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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 122
Chroustovský, Luboš , Chlevišťan, Jiří
Mezinárodní den archeologie v laboratořích Katedry archeologie a Katedry antropologie FF ZČU (15.10. 2016)

Chroustovský, Luboš
Workshop (audio)vizuální archeologie, 7. 4. 2016 Plzeň

Chroustovský, Luboš
K dokumentární audiovizuální tvorbě v archeologii

Modern digital technologies and devices challenge our attitudes toward engaging with au- diovisual creativity and production in archaeology. There is a broad range of topics, situations and contexts in which filmmaking knowledge and skills are useful, in both academic arc...

Neústupný, Evžen
Prehistoric demography

Neústupný, Evžen
Sídelní areály pravěkých zemědělců

The paper develops a model fo further consideration and for testing by means of specific archaeological evidence. Starting from the needs of farming communities in proceeds to the definition of their settlement areas as consisting not only of dwelling sites and cemeteries (the two&...

Neústupný, Evžen
The demography of prehistoric cementries

The first part of this paper discusses demographic theory. The most serious obstacle to reconstructions based on skeletal series appears to be their incompleteness (burials outside regular cemeteries) while the question of non-stationarity may be of secondary importance. The conditions for a...

Turek, Jan , Daněček, Vladimír
Symbolické zbraně z měkkých hornin v období kultury se šňůrovou keramikou v Čechách

Musil, Jan
Hrnčířské podložky z Chrudimi

Pottery stilts or shelves belong to an overlooked and little-known artifact associated with the production of Early Modern glazed pottery. In pottery terminology, these terms represent a group of objects that encompasses a fairly wide group of artifacts. A batch of pottery vessels ...

Hobl, Luboš
Keramický soubor z hradu Gutštejna

This article presents the results of a medieval pottery analysis from Gutštejn Castle (District of Tachov). The medieval pottery was obtained during archaeological excavations in the years 1997–2001. The proposed chronological model, which provides the basis for further pottery research, was ...

Čapek, Ladislav
Rozhovor s docentem Františkem Gabrielem

Čiperová, Monika , Pavelka, Jaroslav , Šmejda, Ladislav
Detekce stop mléka v porézní keramice z neolitu jihozápadních Čech a otázka trávení laktózy u evropských populací v minulosti

The authors of this study focus on analyses of milk traces preserved in the form of organic residues on potsherds dated to the Neolithic and later periods. Commercial immunological tests for analyses of protein allergens in cooked food were used to detect milk remains. By ...

Čapek, Ladislav
JERVIS, Ben (2014): Pottery and social life in medieval England: towards a relational approach. Oxford a Philadelphia: Oxbow Books.

Čapek, Ladislav
Okruhy studia (středověké) keramiky aneb keramika jako archeologický pramen

This paper deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the research problems surrounding the processing of medieval pottery in the Czech Republic with a comparison with the state of research abroad. The main themes of pottery studies are discussed, such as chronology, produc...

Váňa, Martin
Archeologie nás: studium vlastní minulosti jako klíč k formulování archeologických teorií

Čapek, Ladislav , Holata, Lukáš , Menšík, Petr , Baterl, Petr , Hrdlička, Jan , Říha, Jan , Savková, Jarmila , Vařeka, Pavel
Interdisciplinární výzkum archeologických artefaktů pomocí moderních technologií

Chroustovský, Luboš , Janíček, Libor
Revizní archeologický průzkum polohy „Na Špičáku“, k. ú. Hroznětín, okr. Karlovy Vary

Chroustovský, Luboš , Průchová, Erika
Classification of Post-medieval Secondary Mortuary Practices and Disturbances

Průchová, Erika , Chroustovský, Luboš
Vícečetný pohřeb ze starší doby bronzové z Velkých Přílep: Příspěvek ke studiu tafonomie, vzniku a účelu pohřebního komplexu

Early Bronze Age multiple burial from Velké Přílepy, Central Bohemia. A contribution to the study of taphonomy, the rise and purpose of a burial complex. The work focuses on the context of a multiple burial of 6 individuals from Velké Přílepy (distr. Prague-west), dated...

Průchová, Erika , Chroustovský, Luboš
La sépulture multiple de Velké Prilepy (Age du Bronze ancien, République Tchèque). Contribution à l’interprétation de l’origine d’un complexe funéraire à partir des données de terrain et de la taphonomie

Based on the interdisciplinary co-operation between biological anthropology and archaeology, this contribution deals with the Early Bronze Age multiple burial from Velké Prilepy (distr. Prague–west, Czech Republic). The participation of an anthropologist, an uncommon event in the Czech Re...

Rak, Michal , Funk, Lukáš , Váňa, Martin
Vesnice v zajetí železné opony - možnosti archeologického poznání studené války

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 81 to 100 of 122