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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1292
Klementová, Lucie
Podpora podnikání sportovní organizace

This bachelor's thesis deals with business support of a sports organization. Its goal is to assess the current state and financing of the organization and propose recommendation for improving its economic situation. In the theoretical part, key terms in the field of sports mana...

Schejbalová, Kateřina
Adaptační proces nového zaměstnance v organizaci

This bachelor thesis focuses on employee onboarding in an organization. The first chapter of the theoretical part of the thesis is about human resource management, with an attention to the adaptation of new employees. The second chapter analyses different aspects of adaptation, the ...

Šrámková, Johana
Adaptační proces nového zaměstnance ve vybrané společnosti

This bachelor thesis focuses on the process of adaptation of new employees within Škoda Transportation, a. s. The main objective of the thesis is to perform a detailed analysis and evaluation of the current adaptation process and to present proposals for its improvement. The t...

Gál, Patrik
Kariérní stránky jako nástroj získávání pracovníků

This bachelor thesis, entitled "Career websites as a tool for recruiting employees", deals with the testing and evaluation of career websites of selected companies, analyzing their content and technical parameters. The aim of this thesis is to test and to evaluate the career&#...

Walchetseder, Jakub
Management sportovní organizace

This bachelor thesis deals with the management of the sports organization LK Slovan Karlovy Vary. The author first characterized the organization and then analyzed the individual managerial functions that are performed by the club. After that he analyzed the internal and external factor...

Medková, Veronika
Manažerské funkce - teorie a praxe

This bachelor thesis is elaborated on the topic Management functions - theory and practice. The thesis is divided into two main parts, where the first part is devoted to the theory of management functions and the second part is an independent research focused on the pract...

Pavlasová, Renata
Nové trendy v recruitmentu a efektivní náborové techniky

This bachelor thesis deals with new trends in recruitment and effective recruitment techniques. It starts with a theoretical section that deals with human resource management, recruitment, the history and objectives of recruitment, recruiting and recruitment methods. The practical part of the...

Šafrová, Zuzana
Motivace pracovníků ve zvolené organizaci

This bachelor thesis focuses on the motivation of employees in a selected company. Its main objective is to assess the current motivational system of the company PŘEDVÝBĚR.CZ s.r.o. from the perspective of employees and to propose appropriate steps for its improvement. The&...

Černý, Richard
Měnová politika centrálních bank a její vliv na makroekonomický vývoj v České republice a v Turecké republice

The bachelor thesis deals with the monetary policy of central banks in the Czech Republic and the Republic of Turkey. The thesis aims to analyses, evaluate, and subsequently propose new measures and recommendations in the field of monetary policy in both countries and economies.&#x...

Kubánek, Daniel
Plánování a realizace vybraného projektu

The bachelor thesis focuses on the planning and implementation of a project with the goal of applying theoretical knowledge from project management to a practical example. The theoretical part defines the basic elements of project management and describes the tools and methods for ...

Ryba, Jakub
Sociální klima na pracovišti

This bachelor's thesis focuses on the social climate in the workplace and its most important aspects. The theoretical work explains and describes individual topics such as relationships at the workplace, people's perception or motivation and their characterization. The practical pa...

Jakeš, Martin
Projekt zlepšení podnikového procesu

This bachelor thesis focuses on improving the enterprise process through the utilization of enterprise information systems. The goal of this thesis is to implement a project that identifies drawbacks in the improved process and eliminates them using a suitably designed tool. An evaluati...

Kupková, Alena
Sdílená ekonomika - trendy, specifika, vliv na generaci Z

This bachelor thesis explores the sharing economy and its impact on Generation Z. The theoretical part introduces the concept of the sharing economy and other alternative or related concepts. Subsequently, the participants in the sharing economy are described and the areas and organizat...

Lacinová, Michaela
Negativní jevy na pracovišti

The presented thesis on the topic "Negative workplace phenomena" deals with the analysis of the occurrence of negative workplace phenomena in a selected anonymous company operating in the automotive industry. The first part introduces the issue under study through lit...

Pöndlová, Julie
Vliv okolí na konkrétní podnik

This bachelor thesis addresses the topic of the influence of the environment on a specific company. The main objective is to conduct an analysis of the business environment and evaluate its outcomes, including recommendations that could assist the business in enhancing its current ...

Hlinková, Klaudie
Analýza interní komunikace v malé organizaci

The analysis of internal communication in a small organisation is the subject of the bachelor thesis. The theoretical part is focused on communication in general, especially on the communication process, types and forms of communication, barriers in communication. Furthermore, internal comm...

Podmanický, Miroslav
Brexit - příležitost nebo hrozba?

The bachelor's thesis entitled "Brexit - opportunity or threat?" deals with the issue associated with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to decide whether leaving the EU is an opportunity or a threat&#...

Fišer, Dominik
Motivace pracovníků ve zvoleném podniku

The submitted bachelor thesis deals with the topic of motivation of employees in the automotive technology company Lear Corporation Czech Republic, s.r.o. in Plzeň in the development centre. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the motivational system of the&#...

Suchomel, Milan
Využití projektového řízení v podniku

The bachelor's thesis titled "Application of project management in a company" focuses on the analysis and evaluation of project management processes at SpaceTech, which has been involved in the construction of satellite stations for Viasat. The thesis utilizes project management too...

Kuna, Matěj
Vliv okolí na konkrétní podnik

The bachelor's thesis deals with influence of the environment on the company Pieta spol. s r.o. based in Pilsen. It is a funeral service that has been operating in the field for over 30 years. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the influences of the enviro...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 1292