Diplomové práce / Theses (KRF) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Karfusová, Adéla
Osvětová činnost děkabristů a děkabristek na Sibiři The thesis is devoted to the topic of Educational activities of Decembrists in Siberia. It consists of four chapters. Of these, three chapters are theoretical, and the fourth chapter is practical. The first chapter is devoted to the internal political situation in Russia and t... |
Novotná, Lucie
Historie a současnost Kalmyků The diploma thesis deals with the issue of the history and present of the Kalmyks, their lifestyle, customs and traditions. The work is divided into a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is devoted to bas... |
Bartošek, Martin
Ambivalence a kontrasty jako základní prvek v tvorbě Ivana Alexandroviče Gončarova (praktická aplikace v hodinách světové literatury) The main objective of this diploma thesis is to present a new idea of chronological perception of Ivan Goncharov's work. In our writing, we highlight the travel journal, from his travels around to world. From imperial Russia to England across the Atlantic Ocean to the ... |
Břížďalová, Šárka
Specifika výuky cizího jazyka na 1. stupni ZŠ na příkladu ruštiny The diploma thesis elaborates the topic of Specifics of teaching a foreign language at the primary school using the example of Russian. It follows the teaching from psychological, pedagogical, linguodidactics and didactic perspectives. It presents the results of qualitative research of inter... |
Moudrý, Petr
Profesionální poetická tvorba v současném Petrohradu: A. S. Kušner The Master thesis deals with tradition of professional poetic creation in St. Petersburg. In particular, it focuses on the creative activity of the St. Petersburg poet Alexander Semyonovich Kushner and his links to the poets Acmeism. The Master thesis includes a didactic part, deal... |
Kolářová, Maria
Prvky folk history v románech Viktora Pelevina The diploma thesis is devoted to the personality and literary work of Viktor Pelevin, understanding the meaning of the term "folk history", identifying the elements of this term in three selected novels of the writer, as well as the didactic application of selected works&... |
Voříšková, Ludmila
Osudy československých legií v Rusku The presented diploma thesis is devoted to the issue of origin and action Czechoslovak legions in Europe, especially in Russia, during the First World War. Describes the participation of legionnaires in important battles and complications that accompanied their return to t... |
Jeníčková, Natálie
Role ruského jazyka jako zprostředkovatele výuky češtiny jako cizího jazyka pro žáka s OMJ This work is dedicated to learn Czech language to students from other countries, especially to Russian students. It´s watching view on teaching Czech language for foreing-born students and point out to difference and harmony Russian and Czech language by language plans. Describin... |
Žigová, Sabina
Reklamní slogany (v češtině i ruštině) The diploma thesis Advertising watchwords (in Czech and Russian) deals with the definition, development, functions of advertising and types of advertising slogans in theoretical chapters, attention is also paid to the style and language of advertising. The practical part includes an excerpt&... |
Žižková, Tereza
Hry ve výuce ruského jazyka na 1. stupni základní školy The theoretical passage is devoted to teaching methods, especially the activation game method. Knowledge is included from the historical period up to the present day. The organizational forms, implementation, breakdowns, functions of the game, their principles, methods of evaluation and integrati... |
Soukupová, Sabina
Kulturologický potenciál ruských lidových pohádek Krása nesmírná In the first theoretical part I define and divide the fairy tale. I described the most important moments of Russian folk oral literature and introduced the most famous collectors of folklore. I also deal with the characters of the fairy tale, which I present on the r... |
Slavíková, Veronika
Po stopách Něnců The aim of the diploma thesis In the Nenets' footsteps is to convey a comprehensive view of the Nenets ethnic group and then in the practical part to outline various possibilities of didactic activities related to the topic of the thesis. The diploma thesis is divided... |
Malá, Martina
Srovnání ruských a českých lidových pohádek The main goal of this master's thesis is to compare Russian and Czech folk tales. This is viewed in a broader historical and literary context, attention is also paid to the characteristics of Slavic folklore and its literature. The fairy tale is viewed from various... |
Majerová, Žanna
Využití moderních výukových metod v praxi waldorfské školy This work was dedicated to the consideration and studying of the usage of modern teaching methods in the Waldorf schools. By studying of specialized literature, methodological preparation and running two projects, we were able to achieve our goals that we have set. Several... |
Müller, Anastasia
Literární Petrohrad The graduate thesis "Literary Saint Petersburg" provides basic information about history and culture of the city, analyses the description of it in the publications "Cities" by F. M. Dostoevsky, A. S. Pushkin and N. V. Gogol and compares them. The second chapter pres... |
Szarowski, Martin
Obraz Ruska ve vybraném českém časopise za rok 2017 The thesis deals with the theory of imagology and media imagology. The thesis tries to apply the theory to the secondary school environment so that it corresponds to the output of students in the field of Media Education within the Framework Education Program for High Sch... |
Boltíková, Inna
Učebnice Raduga a Raduga po-novomu jako příklad vývoje lingvodidaktických přístupů The diploma thesis focuses on the development of the concept of curriculum from the first edition of Raduga 1 through Raduga po-novom to Raduga plus in the context of the development of linguistic-didactic methods and approachces. The development of methodology for teaching Russia... |
Kokošková, Klára
Dmitrij Prigov (život, dílo, didaktické využití materiálu) The graduate thesis introduces biography and art and literary career of Dmitri Prigov. Some of his poetry works are analyzed and interpretated. Worksheets to demonstrate possible ways to use poetry in Russian language lessons were designed. |
Štěpánková, Jana
Obraz učitelky v ruské literatuře 20. století The thesis aim is to evaluate the status of the teaching profession with regard to the 20th century Russian literature. The introductory part deals with cultural-historical contexts of Russian education in the 20th century in comparison with the 19th century education. Comparing the... |
Slavíková, Eliška
Rizikové zóny ve studiu ruštiny jako cizího jazyka The main aim of the thesis is to identify some specialties of the risk zones in studying Russian as a foreign language from the point of view of phonetics, graphic form of letter, lexicology and grammar. In the first chapter are analyzed individual problematic zones conce... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta pedagogická / Faculty of Education
- Katedra ruského a francouzského jazyka / Department of Russian and French Language