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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 61
Pavelka, Jaroslav
CRISPR: Nová kapitola do učebnic biologie pro střední školy

The article appeals to secondary school lecturers to include some information about current surveys that are likely to affect most of the population. Molecular genetics seems to have revolutionized, and a students and lecturers should work with current trends. We describe trusted...

Vágnerová, Petra , Benediktová, Lenka , Kout, Jiří
Kritická místa ve výuce přírodopisu na základní škole

The concept of critical issues has become one of the focal points of research under the project Didactics - Man and Nature A. This preliminary article deals with defining of the crucial terms of the project, outlines the research design, and &#...

Rychtera, Jiří , Bílek, Martin , Bártová, Iveta , Chroustová, Kateřina , Sloup, Radovan , Šmídl, Milan , Machková, Veronika , Štrofová, Jitka , Kolář, Karel , Kesnerová Řádková, Olga
Která jsou klíčová, kritická a dynamická místa počáteční výuky chemie v České republice?

In the contribution are discussed possibilities and limits of the early chemistry curriculum innovation in the Czech Republic at time of actually curricular reform. Example of chemistry subject matter in educational content and context is focused.&#x...

Mergl, Michal
Invazní měkkýši ve Středozemním moři

Eleven species of invasive gastropods and bivalves present in the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the European part of the Atlantic coast are reviewed. Shell morhology, history of the invasion, bionomy, impact to ecosystems, and further reading are presented in Rapana venosa, ...

Kout, Jiří
Co jsou to rosolovité houby?

Jelly fungi are a strange group with gelatinous fruitbodies and may be remarkable in the field in humid conditions. Their taxonomy has been changed in the respect of new phylogeny and traditional morphological approach was abandoned (Heterobasidiomycetes). This article brings general i...

Vlach, Pavel , Fischer, David
Nové poznatky o rozšíření raků v CHKO Brdy

In 2016, a detailed mapping campaign concerning a crayfish occurrence took place in the Brdy Protected Landcape Area (PLA). This contribution evaluates the results of this mapping campaign, compares with present knowledge about the presence and the basic characteristics of crayfish populatio...

Křenová, Zdeňka , Zýval, Vladimír , Zýval, Vladimír jr. , Chocholoušková, Zdeňka
Increasing concentration of deicing salt in soils in the Bavarian Forest National Park

The negative effects of applying deicing salts to ecosystems are well documented for many countries. Most chemical transport from roads occurs in stormwater runoff through or over soil. Runoff pollutants alter soil chemistry, may be absorbed by plants and afect stream ecosystems, where&...

Walter, Jan
Noční Makrolepidoptera lokality Střelnice u Horní Břízy

A survey of the night macrolepidopteran fauna was performed in the forest shooting range near Horní Bříza using a light trap, and a white sheet with UV lamp. In total, 209 macro-moth species representing 10 families were recorded in 2017. The most frequently trapped species&#x...

Walter, Jan , Kadlec, Tomáš , Štrobl, Martin
Recentní nálezy píďalky pestrokřídlé ( Horisme radicaria ) v České republice (Lepidoptera: Geometridae)

This article presents recent findings of Horisme radicaria (La Harpe, 1855), supplemented by available historical records from the Czech Republic. The species is already known from a number of localities, in Bohemia only from the vicinity of Srbsko in the Bohemian Karst Protected L...

Horák, Jakub , Brestovanská, Tereza , Mladenović, Strahinja , Kout, Jiří , Bogusch, Petr , Halda, Josef , Zasadil, Petr
Green desert?: Biodiversity patterns in forest plantations

Forest plantations represent a globally important land use, and their growth is expected to triple by the end of the century. Therefore, they could represent an important habitat remnant to support the survival of species. We measured the impact of forest plantations on biodiversit...

Nolčová, Lucie , Vágnerová, Petra
Zajímavá a motivující výuka řas a sinic na základních a středních školách

Teaching of algae and cyanobacteria topic in primary and secondary schools is often sporadic and does not leave enough of knowledge or experience in students. Usual problems are unexciting presentation of this topic, lack of motivation, lack of exercises and little emphasis ...

Kout, Jiří , Sádlíková, Martina
Neobvyklé houby ve výuce na různých stupních vzdělávání v rámci laboratorních prací

The article presents a proposal of laboratory work in biology for which we selected a group of stromatic fungi (Pyrenomycetes) from Ascomycota. The origin for the selection of this unusual group of fungi was, that the less known groups of fungi may be more attracti...

Kout, Jiří
Snadno určitelné choroše vhodné pro demonstraci na biologických exkurzích

The article presents ten easily identifi ed polypores as suitable species for demonstration at fi eld trips. The species can be demonstrated also in outside the vegetation season. The species are described with regard to important macroscopic features. All species are illus...

Kaufnerová, Veronika
Metody izolace a kultivace sinic a řas pro potřeby výuky na základních a středních školách

Despite the fact that cyanobacteria and algae are a common part of freshwater ecosystems, these organisms are still neglected in elementary and secondary education. The reason could be caused by planning of algological theme during late autumn and winter months. In this peri...

Kout, Jiří
Doporučení pro mikroskopická cvičení z hub na základních a středních školách

A practical part of education about Fungi is executed mainly by microscopy of Agaricus , yeast-plants and some moulds at the high school. This contribution off ers more suitable materials for observation of reproductive structures of Ascomycota and Basidiomyc...

Chocholoušková, Zdeňka , Kaufnerová, Veronika , Vlach, Pavel
Biologie všedního dne

Chocholoušková, Zdeňka , Kaufnerová, Veronika , Vlach, Pavel
Biologie všedního dne

Chocholoušková, Zdeňka , Kaufnerová, Veronika
Rozvoj experimentální výuky environmentálních programů ZŠ a SŠ

Doskočilová, Šárka , Mergl, Michal
Který druh reprezentuje typického hlavonožce?

The article presents the result of research aimed to presentation of cephalopods in text-books and children’s encyclopedias written in Czech language. The result indicates, that Common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) and Common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) are the most frequent examples of cephalopo...

Mergl, Michal
Biologická exkurze pro základní a střední školy: invazní druhy měkkýšů v ČR

Five invasive molluscan species known from the territory of the Czech Republic are reviewed for educational purposes. These species (Potamopyrgus antipodarum, Physella acuta, Arion lusitanicus, Corbicula fl uminea, Sinanodonta woodiana) are described, illustrated and commented with an attention to the...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 61