Diplomové práce / Theses (KPM) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Rosochová, Kateřina
Řešení vybraného problému řízení logistických procesů v konkrétním podniku The diploma thesis deals with a selected problem in the field of logistics processes in GRAMMER CZ, s.r.o., specifically by the arrangement of production in a new logistics concept. The need to carry out changes in the production arrangement resulted from the management decision... |
Roth, Robert
Úspěšnost makroekonomických predikcí během hospodářského cyklu The master's thesis titled 'Success of Macroeconomic Predictions over the Business Cycle' analyzes the accuracy of macroeconomic forecasts across different phases of business cycles. It evaluates forecasts produced by major economic institutions such as the Czech National Bank, the Ministr... |
Baier, Jakub
Studie proveditelnosti vybraného projektu This work focuses on the elaboration of a feasibility study for the construction project of a biogas station. The client for this work is the Unified Agricultural Cooperative "Builder" based in Janovice. The work is divided into several chapters. The first chapter explains... |
Minaříková, Lenka
Změny ve vedení a motivaci zaměstnanců v důsledku Covid-19 The thesis focuses on changes in leadership and employee motivation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This topic is current and relevant as the pandemic significantly affected the work environment worldwide, leading to the need to reconsider various approaches in management and ... |
Mouleová, Klára
Řízení projektu Zdravá krajina se zaměřením na komunikaci The aim of the thesis is to propose measures or strategies to improve the current state of communication of Healthy Landscape with project stakeholders. The first two chapters focus on theoretical description of the basic concepts of project management and communication in the proj... |
Valečková, Barbora
Vyhodnocení průběhu změnového řízení ve vybraném podniku This master's thesis examines the change management process within Lear Corporation, headquartered in Ostrov u Stříbra, and proposes measures for its enhancement. Analysis of a specific change in the production process reveals deficiencies in planning, risk management, communication, and cost ... |
Vicari, Sebastian
Zavedení RPA systému do podniku The subject of this thesis is the introduction of an RPA system into a company, with the main objective being the design and construction of the RPA system itself. The introductory theoretical part focuses on the definition of concepts that are closely related to robotic ... |
Bušková, Dana
Talent management ve vybrané organizaci The thesis is focused on talent management in the engineering company Škoda Transportation, specializing in the production of rolling stock for urban transport and railways. The main purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the existing talent management processes in this organization. The&... |
Čermáková, Tereza
Řízení rizik v podnikatelském projektu This master's thesis deals with the topic of business project risk management and is conducted at the company Apollo Data s. r. o. for the selected project Úprava aplikace DyneConnect. The thesis combines the theoretical part, explaining the basic concepts and principles of ris... |
Vurm, Miroslav
Strategický management organizace This master´s thesis focuses on the strategic analysis of Raiffeisen stavební spořitelna a. s. The thesis is structured into a theoretical part and a practical part. The first section outlines basic terms, analytical approaches, and strategic management methods. This is followed by the&... |
Polák, Filip
Strategické řízení organizace This master's thesis serves to implement the theoretical knowledge and methods of strategic management to the company Cyklo Vondráček s. r. o. The thesis begins with a theoretical interpretation of the concepts of strategy, strategic management, strategic management phases, analysis... |
Křenková, Martina
Strategické řízení neziskové organizace This thesis deals with strategic management in a non-profit organization. The aim of the thesis is to provide theoretical knowledge about strategic management in non-profit organizations and to develop a specific strategic management plan for a non-profit organization. The thesis is structur... |
Netušilová, Jana
Strategický management organizace The master´s thesis deals with the creation of strategic planning for a specific selected scientific-research organization Research Centre Řež for the years 2024 to 2026. The goal is to propose a strategy that the organization should manage to achieve strategic goals. |
Vozková, Natálie
Diversity management a jeho využití v podnikové praxi This master's thesis explores diversity management and its utilisation in corporate practice within three selected companies. The topic is highly relevant due to the globalisation of today's world and the overall diversity of the population. The theoretical part describes the fundamental&... |
Špác, Michal
Reorganizace managementu malého podniku na agilní řízení The thesis focuses on the reorganization of the management of a small enterprise to agile management. This topic is addressed due to the strategic decision of the company's management. It includes a description of the traditional and agile approaches with their advantages and d... |
Dvořáková, Tereza
Ekonomická udržitelnost sociálních podniků This thesis deals with the issue of social entrepreneurship and its economic stability. The thesis is based on the theoretical foundations that define social entrepreneurship and related concepts such as the social economy, ways of financing social enterprises and the legal forms they... |
Špirková, Aneta
Efektivní metody získávání a výběru zaměstnanců The submitted diploma thesis deals with the process of recruiting and selecting employees, which is crucial for every company, as no organization could effectively function without competent employees. Firstly, theoretical foundations of the topic were defined. This is followed by a characte... |
Hrivňáková, Antónia
Návrh strategického plánu organizace pro zavedení principů cirkulární ekonomiky This thesis focuses on designing a strategic plan for the implementation of circular economy principles at Belina s.r.o. The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical section defines key concepts of the circular economy and discusses its global applications. ... |
Rottenbornová, Lucie
Dynamické forward-looking systémy - simulace a odhady This thesis deals with DSGE models, the derivation of the New Keynesian model and its modelling using the Dynare library in MATLAB and the DSGEpy library using Python. |
Šimková, Kamila
Motivace pracovníků ve vybraném podniku Employee motivation is an important part of human resource management that should be given sufficient attention by the company. The concepts of employee satisfaction and engagement are closely related to motivation, which significantly affect the achievement of corporate objectives. Motivated, en... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta ekonomická / Faculty of Economics
- Katedra podnikové ekonomiky a managementu / Department of Bussiness Administration and Management
- 69 analýza rizik
- 69 project
- 69 projekt
- 66 risk analysis
- další >
- 381 diplomová práce
- 142 2020 - 2024
- 239 2012 - 2019