality Development of the Child at the Beginning of Schooling" deals with the influence of music on the personality development of the child of younger school age, specifically at the beginning of his/her ... |
Hudecová, Jana
Hlasový rozsah předškolních dětí a rozvoj jejich pěveckých dovedností This bachelor thesis focuses on the vocal range and vocal skill development of children aged 4 to 7 years. It consists of theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part contains information regarding the preschool child's voice, musical abilities and skills. The practical par... |
Cajthamlová, Lucie
Pohyb jako cesta k prožívání vážné hudby The aim of the bachelor thesis on Movement as a way to classical music is to create a set of musical movement activities that will help to bring classical music closer to preschool children. It is intended not only for kindergarten teachers but also for parents. In... |
Trávníčková, Markéta
Haydnovy hudební slavnosti - čtvrtstoletí provozování staré hudby na jihozápadě Čech Haydn's Music Festival is a reminder of the nearly forgotten stay of one of the greatest musicians of his time in Dolní Lukavice - Joseph Haydn. It is an international festival that is a very significant cultural event for the entire Pilsen region. It hosts many ... |
Nejdlová, Karolína
Vývoj a využití vlastní učební pomůcky pro hudební výchovu v předškolním a mladším školním věku The aim of the thesis is to strengthen a positive attitude towards music education by the means of production of own musical teaching aids for children of preschool and younger school age. The work also focuses on the benefits of making musical instruments and the importa... |
Schneedörflerová, Viktorie
Pěvecký sbor Šumavan a jeho místo v hudebním životě Klatov na počátku nového tisíciletí My bachelor thesis aims to compare the activities of the Šumavan choir under the direction of Drahomíra Hostýnková and Jaroslav Pleticha. The bachelor thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter contains a description of the choir from history to the present. The s... |
Šlaufová, Eva
Dechová kapela Nýřaňanka This thesis encompasses the formation of the Nýřaňanka brass band and its development, and prominent people connected to the band. The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part focuses on the history of the band, changes in management, the key figure of Vladimír V... |
Švec, Michal
Úloha hudby v reklamě This bachelor's thesis discusses the importance of music in advertisements. This work aims to clarify respondents' emotional responses to this advertisement type of music. The work gradually describes the possibilities of applying this type of music, its requirements, and its functions.... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
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- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
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