Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KCH) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Formánková, Aneta
Dusíkaté deriváty oleananového typu This bachelor thesis is focused on the basic relations between nitrogen derivatives, especially an oxime. In the theoretical part some possibilities of preparations and reactions of oxime are mentioned. The aim of the practical part was the preparation of the allobetulonoxime, which&#x... |
Trhlíková, Lenka
Výpočtové úlohy v chemii The bachelor thesis focuses on the topic connected to chemical calculations. The goal of bachelor thesis was to study the most often mistakes and example types that are very difficult for students. |
Štrejchýřová, Šárka
Prvky skupiny uhlíku a jejich významné sloučeniny This work refers about the elements of carbon group and their important compounds. The work is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part there is a theoretical characteristic of the elements of carbon group - something about their occurrence, physical and chemical properties,... |
Voříšková, Zuzana
Orientační stanovení obsahu cholesterolu v potravinách a zhodnocení velikosti jeho průměrného denního příjmu v české populaci This work deals with the assessment of cholesterol in food. There are described the physiological function of cholesterol and its effect on the formation and development of atherosclerosis. The work also includes a statistical evaluation of the daily intake of cholesterol in the Cz... |
Král, Jakub
Enzymy a jejich reakce This work explores the possibility of preparing amylase extracts from green malt in stock, the work studies the changing activity of green malt amylase at various stages of germination and the difference between the salivary amylase activity and the activity of amylase from barley&... |
Řehák, Martin
Popis stavového chování plynů The work includes the historical development of studies and selected ways to describe state behavior of gases. In the next part of the chapter is devoted to the calculation of pressure using the equations of state mentioned in the thesis. Followed by a discussion of obtai... |
Turčová, Adéla
Stanovení železa ve vodě spektrofotometricky This bachelor's thesis is focused on spectral methods, which we can make use of in determination of iron in the water. The quantity of iron in the water was determined by using three spectrophotometric methods. These methods were tested and then afterwards compared to each... |
Sušanková, Karolína
Testování obsahu chloridu sodného v potravinách a odhad jeho průměrného denního příjmu v naší populaci This work deals with determination of sodium chloride by argentometric titration in selected food. The aim of this work was to find out how much salt is contained in our diet. The measuring data were compared with database of food consumption and then was evaluated the&#x... |
Hodek, Ondřej
Stanovení vybraných analytů metodou plynové chromatografie As a result of this work the method "Determination of methanol and ethanol in spirits" has been developed. This method was created and optimized on instrument DANI Master GC Fast Gas Chromatograph. The procedures of injection, setting the instrument and detection of analytes&#... |
Šimlová, Markéta
Chalkogeny a jejich sloučeniny The main topic of this bachelor work are ?Chalcogenes and their compounds?. This work is divided into two parts. In the first part it described theoretical characterize about Chalcogenes ? their history, occurence, properties, production, preparation and their the most important compounds.&#... |
Jordánová, Eva
Porovnání účinnosti preparativní HPLC a TLC Aim of this paper is on increase in effectivity of preparative high-performance liquid chromatography in such way, that it could compete already introduced preparative thin-layer chromatography and it could be successfully used by the students in their scientific activity. Experimental part ... |
Hagarová, Marie
Využití senzoru na měření pH k inovaci laboratorních úloh z fyzikální chemie The thesis deals with acid-base reactions. It is focused on balance in aqueous solution of acids and bases, mainly on watching of pH in the solutions. The thesis involves set of practical tasks oriented on the dealing with pH measuring sensor. |
Lecjaksová, Andrea
Atomové jádro a jaderné reakce The structure of an atom is described in detail with an emphasis on the atomic nucleus, elementary particles and reactions that take place in the nucleus. The thesis is also introducing radioactivity, nuclear reactions, and detail about nuclear fission or thermonuclear synthesis. A ... |
Polívková, Katharina
Využití senzoru na měření oxidačně-redukčních potenciálů k inovaci laboratorních úloh z fyzikální chemie The thesis focuses on oxidation-reduction processes. The attention is paid to potentiometric titration and to determination of potential changes. The thesis includes set of practical tasks that focus on working with sensor for measuring oxidation reduction potentials. |
Šebková, Eva
Fázová rovnováha kapalina - kapalina v ternárních systémech The paper is focused on a problem of liquid ? liquid equilibria for the ternary systems. The paper is divided on two parts. The first part is theoretical and the second is experimental section. In the theoretical part were introduced basic theses referred to the field.&#x... |
Svobodová, Markéta
Optimalizace oxidačních reakcí allobetulinu a jeho derivátů This work began with the extraction of the betuline from a birch bark. The betuline was converted to allobetulin using intermediate the allobetulin-formate. Then the allobetuline was oxidized to the allobetulone using with other agents under various conditions. The classical methods of ... |
Grossová, Kateřina
Hodnocení změn toxikologických parametrů v životním prostředí ČR za období 1994 - 2010 The aim of this work is to evaluate changes in toxicological parameters of the Environment for the period 1994 - 2010. The data are drawn from the data System of monitoring the enviromental impact on population health. Toxicological parameters were evaluated in air, drinking w... |
Šnaiberková, Monika
23-Hydroxybetulin a jeho jednoduché reakce This thesis describes some laboratory techniques like column chromatography, thin-layer chromatography, distillation and extraction. In the practical part there is also described simple transformation 23-hydroxybetulin (acetylation). |
Pohrancová, Nikola
Vybrané přípravy anorganických preparátů v laboratoři This work is focused on describing basic laboratory techniques in inorganic laboratory and safety in the laboratory. It describes the preparation of various inorganic preparations, which are accompanied by their own knowledge. The last point of the spin tube reaction. |
Bártová, Martina
Rozdíly v hodnotách vybraných ukazatelů antioxidačního potenciálu v různých částech plodů ovoce a zeleniny This work describes the connection between natural antioxidants and free radicals, it analyzes the total antioxidant capacity of the organism, phenolic compounds, flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E and carotenoids. These indicators were examined by four different methods under regular laboratory co... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra chemie / Department of Chemistry
- 21 2020 - 2024
- 40 2012 - 2019