Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Chu, Quang Hieu
Muzikoterapie a pedagogika The undergraduate thesis deals with music therapy and music pedagogy. It describes their common features and defines the differences between them. The aim of this work is to find a connection between music therapy and music pedagogy, which would be permissible from the point o... |
Skuhrovcová, Karolína
Alternativní hudební nástroje ve výuce hudební výchovy na 2. stupni ZŠ a gymnáziích This bachelor thesis deals with alternative musical instruments, which can be included in musical education lessons. As a conrnerstone for the alternative musical instruments, classical musical instruments are used and mentioned. Moreover, creating of some simple alternative musical instruments with... |
Kováříková, Barbora
Hudební schopnosti dětí předškolního a mladšího školního věku The theoretical part of this bachelor defines musical abilities in terms of their representation in pre-school and younger school age. Music needs to be mediated by the child, so the work emphasizes the influence of the family and the school environment on the child's musi... |
Radová, Lenka
K možnostem využití klavíru v mateřské škole This bachelor thesis is about mapping and analysis of using piano in literature related to music educational work in a kindergarten. In the first part are analyzed selected literature focusing on music activities in the kindergarten. In the second part, this topic is dealt wit... |
Jarabicová, Stanislava
Výběr umělých písní pro HV v MŠ (modelové příklady i vlastní tvorba) The aim of the Bachelor thesis was to find out, how and by which criteria to sing with children in kindergarten, whether they are able to learn the song from the author's own creative work and describe acquired facts and experience. First of all this Bache... |
Štíchová, Johanka
Mnohovrstevnost hudby Eduarda Spáčila The content of my bachelor thesis is devoted to the life of Eduard Spáčil and his important musical activities. I have divided the bachelor thesis into several chapters that represent the individual stages of Spáčil's life. The first chapter contains Spáčil's childhood and ... |
Krivdová, Annamária
Gregoriánský chorál v minulosti s porovnáním se současností. The bachelor thesis "Gregorian chant in the past with comparison with the present" deals with the historical development of Gregorian chant, its forms and its contemporary perception. It deals with the issue of its development, decline and successive reconstruction in the timestrea... |
Marková, Eliška
Hudební tradice a rituály ve výchově dětí předškolního věku This bachelor thesis is focused on traditions and rituals in preschool education of children, which can be realized through musical activities. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to find out what mentions on a given topic already exist, how the musical traditions and rituals&... |
Steifová, Petra
Houslový pedagog Miroslav Novák a jeho úspěšní žáci The bachelor thesis deals with life pedagogical career, successes and results in teaching violin of teacher Mr. Miroslav Novák. Next, it focuses on his pupils, their professional life, musical development, achievements and experiences. The first part of the thesis is ... |
Bošková, Kateřina
Lidová a umělá píseň v učebnicích hudební výchovy pro žáky staršího školního věku The topic of my Bachelor Thesis is Folk and modern song in music textbooks for students older school. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is theoretical, describing the Folk and Artificial Songs, music as a subject at elementary school and also textbooks&... |
Vojta, Oldřich
Představení Bohemia I. - Postup přípravy a jeho specifika The purpose of this thesis is to introduce a techniques and methods of approaches which were utilised for the preparations of the performance Bohemia I. The individual way of detailed introduction of the performance itself and how to contemplate the connections and features of ... |
Marek, Luboš
Život a dílo skladatele Pavla Samiece se zaměřením na sólovou a komorní tvorbu pro akordeon především na sonátu no. 1 a 2. Presentation of the living composer Pavel Samiec and his inspirational sources of creation. The introduction of the compositions written by the author for the accordion. Detailed analysis of accordion sonatas No. 1 and 2. |
Brejchová, Miloslava
Rozvoj komunikačních dovedností dětí předškolního věku prostřednictvím hudebních činností This bachelor thesis deals with developing communication skills of preschool children through musical activities. The goal of the thesis is to point out the connection between music and language and evaluate positive effects of musical activities on comunication skills development. My bachel... |
Schmid, Daniel
Současná česká folková scéna In this work I will talk about young folk music generations and how they changed music industry. The first part of my bachelor's thesis is about history of folk music, its attributes and main representatives of folk music. In the second part I will talk about cur... |
Polatová, Jana
Nejvýznamnější skupiny s ženským vokálem působící na rockové a metalové scéně 21. století Bachelor thesis included the general history of rock and metal since the 1930´s. The vocalists, who had a huge impact on evolution and development of rock and metal music with female singing, are also introduced. Next chapters included individual world interprets. I characterize th... |
Páníková, Petra
Příprava a realizace hudebně dramatické pohádky v mateřské škole The main aim of my thesis was to elaborate on the basis of the theoretical knowledge methodical material usable in pre-school education as part of thematic units. Using musical dramatic and literary elements to show the possibilities of interconnection of all areas of RVP PV... |
Jírový, Ondřej
Spojení hudby a výtvarného umění ve 20. století This work deals with the relation between music and visual arts. It should reveal and explore all the constructive and aesthetic ways that generally helps to create such a unique art fusion. The analysis is based on the piece, suite, Pictures from exhibition, which became ... |
Tomášková, Radka
Sušický dětský sbor a jeho význam pro hudební výchovu mládeže na Sušicku This bachelor thesis, based on Sušice Children's Choir and its signifikance for youth music education in Sušice region, concern a long-time work of Josef Baierl and his current co-workers, which takes a part on the evolution of music life primarily in the surroundings of S... |
Rajtmajerová, Nela
Pěvecké soutěže v klasickém zpěvu pro žáky 6-18 let This bachelor thesis is focused on classical singing competitions for the students aged 6 to 18, and presents the list of such competitions. The competitions are desrcibed in the individual chapters, together with the content of both framework educational programme and school educationa... |
Vanáč, Martin
Proces vzniku současné koncepce hudební výchovy v českém vzdělávacím systému This bachelor thesis describes origin of the current approach of music education in the Czech educational system. Objective of this bachelor thesis is to describe this origin and all circumstances which concerns it. In the end of this bachelor thesis is described and evaluated ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019