Diplomové práce / Theses (KTR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 490
Kajáková, Tereza
Konsenzuální způsoby vyřízení trestních věcí

This thesis deals with the topic of consensual methods of handling criminal cases. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the different types of diversions, the institution of pleas of guilty and the declaration of facts as undisputed. The intention of the thesis is&#x...

Hanzlíková, Michaela Lucie
Hodnocení příčetnosti ve vztahu k návykovým látkám a trestně právní důsledky

In my diploma thesis, I deal with the assessment of sanity and insanity and related topics. The diploma thesis has eight chapters. In the introduction of the thesis, I define key concepts and historical developments related to the relevant topic. I devote the largest part ...

Jakubský, Tomáš
Metodika vyšetřování drogové kriminality

The thesis is concerned with the methodology of drug crime investigation. The thesis deals with the division of drugs and individual specific drugs. Furthermore, the thesis focuses on legal regulations, both national legislation and international drug conventions. The most comprehensive part ...

Fermolšek, Gabriela
Individualizace trestání

This thesis deals with the principle of individualization of punishment, which is applied when deciding on the type and the level of punishment, and has a fundamental influence on them. Individual parts of this thesis are focused on all components of the principle of individua...

Kischer, Martin
Zásada subsidiarity trestní represe

The thesis deals with the principle of subsidiarity of criminal repression and its manifestation in the principle of ultima ratio, or the application of the principle in the decision-making practice of courts and other entities. The theoretical part defines the concept of the princ...

Grym, David
Alternativní tresty v české právní úpravě

This diploma thesis is devoted to the Czech legal regulation of alternative punishments. The main objective of the thesis is to determine whether the legal regulation of alternative punishments is sufficient and effective. At the same time, the purpose is to bring the issue of...

Pažout, Jiří
Kriminalistické a kriminologické aspekty nejzávažnějších trestných činů

This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the most serious crimes. In the first chapter, the basic terms are defined and the general interpretation of criminal acts is presented. The second chapter includes crimes from the perspective of criminology and a focus on...

Boušková, Eliška
Navazování nedovolených kontaktů s dítětem

The thesis focuses on the criminal offense of unlawful communication with a child, also known as grooming. It describes the concept of the criminal offense, the perpetrator and the child within the legal framework of the Criminal Code. The thesis analyses the legal regulation ...

Ingrisch, Jan
Institut podmíněného propuštění

The aim of the thesis is to introduce the Institute of conditional release, implementation, application in practice, history. Punishing offenders, the process of resocialization of prisoners serving sentences. Prison Treatment Programme and its implementation. In the next part of&#x...

Zemanová, Andrea
Trest odnětí svobody v České republice

This thesis focuses on the issue of imprisonment in the Czech Republic. The whole thesis is divided into chapters that build on each other, while the introduction to the issue is the historical development of sentences in our territory and the historical development of the...

Mysliveček, Martin
Trestný čin maření spravedlnosti

The diploma thesis deals with the criminal offense of obstruction of justice, introduced into the Czech legal system in 2019. The first part of the thesis describes the historical context, where the legal situation and its case law development are described even before the ado...

Vitouš, Václav
Metodika vyšetřování silničních dopravních nehod

This thesis focuses on the comprehensive issue of the methodology for investigating road traffic accidents. The first chapter provides a general overview of road traffic accidents in terms of conceptual characteristics. The thesis then covers criminal offenses resulting from road traffic&#x...

Zinková, Nathalie
Metodika vyšetřování trestných činů příslušníků nebo zaměstnanců bezpečnostních sborů

This master thesis deals with the methodology of investigating criminal offences committed by members or employees of the security forces. The main aim is to introduce the reader to this issue within the framework of a systematic description of the methodology of investigation of&#...

Svoboda, David
Role státního zástupce v trestním řízení

This thesis deals with the role of the public prosecutor in criminal proceedings. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the current legislation governing the role of the public prosecutor in criminal proceedings. I focus mainly on the inclusion of the public prosecutor's o...

Slovák, Jiří
Ukončení stadia prověřování v trestním řízení

The diploma thesis focuses on the verification stage of criminal proceedings. It provides a detailed description of the individual stages of criminal proceedings with a principal focus on pre-trial proceedings and the verification stage. The stage is discussed in terms of its purpose,&#...

Půlpán, Jiří
Podmínky procesního použití důkazního prostředku odposlechu a záznamu telekomunikačního provozu

The objective of this thesis was to analyze in detail the institute of interception and recording of telecommunications, the conditions of its order and evidentiary use, to outline its historical development and to evaluate its impact on the fundamental human rights guaranteed by t...

Vokurková, Pavla Alexandra
Komparace staré a nové úpravy institutu podmíněného propuštění ve světle novely zákona č. 220/2021 Sb.

This thesis deals with the issue of conditional releases (parole) in the light of the amendment to Act No. 220/2021, as well as partial institutes that have remained unchanged. This thesis is divided into 9 subsequent chapters, which aim to present the whole issue, includ...

Slavíčková, Kateřina
Korupce ve sportu

The thesis Corruption in Sport deals with the issue of corrupt practices in sport. This thesis defines corruption from a criminal law point of view in the context of the sports environment and further describes corruption in terms of the individual crimes that corruption subsu...

Prošková, Janette
Mravnostní trestná činnost

This diploma thesis discusses moral criminal activities. This paper consists of six chapters. The first chapters include the complex interpretation of moral criminality, the historical evolution of sexual criminality in our region, and an overview of a law adjustment of these actions. T...

Zach, Lukáš
Domácí vězení jako alternativní trest

This diploma thesis deals with house arrest, which is a part of alternative punishments. The two introductory chapters deal with general topics of punishment, such as the concept and purpose of punishment, restorative justice, and problems associated with unconditional imprisonment. The law&...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 21 až 40 z 490