Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KPM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Junk, Tomáš
Současné problémy trhu práce ve vybraném regionu This bachelor thesis deals with development and current state of the labour market in the Plzeň-North district. In the theoretical part, the labour market, unemployment, state employment policy and employment agencies are characterized. The practical part contains the characteristics of the ... |
Kudláček, Alexandr
Systém práce s inovačními podněty, kolaborativní nástroje pro podporu kreativity Innovations are essential for the survival of businesses in a constantly evolving competitive environment, so their importance is something that needs attention. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the system of work with innovative ideas in a specific company, which is Lear C... |
Kuflik, Andriana
Strategická analýza vybraného podniku This bachelor thesis focuses on conducting a strategic analysis of the selected company with the aim of providing recommendations that could help the company improve its market position. The theoretical part of the thesis provides a basic overview of strategic analysis. In the prac... |
Pokorná, Michaela
Projekt a jeho plán The presented bachelor thesis focuses on the analysis of a real project that took place in 2023 and partly in 2024. The aim of the thesis is to rebuild, evaluate the project and compare its plans with reality. The text is divided into chapters that interweave theoret... |
Navrátil, Ondřej
Projekt implementace nových technologií do podnikového vzdělávání This bachelor thesis is focused on planning a project for the implementation of new technologies in corporate training. The theoretical part, which is divided into 2 chapters, first describes terms from project management and then terms from education in general and modern trends i... |
Nováková, Sabina
Projekt optimalizace výroby ve zvolené organizaci The bachelor thesis focuses on a production optimization project. Its aim is to create plans and establish recommendations for project implementation based on qualitative research. The theoretical part includes definitions of project management terms, project plans, lean and 5S methodology. The... |
Frouz, Václav
Plánování výroby v podniku s využitím matematického programování This bachelor thesis focuses on production planning using mathematical programming with the example of implementation in the automotive industry of IACG s.r.o. The logistics of the company is presented and the measures already taken to increase efficiency are approached. This includes the... |
Viktorová, Oksana
Podnikání v gastronomii ve vybraných oblastech Podbrdska The topic of the bachelor thesis is Business in Gastronomy in selected areas of Podbrdsko. The aim of the thesis is to contribute to understanding the dynamics of the gastronomic industry in this region. The theoretical part is based on literary and online sources, focusing... |
Pekárek, Šimon
Plánování projektu The bachelor's thesis deals with the planning of a specific project, which is the reconstruction of the tennis courts in the premises of TJ Lokomotiva Plzeň. In the introduction to the theoretical part, the basic concepts of project management are described, which are followed&... |
Mrázová, Eliška Jaroslava
Genderová diverzita v managementu This bachelor thesis addresses the issue of gender diversity in management with a focus on the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to determine whether there are currently differences in the employment of men and women in managerial positions, to process the results ... |
Šafanda, Dominik
Analýza dotačních příležitostí a příprava žádosti o dotaci do vybraného programu The bachelor thesis deals with the identification and analysis of suitable grant programs found as a source of financing for the selected project in this thesis. The identification and analysis involve a comprehensive overview of information about each program and its incorporation... |
Suttnerová, Nicola
Genderová diverzita v managementu This bachelor thesis focuses on gender diversity in management. The aim of the thesis is to assess the interrelationship between gender and leadership style according to the managerial grid. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part, the ma... |
Koča, Martin
Analýza konkurenceschopnosti vybraného podniku This bachelor thesis deals with the competitive analysis of GO! Express & Logistics s.r.o., which operates in the field of express logistics services. The aim of the thesis was to identify the key factors that affect its ability to compete in the market and to propose... |
Bohatý, Ondřej
Plánování a realizace projektu The bachelor thesis named "Project planning and execution" focuses on developing the theoretical basis of project management in order to apply this knowledge in practice. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part describes in detail the differ... |
Kraidl, Václav
Důchodová reforma a její dopady na české firmy a jejich zaměstnance The topic of the thesis concerned the impacts of pension reform on Czech households and businesses, as it is a significant and current issue. Throughout the work, various modifications to the system and other influences were described, primarily those relevant. By influences, we me... |
Schaffer, Martin
Strategická analýza prostředí vybrané organizace The topic of the thesis is a strategic analysis of the environment of a selected organization. The aim of the thesis is to conduct partial strategic investigations and then draw conclusions to propose recommendations to the company under study. This objective has been fulfilled... |
Kabourková, Nela
Analýza administrativních nároků na provoz spolku, popis procesů a příprava příslušných šablon This Bachelor thesis focuses on identification of obligations of association according to the applicable laws and subsequently on the creation of clear procedural instructions for its operation. The first part of the thesis describes the characteristics of associations and the legislative re... |
Sýkorová, Kateřina
Podnikatelský plán pro vybraný podnikatelský záměr The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to create a business plan for a new microbrewery in Pilsen. The microbrewery will focus on producing quality craft beer and offering additional services. The thesis is dived into five chapters. The first two chapters focus on the th... |
Mikešová, Natálie
Role a spolupráce v projektovém týmu This Bachelor's thesis titled The Role and Collaboration in a Project Team focuses on the identification of roles and factors influencing collaboration within a selected project team. The theoretical part outlines key information that is then applied in the practical part. The pract... |
Zlámal, Antonín
Energetická chudoba - příčiny a řešení The bachelor thesis focuses on energy poverty primarily in the Czech Republic. The thesis describes its main indicators, explains their principle and their possible shortcomings. The indicators are supplemented with available data from the Czech Statistical Office. Where possible, data from ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra podnikové ekonomiky a managementu / Department of Bussiness Administration and Management
- 227 projekt
- 226 project
- 158 finanční analýza
- 153 financial analysis
- další >
- 1292 bakalářská práce
- 403 2020 - 2024
- 889 2012 - 2019