Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KHK) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Klička, Jakub
Seattleská hudební scéna za posledních 30 let Work is concerned about grunge music and its representatives. It comprehensively informs about evolution of Seattle music scene from the birth of grunge till now. |
Fendrych, Filip
Hudební styl Post-hardcore This bachelor thesis briefly describes birth and evolution of a musical genre known as post-hardcore. It comprises a detailed study of major artists, famous figures and music festivals that greatly influenced this particular genre. It also includes a study, that cover all the cruci... |
Cimpl, Vojtěch
90 let Českého rozhlasu This bachelor's thesis is about 90 years of broadcasting in Czech republic. it´s focused on music dramaturgy, new stations and modern technologies in broadcasting. |
Perausová, Kristýna
Duchovní hudba 18. století In this bachelor's thesis there is an effort to show a closer diversity and manifoldness of spiritual music of the18th century. It contains characteristics of that age and evolution of spiritual music in 18th century in Europe. One part contains the outline of spiritual mu... |
Jílek, Jiří
Smíšené sbory v plzeňském kraji po roce 2000 This thesis focuses on the brief development and the formation of choral singing in the Czech Republic. It deals with the choir´s work and gives a comprehensive overview of active mixed choirs in the Pilsen Region. |
Zavadilová, Barbora
Základní umělecká škola Třemošná This bachelor's work analyzes a topic of Elementary Art School in Třemošná. The introduction defines the city Třemošná geographically, historically and culturally. The rest of the work focuses on history and current situation of the school. The conclusion quotes an interview with th... |
Vícha, Petr
Současná metalová scéna ve Skandinávii Scandinavian scene is very essential for metal music. It affects rock history very specifically. The thesis describes history of pure heavy metal in it's begining. Then it covers individual heavy metal sub-genres and their history and musical characteristics. The basic form of heavy... |
Svoboda, Jakub
Danny Elfman - významná osobnost světové filmové hudby The aim of this work is an introduction to the general issues of film music, its evolution and personalities who have shaped it significantly. Emphasis is placed on the work of Danny Elfman, his compositional personality and his influence, which is especially noticeable in the... |
Urbánková, Ivana
Hudební činnosti v MŠ Rokycany ve třídě Berušek The bachelor thesis describes variety of musical activities and it gives us a brief insight into musical activities held in the kindergarden. |
Pistorius, Ondřej
Hudba v reklamě a obchodním prostředí, aneb jak nás skrze hudbu ovlivňují média This bacalary is about music in advertisement. It exploring the relationship between human being and music in advertisement. It is about potential effects that music can have upon us. It contains two main parts. The first part is devoted to the theoretical basis that defines... |
Sošková, Michaela
Motown - popularizace černošské hudby This bachelor work is about Motown Records, the first record company, that succeed in popularization of black music. The first chapter is devoted to the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, because discovering of America was the first step towards the beginning of... |
Perausová, Kristýna
Duchovní hudba 18. století In this bachelor's thesis there is an effort to show a closer diversity and manifoldness of spiritual music of the18th century. It contains characteristics of that age and evolution of spiritual music in 18th century in Europe. One part contains the outline of spiritual mu... |
Novotná, Kateřina
Vývoj muzikálu od roku 1990 na vybraných pražských divadelních scénách The work charts the musical scene in Prague since 1990, when it happens greatest musical boom. The work is divided into two halves, the first shows the most important works which have been listed and are assigned to individual theaters. The second part deals with contempo... |
Níčová, Adéla
Festival Smetanova Litomyšl This bachelor thesis deals with the Festival Smetana's Litomyšl. The first part presents city Litomyšl where I describe the most important milestones of its history. Then I briefly describe life and work of Bedřich Smetana. In the main part of this thesis I wrote abo... |
Nejdlová, Milada
Elementární hudební interpretace inspirovaná moderními českými teoretiky The main point of the introduction of this work contemplates if it is possible the modern Czech music theory can become an inspiration for interpretation work. The author shortly describes the development of exact disciplines, introduces their protagonists and periods of origin of... |
Lišková, Alice
Emoce a city jako součást prožívání hudby Thesis deals with the emotions and feelings experienced in relation to music. It also describes the musical evolution of human, the effect of music on human behavior and its commercial use. |
Michalec, Ondřej
Plzeňská amatérská orchestrální sdružení In my bachelor thesis I describe the history of amateur orchestral ensembles. In more detail It specializes in amateur orchestral work, which dates back to the 19th century. It gives a detailed description of history, dramaturgy and the activities of the Pilsner String Orchestra... |
Křížek, Michal
Vznik profesionálního zařízení v oblasti zájmového vzdělávání dětí a mládeže na příkladu Domu dětí a mládeže Talent v Plzni This final bachelor work deals with creation of a new professional institution in out-of-school education on the example of Dům Dětí a Mládeže Talent, which had operated in Pilsen since school year 2013/2014. It is some kind of the ilustration how to realize such kind... |
Kutka, Pavel
Historie ZUŠ Přeštice a její vliv na kulturu v regionu This bachelor's thesis is about Primary Art School ZUŠ Přeštice, one of the most important music education institutes in the district of south Pilsen. The introduction briefly describes the history of the city itself, including the musical history, the main part describes the h... |
Kovalčík, Ondřej
Lidová hudba na Prácheňsku In my thesis I tried to find what is a relation between folklore musicians and their families. Also I wanted to figure out something about traditional music at Prácheň region. The main figure of my work was Mr. Josef Režný, the collecter of traditional culture. His w... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební kultury / Department of Musical Culture
- 49 music
- 41 hudba
- 19 hudební výchova
- 19 kindergarten
- další >
- 218 bakalářská práce
- 60 2020 - 2024
- 158 2012 - 2019