Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Váchová, Tereza
Organizace hudebního života v Přešticích The main objective of this thesis was to survey and classify musical life in Prestice. My work is dedicated to the earliest history of the village and nearby attractions, Lower Lukavice and Lužan, and then describes the various associations, institutions, and events in the cul... |
Bauerová, Anna
Možnosti rozvíjení hudebnosti starších kojenců (6-12 měsíců) This bachelor thesis deals with musicality in older infants. The aim was studying the problem of musicality of older infants in particular, which means the children in the age between six and twelve months. In the practical part a research method-observation was used an... |
Palkosková, Alena
Hudební činnosti v Mateřské škole Dobřany - Stromořadí This bachelor thesis is focus on musical activities which are done with the preschoolchildren in the kindergarten. The other part of thesis describes the Kindergarten in Dobřany. In thesis is charter, which describes the important document for preschool education in the Czech... |
Červinka, Robin
Rozhlasové vysílání, jeho rozvoj a vliv na popularizaci hudby. This bachelor thesis has the task to find the beginnings of the radio broadcasting and show the historic change of propagation and listening music. In this thesis I would like to show early formation and evolution of the broadcasting media, which was standing at the start... |
Horáčková, Petra
Mezinárodní hudební festival Struny podzimu The bachelor work is focused on the International Music Festival Strings of Autumn. Here is described the history of the festival, dramaturgy, important artists, the issue of financing and festival years etc. The Festival gives space to classical music, jazz... |
Loudová, Petra
Pěvecko-kytarové soutěže v České republice se zaměřením na folkovou hudbu na přelomu 20. a 21. století This bachelor thesis contains information about the history, rules and evaluation Czech folk singing-guitar competitions. Integral part of this thesis is a detailed analysis of three school educational programs relating to acoustic guitar that was used on selected elementary art schools. For... |
Brahová, Miriam
Tvorba hudebně výchovného multimediálního CD-ROMu na téma 2014 - Rok české hudby The main purpose of the bachelor thesis was to create a multimedia CD. This work is focused on making of CD with activities that could be used for teaching in music lessons. These activities are supposed to help teachers to variegate the lessons for students. The act... |
Mračnová, Denisa
Folklorní festival Podluží v písni a tanci Tvrdonice This bachelor thesis deals with folk festival Podluzi in Song and Dance Tvrdonice. The first part presents region Slovacko and Podluzi. After that is described the concept of folklore including music and dance folklore in this region. In the next part is presented term folklor... |
Jará, Kateřina
Organizace hudebního festivalu (vlastní zkušenosti z organizace hudebních akcí) In this bachelor's thesis titled "Music festival organizing (organization based on own experiences)" I wrote down all my experiences, information and theoretical knowledge I got during the last five years in music industry including information from mentioned sources. This thesis ex... |
Křížová, Kristýna
Hudební život města Dobřany At first, in this work I will attend to characteristic of town Dobřany, also I will briefly describe the history. In the second chapter will follow up with musical history. Further I will mention the famous natives of this city, who helped the city to be visible.... |
Vladař, Čeněk
Lidová hudba na Chodsku This bachelor thesis deals with the music and folklor of the Chodsko region. It contains the history of the groups playing the folk music from its beggining until today. This section is followed by a research part which contains a questionnaire discovering the knowledges of... |
Šafarčík, Marek
Plzeňský sborový život po roce 1989 In my work I try to list the information to the individual choirs in Pilsen . The year 1989 is seen as important to me Pilsen period of church life . This city has a rich choral life. The first section deals with the mixed choir dealing with secular an... |
Malá, Iveta
K tradiční hudbě Vietnamu The content of this thesis is to provide information about traditional Vietnamese music. In order to understand Vietnamese music, we have to know their culture and thought. The reader learns all in the introductory chapter. The second part describes the form of Vietnamese music... |
Krapfová, Jana
20 let Dívčího akademického sboru Plzeň The bachelor thesis describes the organizational structure of the Girls Academic Chorus of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and summarizes the historical development since the founding of the Chorus to its present, including repertoire, success and touring activities. It unites ... |
Svoboda, Václav
Záznam zvuku a princip nahrávání hudby s přihlédnutím na Plzeňská hudební studia. The computer is almost indispensable tool for musician and a small home studio recently become usual for anyone who thinks about his music career more seriously. The point of this thesis is to highlight the benefits of this DIY approach and describe the whole chain of... |
Boleček, Petr
Capoeira v České republice Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art of dance, which was founded by african slaves about 400 years ago and practiced as a way of self-defense. Fighting is hidden under the mask of dance. Music is a very important element of capoeira. Every capoeira practicioner learns to... |
Buršíková, Barbora
Západočeské hudební centrum v Plzni, o.s. - spolek This bachelor thesis deals with the Music centre of West Bohemia. The first part describes the non profit-making organizations and associations. The main part deals with the Music centre of West Bohemia which includes its history, the main activity, economy and the financial assets... |
Váchová, Tereza
Organizace hudebního života v Přešticích The main objective of this thesis was to survey and classify musical life in Prestice. My work is dedicated to the earliest history of the village and nearby attractions, Lower Lukavice and Lužan, and then describes the various associations, institutions, and events in the cul... |
Hušková, Klára
Vliv hudby na rozvoj mozkových funkcí This bachelor thesis deals with the influence of music on brain functions. The first part describes the music and its functions. Then the author describes the musical elements, rhythm, melody and harmony. In the third chapter we read about the effect of music on humans, h... |
Hynková, Kateřina
Klarinet v komorní tvorbě Pařížské šestky The objective of this thesis is to bring closer look at members of Les Six. The thesis first describes the creation of Les Six, the characteristic of their music and collective work. Afterwards, all members of Les Six are introduced including their lifes and works, especi... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019