Diplomové práce / Theses (KPS) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hübnerová, Terezie
Techniky pozitivní psychologie a mindfulness na 1.stupni ZŠ The thesis on "Positive Psychology and Mindfulness Techniques at Primary school" is aimed at mapping the overview of primary teachers in the techniques, topics and importance of positive psychology and mindfulness. The theoretical section includes setting positive psychology and ... |
Seidertová, Michaela
Přístup k žákům s dyslexií na 1. stupni základní školy This thesis focuses on the approach to pupils with dyslexia in the first grade of primary school. The work is divided into two parts. The theoretical part of the work is focused briefly on the issue of specific learning disorders in general. It is also focused... |
Ludvíková, Barbora
Přechodové objekty a rituály u dětí mladšího školního věku na 1. stupni ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with transitional objects and rituals of younger school age children in primary school. The main goal of the work is to find out how teachers fulfill the child's need for safety in connection with respecting the need for a transitional object ... |
Fuksová, Magdalena
Etiologie a klinický obraz neurotických poruch u dětí mladšího školního věku u nás a v Portugalsku The thesis deals with neurotic disorders and neuroticism in children of younger school age. The aim of the thesis is to compare the rates of neuroticism in children in Portugal and the Czech Republic and to identify school factors that contribute to higher rates of neurot... |
Cinádrová, Denisa
Školní sebepojetí žáků s narušenou komunikační schopností The presented Thesis is focused on the school self-concept of pupils with communication disability. It defines the areas of communication diabilities and the specific disorders in these areas, in terms of terminology, etiology, symptomatology, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis and prevention. It pres... |
Šupinová, Adéla
Psychodidaktická modifikace výuky na 1. stupni ZŠ s ohledem na žáky s poruchou autistického spektra The diploma thesis deals with the topic of Autism Spectrum Disorders with a focus on first grade pupils in primary school. In the introduction of the theoretical part, the periodization of human development and developmental psychological characteristics of a child of younger... |
Sládková, Denisa
Role třídního učitele v procesu rozvíjení pozitivního klimatu školní třídy The thesis deals with the analysis of the climate in primary school classrooms and the role of the class teacher in forming a positive classroom environment. The aim of the research was to assess the importance of the teacher's role in creating a positive classroom cl... |
Fialová, Kristýna
Wellbeing v primárním vzdělávání a možnosti jeho aplikace ve školní praxi This thesis addresses a phenomenon of recent years - wellbeing in education. It explores its theoretical foundations and the practice of application in primary education. The theoretical part of the thesis provides an extensive overview of literature and theories concerning the significance&... |
Zíková, Veronika
Informovanost pedagogů na 1. stupni o tranzitorním objektu a jeho význam pro děti v 1.-3. třídě ZŠ The diploma thesis deals with the awareness of teachers in the 1st grade about the transition object and its importance for children in the 1st-3rd grades. The aim of the work is to map teachers' awareness of this issue and to find out what experience they have&#... |
Vášová, Veronika
Syndrom vyhoření u učitelů na prvním stupni základních a alternativních základních škol The diploma thesis focuses on the burnout syndrome among teachers in the 1st grade in comparison to a classical and an alternative elementary school. The theoretical part is focused on the definition of main terms such as burnout syndrome and life satisfaction, but the main&#x... |
Matějusová, Klára
Psychodidaktická modifikace výuky na 1. stupni ZŠ s ohledem na žáky s lehkým mentálním postižením The thesis focuses on inclusive education of pupils of younger school age with mild mental disabilities. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is about younger school age, where the periodization of human development and the psychological characteristics ... |
Kolaříková, Lucie
Profesní self-koncept současných učitelů The thesis focuses on the professional self-concept of kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the definition of the general psychological concept of self-concept and continues with the topic of professional self-concept. It inclu... |
Šornová, Nikola
Syndrom vyhoření u učitelů prvního stupně Burnout syndrome, a phenomenon of today's time, a threat to today's teachers. Despite the fact that this syndrome was discovered in the last century, it is still not possible to establish a precise and uniform definition. However, the World Health Organization describes burnout&... |
Kupilíková, Nikol
Věk žáka 1. třídy a školní úspěšnost The diploma thesis entitled Age of the 1st grader and school performance presents an insight into the issue of pedagogical character at the 1st grade of elementary school. At the theoretical level, the thesis presents the key terms related to the school success of the you... |
Horáčková, Kateřina
Vliv sociální izolace na obsesivní a kompulzivní projevy u dětí 1. stupně ZŠ This diploma thesis examines the effect of social isolation during the coronavirus era, specifically during the lockdown, on obsessive and compulsive behaviors in elementary school students. It is divided into a theoretical part, where it defines the concepts of OCD and social isolation... |
Červová, Vendula
Možnosti integrace žáků s odlišným mateřským jazykem v krizových situacích The thesis focuses on the issue of integration of pupils with a different mother tongue in crisis situations. It is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part characterizes the socio-cultural handicap and the problems arising from it. It d... |
Kovandová, Lucie
Nadané dítě v období přechodu mezi MŠ a 1. stupněm ZŠ In my thesis I dealt with the issue of the relationship between the gifted child, the kindergarten, the primary school and the parents. In the theoretical part I incorporated various findings on this topic published in the literature. For the empirical part I used a quali... |
Hánová, Lucie
Žák s dvojí výjimečností na 1. stupni ZŠ The thesis is devoted to the topic of the pupil with double exceptionality in the first stage of primary school. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part of the thesis devoted to the theory, topics related to the practical part are present... |
Málková, Sabina
Utváření pozitivního třídního klimatu na 1. stupni ZŠ This diploma thesis deals with the formation of a positive classroom climate in the first grade of elementary school. The aim of the work is to determine how teachers shape and strengthen a positive classroom climate and whether they use knowledge from the field of attach... |
Hlomová, Eliška
Úzkosti a fobie žáků na ZŠ The thesis discusses the incidence of anxiety and phobia rates in primary school pupils. In the theoretical part, we find the definition of basic concepts concerning a given topic. In the practical part of the research, there is a comparison of the results with the 2016&#... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra psychologie / Department of Psychology
- 238 diplomová práce
- 57 2020 - 2024
- 181 2012 - 2019