Diplomové práce / Theses (KMP) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 77
Kovářík, Martin
Statut Norimberského tribunálu (IMT) ve světle zásady nullum crimen sine lege.

In my thesis I researched the London charter of the International Military Tribunal in the light of the principle nullum crimen sine lege. I focused on the process of founding the Nuremberg tribunal and its Statute. I examined each group of crimes, that were described by&...

Bradáč, Radim
Smluvní odpovědnost v mezinárodní silniční přepravě.

This thesis deals with contractual liability in international road transport. It aims to analyse in detail how a carrier can be held liable for damage caused in international road transport, with an emphasis on the carriage of cargo. This analysis identifies problematic and a...

Suchá, Kristýna
Odpovědnost jednotlivce za účast na společném plánu ve světle mauthausenského procesu

The thesis deals with the issue of responsibility for participation in the common design, paying particular attention to the Mauthausen trial. First, the notion of a common design is defined and how this notion was viewed by the judges in the trial concerning Mauthausen concen...

Mazlová, Daniela
Kolizní úprava manželského práva.

This diploma thesis discusses the conflict of laws regulation of marriage law. It deals with general institutes and legal sources in relation to marriage with a cross-border impact. The thesis is devoted in detail to institutes related to international marriage through national, interna...

Kollrossová, Petra
Právo dítěte vyjádřit se ve smyslu čl. 12 Úmluvy o právech dítěte.

The diploma thesis deals with the child's right to express himself according to Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Article 12 guarantees a child who is already able to formulate his opinions that his opinions will be taken into account according&...

Havlíčková, Dominika
Rozhodčí řízení vedené u ICSID a opravné prostředky po vydání rozhodčího nálezu v rozhodčím řízení u ICSID

The subject of my thesis is arbitration conducted before the ICSID and post-award remedies at the ICSID. I chose this subject because it is an interesting topic on which there is no literature in the Czech language yet. In the introduction, the thesis explains the&...

Hambálek, František
Právní úprava podnikání cizinců na území ČR

This thesis deals with the topic of foreigners' entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic. The thesis is structured into three main chapters. The first chapter defines selected concepts, namely foreigners' law, citizen and citizenship of the Czech Republic, foreigner and foreign person...

Rybín, Jakub
Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku.

This thesis explores the topic of arbitration in international commercial relations. The analysis is realized through the perspective of the legal system of the Czech Republic, taking into consideration in particular the applicable laws, international treaties, and the decisions of national ...

Holub, Roman
Kolizní úprava manželského práva.

This thesis focuses on the conflict of laws rules used in matrimonial law. The question that the author tries to answer is whether even nowadays, is lex patriae still the most significant connecting factor has when it comes to matrimonial law or whether its role decreased...

Brožek, Jan
Evropská diplomacie a konzulární ochrana jako aspekt občanství Evropské unie

The thesis aims to explain the system of European diplomacy with its specificities and pitfalls. It also describes the thorny path of the European integration process in this area. Thus, the main focus of the thesis is on explaining the work of the European External Actio...

Kleisner, Tadeáš
Ochrana životního prostředí v judikatuře Mezinárodního soudního dvora

This thesis concentrates on international environmental law and its influence on the jurisdiction of the International court of justice. The key issue addressed in this thesis is the view of the International court of justice on the normative development of precautionary principle. The&...

Zíková, Oldřiška
Nové trendy v mezinárodní obchodní arbitráži.

The diploma thesis deals with the topic of New trends in international commercial arbitration. Virtual hearings and Third-party funding are one of the most significant trends in the last few years in the field of international commercial arbitration, not least due to corona&...

Vlčková, Šárka
Kolizní úprava dědického práva.

This thesis is focused on the determination of the applicable law in international succession, it presents and describes its essential parts and relationships among the conflict of laws rules in the European Union law, domestic law and international law. The key part of this t...

Hanušová, Nikola
Rizika spojená s repatriací post mortem

This diploma thesis is devoted to the post-mortem repatriation process and the risks that threaten both the body of the deceased and the persons involved in repatriation. The aim of this diploma thesis is to verify and point out the importance of post-mortem prote...

Nová, Karolína
Občanská válka v Libyi a její mezinárodněprávní důsledky.

The thesis analyzes the application of the R2P principle by the UN Security Council during the resolution of the civil war in Libya in 2011. Based on the adoption of Resolution No. 1973, it allowed a military operation in the country for the first time in the co...

Fiala, Dominik
Humanitární intervence

International human rights protection has come a long way since its start. In the beginning, protection of human rights was purely in hands of independent states, but over time it has changed and international organizations has started to look at human rights protection as on&...

Bajer, Petr
Smluvní odpovědnost v mezinárodní silniční přepravě

This work is about contractual liability in international road transport with focus on CMR Convention, but also on domestic legislation of road carriage.

Brůhová, Miroslava
Meze práva na svobodu projevu v judikatuře Evropského soudu pro lidská práva.

The diploma thesis deals with the limits of the right to freedom of expression in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It mainly describes freedom of expression on the Internet. It focuses on duties and responsibilities on the Internet.

Horvátová, Kateřina
Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku

The diploma thesis deals with the topic of arbitration in international trade. At the beginning of the diploma thesis, the author focuses on the approach to theoretical concepts, basic principles, advantages and disadvantages of arbitration. Subsequently, the work contains individual types o...

Kubáňová, Veronika
Legalita ozbrojeného zásahu Turecka v Sýrii z pohledu mezinárodního práva veřejného

This diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of the legality of the use of force in the Turkish offensive in Syria. The Turkish offensive in northern Syria has posed a number of challenges to the international law and can be analyzed on several levels. Given the ...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 77