Lejčková, Lenka
Právní gramotnost v České republice This diploma thesis is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of the legal minimum as a necessary basis for the development of legal literacy among citizens of the Czech Republic. The aim of the work is to identify the key areas of legal knowledge that every citizen sho... |
Šafaříková, Lucie
Řešení sporů v rámci sportovní organizace se zaměřením na řešení sporů ve fotbalovém prostředí The thesis deals with alternative dispute resolution with a focus on the football environment. The introduction is a historical excursion into the relationship between sport and law, which transitions into its contemporary conception. The chapter also covers its legal regulation, with an... |
Siřínek, Ondřej
Využití solidárních mechanismů při přestupech sportovců The thesis deals with the use of solidarity mechanisms in athletes transfers, in particular the conditions under which they occur and the method of their calculation. The theoretical part focuses on the basic concepts of sport and sports law from which solidarity mechanisms arise.&... |
Havlíková, Petra
Právní postavení spolků v ČR This thesis describes the legal regulation of associations in the Czech legal system. Its aim is to summarize the current federal legislation after the recodification of private law, its analysis and evaluation. The first part outlines the historical development and defines the legal... |
Bulantová, Tereza
Vývoj katalogů práv v Anglii 17. století This thesis is focused on the development of human rights catalogs in England, of the 17th century. In the following chapters of the thesis I deal with the historical context of this period, I mainly focus on the individual historical legal documents. This is a purely... |
Šedivá, Bohdana
Historický vývoj právní etiky a její místo v životě právníka The thesis deals with legal ethics and its importance in today's society. It examines its position within the framework of general ethics and searches for its relationship to each other. Furthermore, there are defined basic types of ethics and its general characteristics, then ... |
Závora, Matěj
Znalecký posudek ve světle judikatury Nejvyššího správního soudu The thesis deals with the legal regulation of expert opinion and expert activities related to it with a focus on the use of expert opinion as a means of evidence in administrative proceedings. It points out the shortcomings of this legal regulation and draws ... |
Karel, Jakub
Právně-filozofické aspekty svobody vůle In my thesis The Law and Philosophy aspects of Free Will, I will focus on the question of, if what we call free will is really that what we imagine when thinking about the concept and what this means for us. The matter of free will has been looked... |
Mésárošová, Tereza
Postavení dítěte v islámském právu The subject of my thesis is child status in Islamic Law. The first part deals with the right of personal status in general, legal subjectivity and facts that defines position of the child as Muslim. The second part focuses on rights and obligations resulting from child... |
Kubička, Adam
Efektivnost normativní regulace. Proces RIA v přípravě legislativního návrhu. This diploma thesis deals with the regulatory impact assessment process (RIA) in the Czech Republic from 2007 to the present. There were four aims set. The first aim was to define the RIA process from perspectives of different authors, to define its aims, benefits and to&... |
Ptáček, Alena
Orgány spolku This diploma thesis focuses on the theoretical and practical analysis of the legal regulation of registered associations and their various organisational bodies. The first chapter is devoted to the legal development of registered associations and is followed by a chapter on their autono... |
Hoštáková, Kristýna
Právní a etické aspekty eutanázie The diploma thesis is dedicated to most important legal and ethical aspects to the issue of euthanasia. The aim of the thesis is to outline the basic differences between individual types of euthanasia, assisted dying in general and relevant legislation in the Czech Republic an... |
Vlčková, Šárka
Analýza termínu pravda v právních textech This diploma thesis is focused on an issue of requirements fulfilment for accuracy, clarity, constancy, comprehensibility and purpose of legal terminology in a formation of legal texts. Partial linguistic analyses in a selected pattern of legal sources are made by using term truth ... |
Doudová, Adéla
Vztah práva a sportu s důrazem na řešení sporů v oblasti sportu The thesis deals with the relationship between law and sports, with the definition of sport and its legal regulation both national and international. There is also a part which analyzes a question about the existence of sports law as an independent legal branch. A description&... |
Beránek, Jiří
Princip precedentu v angloamerickém právu This master's thesis deals with precedent viewed not only as significant device of common law, but also as phenomenon of the Anglo-American culture of law. It is based both on writings of renowned English jurists (Rupert Cross, Neil Duxbury and others), and on writings of&... |
Kutílek, Jakub
Spravedlivá obec u Platóna This thesis deals with the two major Plato's political pieces of work, i.e. the Constitution and the Laws. Throughout the whole work there is the idea of justice and the search for the answer to the very question; what is justice. The work focuses primarily on mu... |
Pichrtová, Alice
Soukromé a veřejné právo v minulosti a současnosti The objective of the thesis is research on the problematics of public rights and private rights - dualism of rights. Firstly attention is given to defining these concepts. Then significant theories about the separation of rights, into public rights and private rights, are discussed... |
Vnuk, Tomáš
Odpovědnost a rozhodování sporů ve sportu My thesis deals with some criminal aspects of sports activity and and the subsequent application of criminal law standards in sport, such as sports injuries, doping and corruption. Great attention is paid to the civil and criminal liability of an athlete for sports injuries. I... |
Froulová, Dominika
Nezávislost soudců a advokátů v historickém vývoji The theme of this diploma theses is the independence of the judges and the advocates and its historical development and it deals with one of the basic principles of the just trial the independence of both of these legal professions. The historical outline of the dev... |
Váchal, Vladimír
Právní úprava požívání alkoholu a návykových látek v islámském a íránském právu The work gives insights into Islamic law, specializing in Islamic law in criminal matters. The main issue being addressed is the regulation of alcohol and addictive drugs in the Islamic and Iranian law. The work does not attempt to offer some sort of comparison of these... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra teorie práva / Department of Theory of Law
- 15 2020 - 2024
- 18 2012 - 2019