Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 245
Hlaváček, Štěpán
Racionalizace pracoviště podle moderních metod ergonomie

The bachelor thesis contains an analysis of the workplace in terms of ergonomics. The workplace is analyzed using modern methods of ergonomics. A questionnaire form was established, and the output is the graphic and tabular results of the questionnaire. Subsequently, ergonomic analysis ...

Böhmová, Martina
Návrh uspořádání laboratoře kolaborativního robota

This (bachelor) thesis deals with the design of the layout of the UL 211 laboratory with regard to the safety and overall ergonomics of the colla-borative workplace.

Červený, Jakub
Optimalizace technologie výroby hliníkových optických stolů

This bachelor's thesis deals with the optimization of the production of aluminium optical tables. Proposed optimization variants are verified by an experiment, which is then evaluated from a qualitative and economic point of view. The output of the work is a recommendation of a...

Ruml, Vít
Vliv rovnoměrnosti osvětlení na pracovní pohodu a výkon pracovníka

The bachelor's thesis deals with the compilation of a light map and measurement of reaction times at the assigned workplace. The work contains a theoretical and practical part. The result is light maps of the assigned workplace and a graph of the development of the sp...

Netrval, Vítězslav
Experimentální ověření vlivu teploty dílu při měření vybraných rozměrových parametrů

This thesis contains a description and results of an experiment that is focused on effect of temperature during the measurement. The experiment is performed on three different materials during three different temperature scenarios. The outcome is a comparison of measured values&...

Kučera, Petr
Výhody snížené hmotnosti frézovací hlavy

The work is focused on cutters made with additive technology. It describes the principle of this technology and also the advantages and disadvantages of such cutters compared to conventional ones, even on specific load calculations of individual types of cutters. It has been found&...

Knapp, Jiří
Rozbor a posouzení ergonomie fakult pro studenty FST v Plzni s pohybovým omezením

The bachelor's thesis deals with the analysis and assessment of ergonomics of faculties for students of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Pilsen with movement restrictions. The aim of the work is to assess the barrier-free environment at the UWB in Pilsen in Bory and to...

Porkristl, Martin
Řešení problematických míst při návrhu podpůrných konstrukcí AM dílů

Bachelor thesis is addressing the design of critical spots during metal 3D printing using DMLS on the interface of the full body and support structure of the part. Several parameters can be selected for the support structure interface, such as laser power, scanning speed, Z-of...

Veselý, Daniel
Využití SW Magics pro efektivní návrh podpůrných konstrukcí pro tištěné součásti

The bachelor's thesis is addressing possibilities in the use of the Materialize Magics software for effective construction of support structures in the production of metal components using additive manufacturing. With the help of the software, modifications of the most suitable orientation&#x...

Polata, Václav
Posouzení ergonomie poslucháren ZČU

The topic of the bachelor's thesis is the assessment of the ergonomics of the lecture halls of the University of West Bohemia. Focus on the current state of lecture halls, which use students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the study of bachelor's degree...

Dvořák, Jakub
Vliv technologie výroby na pevnost šroubů z Inconelu 718

This bachelor's thesis deals with comparison of bolts made of Inconel 718 made by additive technology and conventional technologies (machining, forming), further, it deals with optimalization of designed support structures for M12g6 bolts, ensuring the required mechanical properties, elimination o...

Matějka, Michal
Termografické testování dílů vytvořených 3D tiskem

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the use of thermographic non-destructive testing methods to detect defects in products created by 3D printing. The thesis contains a research in the field of thermographic testing methods and 3D printing technologies. The practical part describes the ...

Půta, Tomáš
Sestavení hlukové mapy na vybraném pracovišti

This bachelor's thesis deals with the creation of a noise map at the selected workplace. The work is divided into two main sections - theoretical and practical. The result is a noise map of the selected workplace and suggested ways to reduce noise.

Mandaus, Matyáš
Inovace řezných nástrojů s VBD a jejich experimentální testování

In the first part of this bachelor thesis are described the latest and the most advanced cutting tools with indexable inserts from different manufacturers in detail. The second part introduces a special mill Kraken and describes very closely its innovations. The final output is...

Petrych, Vojtěch
Vliv parametrů obrábění na síly při obrábění kulovou frézou strategií vlečením

This bachelor´s thesis explores the dependence between the machining parameters and cutting forces out of consideration for vibrations. The hypothesis about calming the cutting process as a result of a transverse leaning is verified through the experiment. The substance of the experiment...

Bouše, Karel
Inovace řezných nástrojů monolitních a jejich experimentální testování

The theoretical part of bachelor thesis is focused on searching the most current and the most progressive solutions of monolithic cutting tools from comprehensive point of view. In the practical part innovative channel systems for liquid supplies using additive technologies were designed.&#x...

Nývlt, Jakub
Implementace systému environmentálního managementu ve výrobním podniku

The bachelor's thesis deals with the introduction of an environmental management system in a manufacturing company. The first part maps the development of managerial approaches in the field of EMS, summarizes the current legislation concerning environmental protection in the Czech Republic,&#...

Haruda, Jan
Návrh způsobu výroby funkčních komponent ložiskového systému "Ball and Socket" v podmínkách GTW

The bachelor thesis contains information about plain bearings, functions, design and testing of the "Ball and Socket" element. The work explains what the element "Ball and Socket" is and how it works. Furthermore, there is a proposal for the technology of this elemen...

Spurný, Ondřej
Experimentální zjišťování měrného řezného odporu u slitin neželezných kovů

The bachelor thesis contains experimental determination of specific cutting force of non - ferrous metal alloys. It is analyzed in the research part introduction to machining issues, technical insight and the design itself, evaluation of the experiment. They are in the final stage...

Půta, Filip
Porovnání stanoviště tramvaje 2. a 3. generace z pohledu ergonomie

The bachelor's thesis deals with the comparison of 2 types cabins in trams manufactured by Škoda Transportation. First part of the work is a theoretical basis, which is linked to in the practical part. The result of the work is a proposal of innovative measures for&#x...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 245