Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Machulda, Martin
Systém vzdělávání a rozvoje pracovníků v organizaci Městská policie Plzeň This bachelor's thesis focuses on education and development system of employees in the organization of Pilsen Municipal Police. The goal of this thesis was to get acquainted with education and development of employees in the organization and to find out whether the education an... |
Němec, Ondřej
Využití nástrojů business intelligence a jejich možné využití pro manažerské rozhodování This bachelor thesis on "The use of Business Intelligence tools and their possible use for managerial decision-making" analyzes Business Intelligence tools in a specific company. The theoretical part of the thesis describes Business Intelligence systems, their principles and benefits for... |
Patakyová, Kamila
Řízení vztahů se zákazníkem a jeho význam pro posílení konkurenceschopnosti podniku This bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of "Customer relationship management and its importance for strengthening the company's competitiveness." The intention was to perform an analysis of the current state of CRM at Pittsburgh Corning CR, s.r.o. and based on this... |
Müllerová, Lucie
Výběr nových pracovníků This bachelor thesis focuses on the issue of recruitment and selection of new employees in Lokal Pod Divadlem. The aim of the thesis is to assess the current state of the recruitment process in the company and to propose steps to make it more effective. The thesis... |
Skřivanová, Sabina
Způsoby skladování materiálu v podniku The bachelor thesis focuses on the evaluation of storage in a selected manufacturing company. The aim of the thesis is to propose measures to improve the efficiency of the storage process in the manufacturing company Elitex Nepomuk, a.s. The theoretical part of the thesis deal... |
Trnková, Dagmar
Využití myšlenkových map v podnikatelské praxi This bachelor thesis deals with the use of mind maps in business practice and focuses on their use in companies in the Czech Republic. Mind maps are seen as a creative technique for developing ideas and an effective tool for working with information. First, the history... |
Bauerová, Natálie
Žena v čele projektového týmu This bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the role of women in leading project teams. The theoretical part defines basic concepts related to project management, leadership, and gender diversity. It also explains the issues of gender discrimination and the barrie... |
Marchenko, Dmytro
Využití metod projektového řízení ve vybraném podniku The theme of this bachelor thesis is "Utilization of project management methods in selected company". The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the state of project management in CIE Industry Ltd. with subsequent recommendations for the implementation of new tools and method... |
Mikešová, Valérie
Řízení projektového týmu The subject of this bachelor thesis is project team management. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the basic concepts of project management and team management process, while the practical part analyzes various management styles, identifies key success factors of individual t... |
Červená, Simona
Zavedení procesů IT podpory do praxe The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of implementation of IT support processes into practice at the organization Správa informačních technologií města Plzně. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part explains concepts of process, process management, IT... |
Zelená, Nikol
Vliv okolí na konkrétní podnik The topic of this bachelor's thesis is The Influence of the Environment on a Specific Company. The goal of the thesis is to analyze the external and internal environment of the chosen organization Techmania Science Center o. p. s. and to propose possible measures that ... |
Kudrnová, Nikola
Vztahy na pracovišti a jejich vliv na motivaci pracovníků This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of workplace relationships and their impact on employee motivation. In the theoretical part, interpersonal relationships are described and then further divided into formal and informal relationships, as well as work relationships. The next chapters&... |
Böhm, Ondřej
Vliv pracovního prostředí na vztahy zaměstnanců The bachelor thesis focuses on interpersonal relationships in the workplace and the influence of the work environment on them. In the first part, interpersonal relationships in general are first discussed and then in relation to work, where communication in the work environment is ... |
Flemr, Tomáš
Význam nákupu pro efektivní fungování podniku The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to evaluate the purchasing processes of the company based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of specific purchasing cases, with the objective of proposing improvements and effective measures. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the conc... |
Faměrová, Aneta
Změny ve vedení a motivaci zaměstnanců v důsledku Covid-19 This particular bachelor thesis deals with the changes in leadership and employee motivation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of analysing and evaluating these changes. In the practical part, first the motivational system of the production plant is described and... |
Šulan, Josef
Vliv kvality vztahů a komunikace na výkonnost zaměstnanců This bachelor thesis is developed on the topic of the Impact of Relationship Quality and Communication on Employee Performance. The thesis is divided into two main parts: a theoretical part and an independent research part. The theoretical part focuses on the issues of... |
Škaloud, Jeroným
Financování bydlení v České republice The bachelor thesis describes and compares housing financing options in the Czech Republic. The topic of housing financing was chosen for its relevance. The theoretical part deals with the most common housing financing options, namely mortgage loans, loans from building societies and... |
Jiránek, Štěpán
Udržitelná městská mobilita pohledem generace Z The presented thesis aims to find out the ideas and opinions of representatives of generation Z on sustainable urban mobility in Pilsen. To achieve the goal, the method of group interviews was chosen. The theoretical part defines the concept of sustainable mobility, together with... |
Vondráčková, Anna
Strategická analýza prostředí vybraného podniku In this bachelor thesis a strategic analysis of the environment of the selected organization is prepared. The aim of the thesis is to comprehensively analyse the external and internal environment of the company and based on the information obtained from this analysis to propose... |
Bayer, Jan
Současné problémy trhu práce ve vybraném regionu The bachelor's thesis provides a detailed overview of the labour market, examining in detail its segmentation, supply and demand dynamics, and wage-related concepts. It also analyses various aspects of unemployment, including types and causes, and focuses on recruitment strategies, including ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra podnikové ekonomiky a managementu / Department of Bussiness Administration and Management
- 227 projekt
- 226 project
- 158 finanční analýza
- 153 financial analysis
- další >
- 1292 bakalářská práce
- 403 2020 - 2024
- 889 2012 - 2019