Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Tomášková, Linda
Organizace hudebního života v Klatovech Work includes musical development sites Klatovy in West Bohemia from the city's history, contemporary culture in this area. Work includes the most important institutions in musical relics important musical personalities and choirs this site. This music survey is complemented by a number&... |
Viktora, Matouš
Hudební dramaturgové Českého rozhlasu Plzeň This thesis deals with problems of music dramaturgy in environments of Czech Radio Station Pilsen. This thesis is divided into several parts. In the first part I deal with with the definition of terms Czech Radio, dramaturgy and musical dramaturgy. I also describe what is ... |
Hepfelová, Kateřina
Významní čeští rozhlasoví hudební režiséři po roce 1945 In the first part of the thesis I list the history of nationwide Czech Radio Stations. From the first steps to the political situation and today's broadcasting. Further on it also follows up the regional radio stations, which outlined the history of the individual stations... |
Langmaierová, Kateřina
Tvořivost a motivace v hlasové výchově v MŠ The work deals with the application of the voice training in kindergarten. First, there is described the ontogenesis of children's voice and its physiological, psychological and musical progress. Furthermore, there is defined the term "voice training" and a list of elementary t... |
Čermáková, Dagmar
Hudba středověku a renesance v Čechách 21. století Subject of my bachelor's thesis is medieval and renaissance music in czech lands of 21th century. For it's demarcation and characteristic was necessary short description about evolution of old music in the world and factors affecting medieval and renaissance music here. First ch... |
Havlíček, Zdeněk
Elektronické klávesové nástroje ve výuce This thesis focuses on the issue of electronic keyboard instruments in teaching elementary art schools. Overview of the distribution of tools and technologies that significantly musicians use these tools. The paper describes the theoretical and practical knowledge, I mention the general educ... |
Šlouf, Martin
Elektronická hudba v Čechách This bachelor thesis deals in it's first part with the initiative of the creation of electronic music, the very definition of the industrial part, historical facts, which led to it's implementation and expansion throughout the whole world. The second part is devoted to the&... |
Nováková, Eliška
Literatura pro HV v MŠ po roce 2010 (průzkum trhu včetně reedic) The bachelor thesis is about mapping of the literature after the year 2010 including re editions related to musically educational work in a kindergarten. The thesis is considered from three parts. "RVP PV" and its parts, four types of musical activities and musical ... |
Kodajek, Jiří
Historie a současnost hudebního uskupení Pilsner Jazz Band The topic of the present thesis is the Pilsner Jazz Band, an amateur band from Pilsen. The thesis covers the band's origins, history, development and changes in its line-up. Part of the thesis is dedicated to one of the band's promotional tools, a regular swing ni... |
Sommerová, Martina
Mezinárodní folklórní festival Klatovy This bachelor thesis deals with the International folklore festival in Klatovy. In the first part of the paper the folklore and folk traditions, folklore festivals, their history in the Czech Republic and the Folklore association of the Czech Republic are described. After that,... |
Nosková, Kateřina
Rozvoj rytmického cítění u dětí předškolního věku (s akcentací Metody dobrého startu) This work deals with the preschool children development of rhythmic feeling. The theoretical part defines terms related to the development of children's sense of rhythm, as well as the ontogeny of children from birth to school entry in context with the theme of work and... |
Nakládal, Daniel
Podíl ZUŠ Františka Stupky v Sušici na kulturním životě regionu The bachelor work "Participation of the Art School of Frantisek Stupka in Susice in the cultural life of the region" deals primarily with output of actual pedagogical activities, which are presented to public. It points out the contribution of teachers, students and also ... |
Šleisová, Klára
Historie a současnost folklorních souborů v Postřekově a v Klenčí pod Čerchovem The theses is about history and the present of folklore groups in Postřekov and Klenčí pod Čerchovem - Národopisný soubor Postřekov, Dětský soubor Postřekov choir, Haltravan male voice choir and two children's choirs from Klenčí pod Čerchovem (Haltravánek and Drndálek). This theses ... |
Křížová, Kristýna
Stimulace psychických stavů člověka zvukem a hudbou The aim of my thesis is to develop alternative influence of music on people and stimulating music or how music works for us, it's not quite from scientific and scientific perspective. First, I will deal with concepts such as music, because music is accepted and define... |
Votava, Tomáš
Využití multimédií ve výuce HV (Sazba not, digitalizace a jejich možné využití ve školní praxi) This bachelor thesis could be divided into two parts theory and praxis. The theory is then divided into digitalisation of sheet music and sound digitalisation. The theoretical part deals mostly with technological specifications and physical base of sound. Author was trying to figu... |
Špererová, Iveta
Alternativní přístupy k působení hudby na člověka In my bachelor thesis I dealt with an idea of effects of music on human beings. We can observe several aspects of effects of music. I chose an expert and an alternative aspect and I compared them. Humans have been closely connected to music for a long time. ... |
Stránská, Petra
Pěvecká propedeutika dětí předškolního věku In theoretical part, the bachelor thesis shows singing activities in context of RVP PV. The second part of the thesis deals with children's singing in kindergarten (it is about development and level of singing skills, which can operate with children's singing). Practical part... |
Vladař, Čeněk
Lidová hudba na Chodsku This bachelor thesis deals with the music and folklor of the Chodsko region. It contains the history of the groups playing the folk music from its beggining until today. This section is followed by a research part which contains a questionnaire discovering the knowledges of... |
Krapfová, Jana
20 let Dívčího akademického sboru Plzeň The bachelor thesis describes the organizational structure of the Girls Academic Chorus of the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen and summarizes the historical development since the founding of the Chorus to its present, including repertoire, success and touring activities. It unites ... |
Nejezchlebová, Mária Michaela
Fagot na Konzervatoři v Plzni The title of this Bachelor thesis is Bassoon on Conservatory in Pilsen. The issue of work is in many ways unexplored, that´s why the main objective of this work is to map archives of the conservatory and Archives of the Pilsen. First section of thesis describes ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019