Bakalářské práce / Bachelor´s works (KTO) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 1 až 20 z 245
Trojan, Jakub
Návrh přípravku pro upínání motocyklových válců a hlav válců na konvenčním soustruhu

The main goal of this thesis is the design of fixtures for clamping the cylinder head and cylinder on a conventional lathe for the purpose of its repairs or modifications. In addition to the design of the jigs, the thesis discusses the characteristics of motorcycle heads,...

Mejta, Jan
Návrh přípravku pro zaměřování nástrojů na stroji EMCO\nl{} Maxxturn 25

The main objective of the bachelor thesis is a design of a tool jig for tool presetting on the EMCO Maxxturn 25 machine. The theoretical part describes the communication, movements of the machine parts and reference points, which are further related to the EMCO Maxxturn 2...

Rojík, Petr
Návrh technologie pro řezání a gravírování pěnových forem na nářadí pomocí laserového stroje

The bachelor thesis contains a technological design for the production of foam organizers for tools containing the preparation of individual steps of the technological process. It describes the technology of laser cutting and engraving, the laser machine and the software required for th...

Franta, Tomáš
Výpočet nejistoty měření na optických zařízeních

This bachelor's thesis deals with the calculation of measurement uncertainties on the Keyence IM series 7000 optical comparator. The research section provides a detailed description of optical measuring instruments and measurement uncertainties. The practical part addresses the individual measurement&#...

Habich, Tomáš
Návrh technologie výroby pro zadaný typ součásti

This bachelor's thesis includes the design of a jig for machining in various variants and the assessment of the manufacturability of individual parts of the jig, which will be used for machining tools with the HSK 63 interface.

Haura, Martin
Analýza vlivu volby snímacího senzoru na přesnost měření při měření ve větších hloubkách

The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of measurement using coordinate measuring machines, specifically inaccuracies and errors associated with contact measurement at greater depths, when an error may arise caused by, for example, miniature flexible deformation of &#x...

Beneš, Filip
Využití aditivních technologií v oblasti výroby řezných nástrojů

The theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis is about additive manufacturing, the production of cutting tools using 3D printing, milling cutters with tangentially set replaceable insert, cooling systems, high-feed machining and the Inconel 718 material. The practical part is mainly devoted&#...

Bastl, Tomáš
Návrh technologie pro obrobení tvarově složité součásti

The bachelor's thesis deals with the design of the creation of technology for the assigned part of the injection mold. In this work, the process of creating production technology and its issues will be addressed.

Fiala, Jakub
Koncept robotického manipulátoru pro strojírenskou praxi a\nl{} průmyslové využití

The bachelor's thesis includes the design of a robotic manipulator, which is intended for operating a 3D printer to replace humans in hazardous environments.

Müller, Milan
Možnosti obrábění materiálů skupiny ISO O

The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of machining materials of the ISO O group, which are not machined under normal conditions. The aim is to test the suitability of the application of tools from the manufacturers 6C Tools and UnionTool. Part of&#...

Pekárek, Dominik
Návrh montážního postupu pro hydrodynamickou stříkací jednotku

The bachelor's thesis contains a general analysis of the assembly procedures and their design characteristics, a description of the painting and spraying techniques used, the basic types of pumps used and their mechanisms, and an analysis of the parts for which the ...

Šobora, David
Konstrukční návrh přípravku pro upnutí sklíčidla při frézování

The bachelor's thesis is focused on the construction of a fixture for clamping a universal chuck during milling. The thesis contains an introduction to the issue and a presentation of conventional clamping methods. Next, the procedure for constructing individual variants of clamping ...

Ivanič, Tadeáš
Tvorba technologie pro frézování zadaného dílce s použitím robotického ramene

The bachelor's thesis focuses on the development of milling technology for a given workpiece, with the automation of semi-finished product loading and subsequent manipulation of the workpiece during machining using a robotic arm. It consists of a theoretical section, a design of the...

Straka, Michal
Porovnání obrobitelnosti konvenčního Inconelu a 3D tištěného Inconelu 718

The aim of this thesis is to provide insights into the machinability of 3D printed Inconel 718 compared to a conventionally manufactured version of this material. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the properties and microstructure of Inconel 718 and explains the 3D ...

Kojzar, Vojtěch
Zjištění vlivu úhlu čela na velikost řezného odporu

The main objective of the bachelor thesis was to determine the effect of the size of the rake angle on the magnitude of the cutting resistance. After defining the individual concepts, the experiment had to be properly prepared (grinding jig, specially ground inserts, semi-finished&...

Sterly, Ondřej
Návrh technologie automatizované výroby pro robotizované pracoviště

The aim of the thesis is to design the construction and production technology of a standardized component that can be used for automated production. The purpose is to create an illustrative example of automated production especially for teaching and demonstration purposes.

Marcel, Jan
Návrh technologie výroby a posouzení technologičnosti konstrukce daného dílce

The bachelor thesis focuses on the theory of technological feasibility, assessment of technology and its influence on the selection of production technology. It also deals with the design modification of the component to improve the design manufacturability and the design of the product...

Fejsák, Michael
Hodnocení fyzické zátěže obsluhy obráběcího stroje

The bachelor's thesis contains information about the physical load of machine tool operators, the selection of risk factors at workplaces, measurement of forces (loads) at workplaces and the subsequent evaluation and assessment of the riskiness of the physical load of machine operators.

Čása, Jakub
Analýza procesu měření tvarových prvků na 3D měřicím stroji

The bachelor's thesis deals with the problem of choosing the touch size for a 3D measuring machine. To find out how much inaccuracy will be caused by not following the relationship for choosing the touch size. Evaluation of the roundness of the di...

Svozilová, Simona
Možná rizika při práci s kovovým práškem u 3D tisku

The bachelor's thesis deals with the risks of using metal powder for 3D printing. Above all, the attention is directed to the dustiness in their searched laboratory. The work describes changes in laboratory equipment and uses protective equipment to reduce the risks associated ...

Collection's Items (Sorted by Datum zaslání in sestupně order): 1 to 20 of 245