Disertační práce / Dissertations (KAR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Praumová, Radka
Vypovídající schopnost pohřbů kultury mohylové pro poznání struktury tehdejší populace This dissertation is aimed at the study of burial rites of the tumulus culture of the Middle Bronze Age. Very interesting areas are cemeteries in Czech Republic, Moravia, Upper Palatinate, Lower Bavaria, and the extended cemetery in Pitten (district Neunkirchen) in Lower Austria. T... |
Holata, Lukáš
Změny osídlení v pozdním středověku a raném novověku The doctoral thesis deals with the issue of settlement transformations in the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern period. The author summarises the main tendencies of settlement desertion from 21 European countries. The large collection of claimed reasons for abandonment is classified acc... |
Frýzl, Jan
Římsko-provinciální spony z oblasti severně od středního Dunaje a jejich význam v tehdejší živé kultuře This doctoral thesis deals with the Roman-Provincial brooches from the Roman Period which were discovered in the north of the Middle Danube territory (Bohemia, Moravia, Lower Austria north of the Danube, and Slovakia). This thesis deals with the variability and expression of the Ro... |
Galusová, Lucie
Vodní díla ve vesnickém prostředí vrcholného a pozdního středověku v Čechách: Prostorové vazby a sídelní souvislosti The theme of the dissertation thesis: " Waterworks in rustical environment of High and Late middle ages in Bohemia: Spatial Relationships and settlement context." was adressed on three different levels. The outcome of the first one was a reconstruction of form and equipment... |
Rak, Michal
Možnosti archeologie 20. století Main topic of this paper is possibilities and limits of 20th century archaeology on sites of archaeology of conflicts interest. It means research of sites and events associated with military, political and civil conflicts of the last century. The thesis follows four main issues... |
Moravec, Martin
Archeologie a vzdělávání This work describes and deals with problems in relation between archaeology and education in various educational systems around the world. The author presents a brief summary of established education systems focused on archaeology, current situation in academic and non-academic sphere with n... |
Bureš, Michal
Vesnice zaniklé po roce 1945 a kulturní krajina Novohradských hor The subject of the survey is archaeological transformation of villages extincted after the year 1945 and their background. In Novohradské hory and the period considerate is possible to trace the process of abandonment, which is followed by regeneration or extinction. The major part ... |
Kasl, Filip
Fortifikace a těžba The aim of this work was to verify or disprove a hypothesis according to which the medieval single-part fortified sites which are isolated from the surrounding settlement and which are not mentioned in the historical sources could have been related to mining of raw materials.&... |
Šíp, Miroslav
Predikční modelování v archeologii In this dissertation we have focused on various predictive modeling methods. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part describes theoretical aspects of modeling and prediction represents the different stages of the model along with a variety of alternatives practices. The... |
Starková, Lenka
Verifikace obtížne interpretovatelných dat leteckého průzkumu The present work is focused on aerial survey data files in the archeology of notice, in terms of their values ??and interpretative possibilities. The basic methodological approach applied in this study, is searching for theoretical definitions and practical applications of subsequent procedu... |
Baumanová, Monika
Vesnické osídlení a těžba nerostných surovin ve vrcholném a pozdním středověku The thesis focuses on the study of small-scale mining (primarily iron ore), the remains of which are located in the vicinity of deserted medieval villages. It presents the results of a field survey, which was undertaken in two forested areas in Bohemia and studied the cha... |
Tuma, David
Archeologie novověkých obor The thesis deals with issues of hunting parks, their purposes, functions, categorization and development. Based on study of historical development of different countries we can see genesis of the phenomena of hunting parks in whole Eurasia and its expansion to Europe. Hunting park ... |
Moravcová, Marta
Dynamika kamenných surovin štípané industrie paleolitu a mezolitu Čech This dissertation is focused on derivation of exploitation strategies of stone raw materials during the Upper and Late Palaeolithic and Mesolithic in Bohemia. Namely on the identification and establishing of causes of their time and spatial differences and changes. Also includes the iss... |
Schejbalová, Zdeňka
Vztahy českých zemí a jihovýchodního Německa (Horní Falc, Horní Franky) v raném středověku na základě archeologických nálezů The aim of this paper is the study of relations among these regions in the Early Middle Age. These contacts carried out in warious ways. On the basis of comparison archaeological finds we have to say high degree of consensus in a range of artefacts from western ... |
Švejcar, Ondřej
Variabilita pohřebního ritu v prostředí únětické kultuy The presented thesis is dealing with selected aspects of the burial rite of the Unetic culture in Czech. On the basis of the collected data from published burial sites of this culture, the questions testing the variability within the frame of burial rite of the Unet... |
Procházka, Milan
Absolutní datování středověké keramiky. Pražská středověká keramika a možnosti jejích chronologického ukotvení The work describes the absolute dating of medieval pottery in the Czech medieval environment. Considering the chronology of Prague ceramic sequence and its relationship to the absolute data. It maps the files ceramic 11th - 13th century. Finally there is the portal development... |
Funk, Lukáš
Zaniklé vesnické osídlení po roce 1945 jako archeologický pramen Dissertation deals deserted settlement after 1945 and the possibilities and limits of its research by archaeological methods. main objective is to understand the events was destroyed villages in western Bohemia.The work also includes an inventory of all deserted villages in this area. |
Čapek, Ladislav
Archeologické transformace v městském prostředí This PhD thesis is focused on archaeological transformation process in urban environment of High Middle Age towns in the 13th - 15th century in terms of study of formation and postdepositional processes that were involved in creating and forming urban stratigraphy and structures of... |
Vokounová Franzeová, Dagmar
Problematika pozdně paleolitického a mezolitického osídlení Čech a Bavorska The PhD thesis is focused on evaluation of settlement strategies of Upper Palaeolithic and Mesolithic sites at the area of Bohemia and selected parts of Bavaria (Oberpfalz and Niederbayern). The part of this thesis is also the list of registered sites. Settlement strategies are... |
Kasl, Filip
Fortifikace a těžba Work slew relations between castles and mineral extraction. The dissertation was tested the hypothesis that piece medieval fortifications served to protect the mining areas. |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Publikační činnost / Publications
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra archeologie / Department of Archeology