Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KFI) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Jirkovský, Václav
Schellingova filosofie středního období This thesis is concerned with Schelling's philosophy in the middle period. I am focusing mainly on the art and nature in his system. First, It is important to show how the system develops from nature to art. This I will construct chronologically but specifically I do&... |
Vlach, Jan
Hamás, odpor nebo ofenzíva?: Názorová diverzita členů muslimské komunity The thesis is titled Hamas, Resistance or Offensive? The diversity of opinions among the members of the Muslim community and is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the origin and history of the Palestinian movement Hamas and provides... |
Wislocká, Karolína
Péče o kulturní památky v praxi - srovnání přístupů u konkrétních objektů: hrad Kašperk a zřícenina hradu Radyně The bachelor thesis focuses on the care of cultural monuments for specific objects in practice. The thesis describes monument care and its development from the 18th century to the present day. With the help of Law 20/1987. Sb., terms such as cultural monument or protectio... |
Zahraj, Vojtěch
Platónova a Aristotelova koncepce státu This bachelor thesis explores the concept of state and of ideal citties in the works of Plato and Aristotle and compares them with the ancient polis. The work analyzes concepts of state in Plato´s works The Republic and The Laws as well as the models of Aristotles... |
Vrbová, Radana
Industriální dědictví Šumavy The aim of the thesis is the mapping of the industrial heritage of the West Bohemian part of Šumava with a focus on the toy factory industry and its enterprises, including the presentation of their products in memory institutions. The aim of the work is also an ... |
Pomajzlová, Vendula
Představy o posmrtném životě ve starověkém Egyptě a Řecku The bachelor thesis deals with the concept of the afterlife in ancient Egypt and ancient Greece. The thesis is divided into three main parts - religious ideas in Ancient Egypt with a closer look at selected gods, religious ideas in Ancient Greece with a closer look a... |
Slunečková, Anna
Platónova a Aristotelova koncepce státu The aim of this work is to analyse Plato's and Aristotle's conception of the state. In my bachelor's thesis I decided to focus first on Plato. The thesis analyses his theory of the state. I will focus on the overall conception and then I will also analyse... |
Stubnerová, Michaela
Atomismus mezi Démokritem a Epikúrem The aim of the bachelor thesis is to present and compare the basic principles of atomism between Democritus and Epicurus. The thesis will begin by introducing the Eleatic tradition of thought from which Democritus' atomism is based. The topic will include the concept of th... |
Turečková, Denisa
Kritéria vědomí u člověka, zvířat a umělé inteligence This thesis aims to present and analyze the criteria of consciousness in humans and the possibility of their application in the field of artificial intelligence. The criteria of consciousness are divided into three categories: neural, behavioral, and subjective. |
Kristlová, Radka
Kapitán Exner a dedukce - kniha vs. filmové pojetí The topic of the thesis is deduction in detective literature. Specifically, the approach (not only) to this concept from the field of logic in the detective stories of the writer Václav Erben. The aim of the thesis is to find in the detective stories The Death of... |
Vavříková, Jana
Emancipace českých žen skrze vzdělání na přelomu 19. a 20. století The bachelor thesis focuses on the development of women's education in the Czech environment. It provides an overview of individuals and organizations that were involved in promoting the advancement of women's education during a period when women were marginalized in this area a... |
Eckert, Martin
Husserl, Patočka a dějinnost Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology, expressed his own Philosophy of history in his late period. He did so in The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. Here, using an historical analysis, especially of the origins of geometry, he explained how tradition&... |
Kellnerová, Veronika
Interpretace literárního díla s Janem Patočkou: Durychova Boží duha This bachelor's thesis focuses on a novella Boží duha written by a Catholic writer Jaroslav Durych from a philosophical and literary point of view in relation to Patočka's specific approach to literature and human existence. The thesis considers Patočka's phenomenological approach... |
Ceralová, Kristýna
Symbol kříže ve veřejném prostoru The work presents the cross as a Christian religious symbol in the public space of a secularized European society. Its role, legality, legitimacy and acceptability in this space are defined. Furthermore, the work focuses on the symbol of the cross in the environment of the... |
Drnec, Kryštof
Pojetí duše v dialozích Faidros a Ústava In this bachelor's thesis, I will explore the concept of the soul from selected passages of the dialogues "Phaedrus" and "The Republic." The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part focuses on the conception of the soul in the "Phaedrus" dialo... |
Janda, Tomáš
Interpretace literárního díla s Janem Patočkou: Kulhavý poutník Josefa Čapka Philosophical aspects of Čapek's literary work. Being has etical dimension. Sense of being is being. |
Müller, Tomáš
Radikální konstruktivismus Ernsta von Glasersfelda This paper presents Ernst von Glasersfeld's radical constructivism as a form of evolutionary epistemology, which builds on the concept of an informationally closed naturalized subject. Knowledge is seen as a cognitive construct through which the knowing subject structures its experiental flow... |
Batíková, Barbora
Analýza ženských postav biblické knihy Rút This work focuses on the main female characters in the biblical book of Ruth. It interprets the story of the book in the light of the historical and cultural conditions of the time. It examines the question of time of composition and authorship and other topics ... |
Novák, Adam
Vybraný problém z Aristotelova spisu O duši My thesis deals with Aristotle's concept of the soul in his work On the Soul. First of all, I would like to reveal Aristotle's definition of the soul, especially with the help of expert secondary literature, and I would also like to point out a certain... |
Tenková, Kateřina
Člověk v digitálním roji podle B.-Ch. Hana The aim of this thesis is to describe the positive society according to B. Ch. Han. Closely related to the positive society is the violence of positivity, which is typical of our times. The violence of positivity is then reflected into the digital space. The thesis&... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta filozofická / Faculty of Philosophy and Art
- Katedra filozofie / Department of Philosophy