Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KNJ) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 172
Janešová, Helena
On-line slovníky - kvalitativní analýza

This bachelor thesis called "Online dictionaries - qualitative analysis" consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part comprises the introduction to lexicography and lexicology and an online dictionary conception and evolution. The practical part of the thesis is&...

Knížková, Ivana
Postava Bernharda Rothera v románu "Dobrý proti severáku" od Daniela Glattauera Postava Bernharda Rothnera v románu "Gut gegen Nordwind" od Daniela Glattauera

The main of this bachelor's thesis is the analysis of the figure of Bernhard Rothner in the novel by Daniel Glattauer "Love virtually". In the first chapter are introduced the life, publication and the main successes of the writer of novel. Then follows the defin...

Kašparová, Daniela
Hitlerovo dětství v Lambachu a jeho reflexe zdejším obyvatelstvem

The Bachelor thesis deals with Hitlers childhood in Lambach. It focuses on his presence in the local community and his attendance in the primary school. The aim of the work is to analysis the attitudes of the population Lambach to this historic event.

Ježková, Simona
Rok v kuchyni. Tradiční sváteční a slavnostní pokrmy v Bavorsku a v Čechách.

The subject of this bachelor´s thesis is the traditional festive cuisine of Bavaria and Bohemia. It is divided into two parts. The first theoretical part contains an overview of the kinds of holidays celebrated in both Bavaria and Bohemia. This overview is divided according&#...

Kočová, Tereza
Lidové zvyky a tradice německého obyvatelstva v Tisu u Blatna v 1. polovině 20. století

A theme of Bachelor thesis is called " Folk customs and traditions of German population in Tis u Blatna in the first half of 20th century." The target of this thesis is to describe and interpret the folk traditions of the local and original German population,&#x...

Soukup, Miroslav
Německý vlastivědný časopis "Unsere Heimat: Zeitschrift für die Sudetendeutschen Pilsner und Elbogener Kreises (1936-1943)". Popis, analýza, interpretace

My Bachelor thesis introduces a magazine called "Unsere Heimat". There is also analysis which includes years between 1936 and 1943. The predecessor of "Unsere Heimat" is "Unsere Westböhmische Heimat", which contains years from 1932 to 1935 and Ms. Veronika Škrletová ...

Kocandová, Jana
Adjektiva v tisku

The subject of this bachelor thesis is adjectives in printed media. This linguistic theme is focused on adjectives as a word class and their word-formation. The thesis is divided in two main sections, theoretical and practical. The theoretical section describes general knowledge of ...

Rypáčková, Lucie
Frazeologismy v německých reklamách

The bachelor thesis is focused on the analysis of the phraseologisms found in a German advertisement. The thesis is divided into two main parts. There is theoretical part and practical part. The aim of the theoretical part is to introduce and explain basic terms of advert...

Šustrová, Jana
Deminutiva v němčině a jejich české ekvivalenty ve vybraném díle

This thesis deals with German Diminutives and Their Czech Equivalents in a Chosen Piece of Work. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes the description of diminutives and their word- formation in German and in Czech. The distinction...

Tisotová, Klára
Němečtí architekti v Plzni na přelomu 19. a 20. století

This bachelor thesis deals with the German-speaking architekts in Pilsen in 1880-1920

Archmanová, Veronika
Využití pasivních konstrukcí v odborných článcích a diskuzích na internetu

The theoretical part of this thesis describes passive voice, classifies it and defines its application. Further, the technical writing style and the language on the internet are characterized. The practical part of the thesis provides the hypothesis and methodology. Subsequently are analyzed...

Malá, Pavlína
Gebrauch der Kurzwörter in den Jugendzeitschriften

This bachelor thesis deals with the usage of abbrevation in teenage magazines. For the analysis of these abbrevation had been chosen german teenage magazines Bravogirl and Inside.

Přenosilová, Martina
Problematika vysídlení sudetských Němců z Československa ve výuce na střední škole

Question of an expultion of people of German nationality from the outskirts of Czechoslovakia in educational plans for secondary schools

Nachtmannová, Veronika
Vysídlení Baurovy rodiny z Úterý čp. 46

The bachelor's thesis brings the micro-historical probe which mainly discusses the post-war displacement of the Germans from Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. It is shown on the example of the specific family from the small town Úterý which is situated on the North of the Pilsen&#...

Burda, Radek
Konjunktiv ve Spiegel a Bild

This thesis deals with the theory of the German "konjunktiv" from the grammatical and functional point of view. Further with the theory of media and comparison between the quality press and the yellow press. In the practical part, it is focused on the comparison of&#...

Máchová, Tereza
Negativní interference ve vybraných oblastech české a německé morfologie

This bachelor thesis adresses the Interference Phenomenon between languages Czech and German and is comprised of two parts, theory and practical application. The first section adresses all necessary definitions and disciplines related to the Interference Phenomenon, the second section concentrates...

Míšková, Jana
Bierkultur in Bayern und Böhmen

The topic of this bachelor thesis is Beer culture in Bavaria and Bohemia. The main goal of theoretical part is the invention of possible definition of beer culture. That is why there is first described the origin, development, definitions and the basic characteristics of the&#...

Pochmanová, Tina
Das Märchen Dornröschen. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Figur der dreizehnten, "weisen" Frau im Märchen und in der gleichnamigen Verfilmung von Robin Getrost aus dem Jahr 2009.

This bachelor thesis is concentrated on the topic of a fairy-tale and its modern movie version. The thesis has two part theoretical part and practical part. In the theoretical part I try to define a fairy-tale and its typical features. I introduce the medium "...

Fischbachová, Nikola
Frazeologismy v německých časopisech pro mládež

This bachelor thesis is concentrated on the topic of Phraseology in German magazines for teenagers. This thesis has 2 parts. In the theoretical part is the theory of phraseology presented, definition of phraseology and of its main terms and also the characteristic features of ...

Bartošová, Kateřina
Die Figur Helena Selenic in "Darum". Eine vergleichende Analyse ihrer Darstellung in Roman und Film

The subject of this thesis is the comprehensive analysis of the figure Helena Selenic based on the novel and the film. The first part of this thesis introduces the life and the work of the author, Daniel Glattauer. The next part of the thesis consist of the book...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 61 až 80 z 172