Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hejl, Libor
Významné osobnosti české jazzové trubky This thesis deals with the personalities of the Czech Jazz trumpet. The goal of the thesis was to map the topic from the beginning of jazz in Czechoslovakia to the present time. One part of the thesis includes chapters that place the main topic into its historical... |
Jurnečková, Adéla
Hudební výchova a tvořivost This bachelor thesis deals with creativity and musical creativity in terms of psychology of personality, music psychology and music pedagogy. It clarifies some ideas and principles of several musical pedagogical personalities from different historical periods and their view of music education.... |
Ungrová, Anna
Plzeňské základní umělecké školy My bachelor thesis is dedicated to the Basic Art Schools in Pilsen. The first chapter introduces the reader to the Basic Art School (ZUŠ) in Pilsen. The second chapter is devoted to the Basic Art School (ZUŠ) B. Smetana, the third chapter is dedicated to the Basic... |
Märzová, Veronika
Hudebně pohybové činnosti v Mateřské škole Drmoul This bachelor thesis is concerned with preschool children´s activities in the field of moving and music activities focused on the Nursery school in Drmoul. The first part of the work presents specialized literature about moving and music activities and then categorization of those ... |
Šínová, Ludmila
Electro swing a kapely na současné electro swingové scéně This bachelor thesis deals with the theme of young music style called electroswing which originated from jazz, swing and electronic music. It focuses on its origin, evolution and contemporary form. It also pays attention to whole electroswing culture, e. g. fashion, dance style, or... |
Stiborová, Karolína
Organologie nejvýznamnějších čínských fléten a jejich využití v různých žánrech hudby This bachelor thesis contains a description of Chinese music history, and associated philosophy and religion. It also describes the most important and best known Chinese flutes Ti-c' and Xiao, their structure, historical development, as well as their use in the genres of traditional... |
Polatová, Jana
Nejvýznamnější skupiny s ženským vokálem působící na rockové a metalové scéně 21. století This work contains general history of rock and metal from the beginning to the present. A short overview of female vocalist performance. Part of the work also deals with musical characteristics and various techniques of singing. |
Vytisková, Klára
Český jazz se zaměřením na mladou generaci kytaristů The bachelor thesis titled Czech jazz with focus on recent guitar players describes the contemporary jazz scene, especially current jazz guitarists. At the beginning of the thesis, jazz and the history of jazz guitar are briefly described. In the second part, the possibilities... |
Oblištilová, Ivana
Pěvecký sbor Ptáčata při Mateřské škole Mariánské Lázně In the theoretical part the Bachelor thesis deals with musical activities in the kindergartens, their meaning and division. It also includes familiarization with the literature regarding the music and movement, instrumental, listening and singing activities. In detail it describes voice education... |
Uriánková, Věra
"Karlovarský skřivánek" se zaměřením na krajská kola v Plzni v letech 2011 - 2016 The thesis introdukce the singing competition "Carlsbad lark". The work reflects the of it. Another objective of the thesis is to focus on singing repertoire of competitors in the regional rounds in Plzen in the years 20112016. This section defines the most repetitive son... |
Růžičková, Veronika
Klavírní pedagožka Alena Tupá a její úspěšní absolventi The bachelor work is focused on the piano teacher Mrs. Alena Tupá and her pedagogical career as well as the results of her work. The paper also describes musical development of her graduates. The first part is dedicated to her biography and the experience, she has... |
Placrová, Eva
Dramatická výchova ve výuce hudební výchovy na druhém stupni základních škol The thesis deals with two basic disciplines, namely drama and music education and their interconnection during teaching at the second level of elementary schools. The aim of the work is to point out other possible methods and the beneficial influence of the use of drama e... |
Hovorková, Zuzana
Možnosti uplatnění zobcové flétny v hudební výchově v mateřské škole The undergraduate thesis deals primarily with a fipple flute connected with preschool children. I connected playing the fipple flute with other musical activities. |
Loudová, Petra
Pěvecko-kytarové soutěže v České republice se zaměřením na folkovou hudbu na přelomu 20. a 21. století This bachelor thesis contains information about the history, rules and evaluation Czech folk singing-guitar competitions. Integral part of this thesis is a detailed analysis of three school educational programs relating to acoustic guitar that was used on selected elementary art schools. For... |
Tumpach, Jan
Keyboard a jeho možnosti pro rozvoj kreativity žáka ZUŠ This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the possibility of keyboard musical instrument in relation to the development of creativity of students, especially in elementary art schools. It describes and evaluates not only the technical possibilities of the instrument, but also various ped... |
Jankovská, Iva
Instruktivní tvorba Ilji Hurníka a její pedagogické rysy This thesis describes a composer, a writer and a pedagogue Ilja Hurník. It tries to define his whole life and work. The main part is paid an attention on his children's work and outlines his distinctive methods and principles. This work is composed of two parts. ... |
Sladký, Aleš
Luboš Andršt - osobnost české jazzrockové scény My bachelor thesis titled Luboš Andršt - A Personality of Czech Jazz-rock scene describes an activity of Luboš Andršt in the Czech jazz-rock scene and his asset to it. This text is focused on this excellent Czech guitar player. At the beginning of my thesis I describ... |
Babková, Regina
Lidová píseň v MŠ Chrást This bachelor thesis defines a folk song in its theoretical part. Folk song then represents the viewpoint for contrasting the previous and the contemporary conception of preschool education as well as documents and methodology books associated with these conceptions. Practical part presents&... |
Juřenová, Jana
Hlasová výchova ve vybraných českobudějovických dětských pěveckých sborech This bachelor's thesis "Voice Education in Various Children's Choirs in České Budějovice" describes proper vocal training in choirs and shows the work of a child's voice. The first part is devoted to voice training from a theoretical perspective and a child's ... |
Tomášková, Linda
Organizace hudebního života v Klatovech Work includes musical development sites Klatovy in West Bohemia from the city's history, contemporary culture in this area. Work includes the most important institutions in musical relics important musical personalities and choirs this site. This music survey is complemented by a number&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019