Diplomové práce / Theses (KOP) Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 147
Prajzlerová, Alexandra
Právní aspekty elektronického obchodování

This thesis is focuses on the legal aspects of e-commerce with an emphasis on the Czech Republic, which is currently one of the leading countries in the number of e-shops per capita. The aim of the thesis is to analyse and explain the key legal issues related to...

Sorokáčová, Zuzana
Střet zájmů člena voleného orgánu obchodní korporace

The subject of the thesis on "Conflict of Interest of a Member of an Elected Body of a Commercial Corporation" is a summary of the legal complex of conflict of interest and the principles of soft law in the form of the Corporate Governance Code in the ...

Plucar, Václav
Claimy dle smluvních podmínek FIDIC

The submitted thesis Claims under the FIDIC Conditions of Contract dealt mainly with the contractor's claims exclusively under the Red Book. Firstly, the concept and purpose of a claim as a contractual compensation claim, subdivision, description of claim events listed in the Red&#x...

Randlová, Tereza
Klamavá reklama

This thesis deals with the issue of misleading advertising. In its introduction, the thesis introduction the reader with economic competition and unfair competition as a whole, and with basic concepts such as competitor and consumer. The reader is then introduced to several cases f...

Zeman, Adam
Zneužití dominantního postavení v hospodářské soutěži digitálními technologickými společnostmi

This thesis deals with a detailed analysis of the concept of competition, with emphasis on the legal aspect of the concept. The text focuses on the interpretation of the concept of dominance and its possible abuse in the context of competition. It also examines the specif...

Zrno, Oliver
Přechod podílu v družstvu

The thesis is focused on the passage of a cooperative share of natural and legal persons and certain innovative solutions for the passage of a cooperative share.

Peitner, Jakub
Princip síťové neutrality z právního pohledu

This Thesis explains the principle of net neutrality, its legislative history in USA, EU and Czech republic and the most impactful court cases in these regions. First chapter explains the term itself and the most common arguments of supporters and critics. Second chapter explains&#...

Plochá, Karolína
Vzájemný vztah exekučního a insolvenčního řízení

The diploma thesis, entitled "The Mutual Relationship of Execution and Insolvency Proceedings", is divided into seven chapters, with two chapters following the introduction devoted to a general explanation of insolvency and enforcement proceedings. A historical excursus into both types of&#x...

Liška, Michael
Řízení o vyslovení neplatnosti usnesení valné hromady

The primary objective of this thesis is to describe the procedural aspects of the proceedings for invalidation of a resolution of the general meeting and also to analyse the case law that has arisen from this type of proceedings or that is directly related to it. Ano...

Novotný, Michael
Přihlášky pohledávek a jiné způsoby uplatňování pohledávek v konkursním řízení

The aim of this thesis is to describe and evaluate the path of the insolvency creditor's claim in bankruptcy proceedings. The content of this thesis is implemented in the context of the historical context of the insolvency proceedings, through a general section on the appl...

Lídl, Vojtěch
Autorské právo na sociálních sítích

The thesis focuses on the issue of social media from the perspective of copyright law. Firstly, the phenomenon of social media and whether social media themselves can be a copyrightable work is presented. Then, attention is paid to selected social media and the legal regulatio...

Marhánková, Kristina
Poskytování právních služeb online

The thesis deals with the issue of providing legal services online. This form of providing legal services is rapidly developing worldwide and therefore it is a very topical topic. The thesis characterizes what disruptive technologies are, why they are related to the provision of&#x...

Binková, Zuzana
Právní postavení České televize jako veřejnoprávního média v 21. století

The topic of this master thesis is The Legal Status of Czech Television (hereafter "CT") as a Public Broadcaster in the 21st century. The thesis is divided into three chapters; each one is divided into subchapters. The first chapter is devoted to the legal stat...

Karczub, Adam
Ochrana vlastníka ochranné známky v obchodněprávních vztazích

Trademarks are not only a commonly used legal institution, but also an integral part of our everyday lives. The importance of trademarks in today's society is undeniable. Labelling products and services with well-known brands has become a symbol of status and social standing. H...

Daniel, Kryštof
Právní aspekty společného jmění manželů v insolvenčním řízení

The thesis deals with the conflict between two important legal institutes of private law, which are insolvency proceedings and marital community property. This means that in the work, insolvency proceedings are defined and the approaches to resolving debtor insolvency are thoroughly di...

Smutný, Milan
Zásady odpovědného zadávání (ustanovení § 6 odst. 4 ZZVZ)

The following dissertation focuses on the challenges in responsible procurement of public contacts. This is not a new topic, however the responsibility of transparent procurement has been embedded in the law been only recently, 1.1.2021. The clearer procurement strategy has been added t...

Vinopalová, Žaneta
Domény a doménové spory v ADR

This thesis deals with means and procedures of disputes arising from conflicts of domain names with rights of third parties. The reasons and causes of domain name disputes are explained in connection with the clarification of fundamental concepts and main principles concerning domains&#...

Hadravová, Petra
Povinnost loajality statutárního orgánu

The aim of this diploma thesis is to define a duty of loyalty of a member of statutory body and define the position of the duty of loyalty among other duties of statutory body. Introduction of this diploma thesis generrly define a concept of loyalty, define legal...

Szmolen, Adam
Vypořádací podíl

The thesis deals with the settlement share as a property right of a member of a business corporation. It defines the settlement share according to the law and deals with the specifics within the general and special regulation of the law, especially with regard to various&...

Dvořák, Josef
Právo na označení jako výhoda pro ochranu proti nekalé soutěži

This diploma thesis deals with relationship between unfair competiton and industrial rights. The wider part of my diploma thesis is devoted to specific areas of rights to designation, the most important of them is the trademark. I base this claim not only on the number of...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 147