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Bařtipánová, Soňa
Simulation Incubator as an Activation Method of Music Management Teaching at the Faculty of Education The paper aims to show the reader how to use an economic-manager instrument in the shape of an incubator in the teaching process at the faculty of pedagogy. The research on the impor tance of using a simulation incubator as an activation teaching method is int... |
Gadžijeva, Elvira
Choral Activities in the Czech Republic During the COVID-19 Pandemic The time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent government restrictions, which included a ban on singing in public places and companies, proved to be challenging for choirs in the Czech Republic. When group singing was listed as a high-risk activity that could spre... |
Bubeníčková, Daniela
Slavíková, Marie
Music Education in a Small Rural School The article deals with the issue of small rural schools and the possibilities of teaching music education in these schools. Small rural schools are schools with a small number of classes, where two or three school years are taught simultaneously in one classroom.... |
Gvozdevskaia, Galina
Japanese traditional music and the possibilities of its use in music education in Europe This article analyzes of philosophical approaches and methods of teaching musical instruments at traditional Japanese schools. These approaches have a long history within the Japanese Iemoto system. This study’s author highlights several similarities between some conceptual settings of the Japanese... |
Gvozdevskaia, Galina
Hudební výchova na všeobecně vzdělávacích školách v Japonsku The article analyses the Japanese teaching music system: a unique methodological experience that allows all students to master musical notation, the skill of recorder or harmonica playing, and to achieve a high level of ensemble music-making. The article also recommends organizing various... |
Gvozdevskaia, Galina
Metody` podderzhaniya psikhicheskoj aktivnosti obuchayushhikhsya pri osvoenii muzy`kal`ny`kh instrumentov v rezhime onlajn (na primere fortepiano) |
Aschenbrenner, Vít
Václav Pavlas (1752–1835), Rector Chori děkanského kostela Narození Panny Marie (1785–1795) Václav led the musical choir of the dean's church of Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Klatovy in the years 1785-1795. On the basis of the sources, Pavlas' family background, the spectrum of his musical and organizational duties within the framework of his work in th... |
Bláha, Jaroslav
Richard Wagner a Honoré Daumier. Expresivní realismus v opeře a malbě This study focuses on the culmination of the reform of opera in Richard Wagner's musical drama with an emphasis on the symbiosis of realism and expressionism and the unity of the total artwork (Gesamkunstwerk) from the bel canto opera in the first third of the 19th... |
Bláha, Jaroslav
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a William Hogarth. Figarova svatba a Svatba podle módy The study focuses on the comic opera of high classicism, represented by W. A. Mozart's The Marriage of Figaro and adequate changes in P.-A. Beaumarchais' socially critical comedy of the same name and a similar change in the urban genre spearheaded by William Hogarth. T... |
Bláha, Jaroslav
Christoph Willibald Gluck a Jacques Louis David. Opera seria a historická malba klasicismu The study focuses on the reform of the opera seria associated with the early classicist composer Christoph Willibald Gluck and the corresponding changes in the concept of historical painting in ambivalent variants of traditional ancient mythology and contemporary historical events in the... |
Šustíková, Věra
Bezděk, Jiří
German contemporary authors compose melodramas on Czech texts The following essay describes the efforts of its authors to encourage the creation of concert melodramas by German composers to Czech texts. This effort became the subject of the project “Czech composers set German texts to music, and German composers set Czech texts ... |
Gvozdevskaia, Galina
Japanese traditional music and the possibilities of its use in European music education This article analyzes of philosophical approaches and methods of teaching musical instru- ments at traditional Japanese schools. These approaches have a long history within the Japanese Iemoto system. This study’s author highlights several similarities between some conceptual settings of&... |
Kodejška, Miloš
Domestic and foreign contexts of Czech music education This study focuses on significant historical events in the context of music education at public schools from the 1930s to the present. It characterizes music education since the founding of the Society for Music Education in the Czechoslovak Republic in 1934, clarifies ... |
Růžičková, Veronika
Syrovátková, Štěpánka
Učební strategie studentů VŠ během distanční výuky - didaktická studie The study is focused on learning strategies mastered by students of the study programme “Kindergarten Pedagogy” during distance learning of the two-term unit Music Education in Kindergartens and further used in the subject of DIMŠ1 (Didactics of Music Education 1). The aim of the... |
Janík, Tomáš
Slavík, Jan
Najvar, Petr
Jirotková, Darina
The Same and the Different: On Semantization and Instrumentalization Practices in the (Maths) Classroom There is no education without content. Teaching and learning in schools is devoted to “something,” not to “nothing” or “anything.” The more heterogeneous, multicultural, and multilingual the classroom, the more semantization of educational content within teaching and learning is needed. Therefore... |
Vičar, Jan
Hudební osobnost Stanislava Pecháčka Stanislav Pecháček celebrates a jubilee this year. He was born on 15 February 1951 in Dolní Dobrouč, Czech Republic. He worked as a secondary school teacher, choirmaster of children’s and girls’ choirs, and editor-in-chief of the Cantus journal. Currently he has been working as... |
Vičar, Jan
Václav Trojan, Plzeňské písničky a český hudební folklor Václav Trojan (1907–1983) composed his Pilsen Songs for tenor and wind quintet in 1942 and 1958. The study recapitulates Trojan's relations to his native city Pilsen and characterizes composer's work with the Czech folklore material. |
Sladký, Aleš
Blues lyrics in teaching music and Czech at the grammar school My study is entitled: “Blues lyrics in teaching music and Czech at the grammar school” and now I will outline its fundamental contents, the basic conclusions of my study and the meth- ods used to help me reach these conclusions. The study is conceived as a... |
Karpíšek, Tomáš
Double bass in Czech music of the 21st century with a focus on solo and chamber music literature in a historical and international context My dissertation project Double bass in Czech music of the 21st century with a focus on solo and chamber music literature in a historical and international context aims to convey a report about the state of the Czech contemporary music for double bass in the ne... |
Žitný, Radek
Clarinettist Milan Kostohryz: His contribution to the field of reconstruction of historical instruments and his innovative promotion of new instruments My dissertation at the Department of Music Education and Culture at the University of West Bohemia is entitled “Milan Kostohryz. His contribution to music interpretation and pedagogy.” The dissertation focuses on an extraordinary musician, Milan Kostohryz (1911–1998), who had a ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra hudební výchovy a kultury / Department of Music and Culture