Diplomové práce / Theses (CBG) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Režná, Andrea
Dobří holubi se vracejí: homing u raka kamenáče The aim of my thesis was to find out the homing of stone crayfish, or in commonly used Czech phrase "good pigeons return ". The research took place in year 2021, in the fall, in the month of September. The practical part of the research lasted s... |
Jeníčková, Kateřina
Návrh výukového modulu pro překonání kritického místa: monzuny The diploma thesis is focused on the causes of the criticality of the monsoon theme. Based on the identified causes of criticality, a learning module was designed, which was found to overcome the identified causes of criticality and further determine whether there was an impro... |
Boudová, Michaela
Analýza výsledků přijímacích zkoušek do bakalářského stupně oboru Geografie se zaměřením na vzdělávání The diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the results of the entrance examinations to the Bachelor's degree in Geography with a focus on education. Specifically the thesis deals with the fact whether candidates in different years show differences in the success rate of ... |
Reiserová, Zuzana
Tematický celek Šelmy ve výuce biologie na SŠ The subject of this diploma thesis is the issue of the thematic unit of the Beasts of prey in biology curriculum for secondary schools. The topic of the Beasts of prey has been set into individual units, which are subsequently interconnected. The theoretical part focuses ... |
Piňosová, Sára
Vodní a mokřadní měkkýši vybraných lokalit v okolí Nalžov The results of a faunistic survey of aquatic and wetland molluscs in the vicinity of Nalžovy area are summarized in this Master thesis. The several localities (7 terrestrial and 18 aquatic and wetland localities) were surveyed during one season in 2021. Altogether 38 species (... |
Horová, Radka
Problémové úlohy ve výuce zeměpisu The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the development of students' higher thought operations through the use of problem-based tasks in teaching. It also deals with the characteristics of problem based learning and its anchoring in curriculum documents.The research in the mas... |
Slaná, Kristýna
Experimentální vyhledávání nových činidel pro mikroskopii mykologických preparátů In this Master thesis, an experimental search was used to prepare several reagents, which were subsequently applied to five selected representatives of the Fungi kingdom. This reagents were compared with those known to be effective and evaluated using several criteria for possible furth... |
Vlasáková, Natálie
Aplikace přístupů CLIL ve výuce zeměpisu na 2. stupni ZŠ Aim of this thesis is to determine whether the inclusion of the CLIL method in teaching leads to the dissemination of knowledge in foreign language and at the same time no significant differences are formed in pupil's knowledge of learned subject who experienced teaching w... |
Voch, Josef
Edukační aktivity ve venkovních prostorách ZŠ Merklín The thesis deals with school gardens. their importance, history, development and current state. The individual teaching in school gardens are analyzed in detail. The conccept of activation methods and inquiry-based teaching. In practical part was created design for implementation of outdoor ... |
Kuník, Tomáš
Návrh, tvorba a ověření didaktické pomůcky k výuce tematického celku "zeměpisné souřadnice" na druhém stupni ZŠ The focus of my thesis is based on the aprobation courses I study. As I am studying geography and technical education with a focus on the second grade of the Primary School, this thesis combines experience from both disciplines into a common product. The aim of ... |
Pavliščová, Lenka
Revize metody hodnocení didaktické vybavenosti učebnic pro 21. století This thesis deals with the issue of evaluating the didactic equipment of textbooks. Determines the importance of individual components in the selection of textbooks by teachers. According to the results of the survey among teachers, a revision of the method of evaluat... |
Vohárová, Tereza
Revize lepidopterologické sbírky MUDr. Milana Procházky The thesis presented summarises data on butterflies in the collection of Dr. Milan Procházka, including biographical data of the collection author himself. The collection is located in the depository of the West Bohemia Museum in Pilsen and contains 95 collection boxes. This inventory... |
Jícha, Václav
Badatelsky orientovaná výuka pro průřezové téma environmentální výchovy This thesis deals with the design of inquiry-based education, embedded in the cross-sectional topic of environmental education. The first part of the thesis contains an analysis of the literature on field teaching, clarification of the concept of research-oriented teaching and curricular doc... |
Nguyen, Tuyet Nhung
Výuka pomocí CLIL metody v hodině zeměpisu The diploma thesis occupies with design and subsequent verification of a teaching unit using the CLIL method on the topic of Tourism and Instagram. The verification took place at a selected primary school during synchronous distance learning. The teaching unit with CLIL contributed ... |
Nesládková, Veronika
Projektové vyučování na téma meteorologie a klimatologie This diploma thesis is focused on the creation and implementation of project-based teaching for student of the sekond stage of elementary school in Geography. The chosen theme of project-based teaching was used in connection with the bachelor´s thesis. The main part of the work... |
Karlík, Michael
Tvorba obecně zeměpisné nástěnné mapy Evropy odpovídající kurikulu ZŠ The nature of this thesis is to analyze the complexity of maps used in the educational process of teaching geography to elementary school students and their functional achievement in the process. The experiment was conducted on 8th graders in Nove Role. They were divided equal... |
Koubová, Barbora
Pavouci NPR Bublák Results of faunistic survey on spiders (Araneae) from the surroundings of the national natural monument Bublák a niva Plesné (NPP Bublák) are presented in my Master thesis. NPP Bublák was declared as the national natural monument in 2017. This locality is famous because of gas... |
Hampejsová, Viola
Návrh a ověření projektového vyučování ve výuce geografie na 2. stupni ZŠ This diploma thesis occupies with design and verifikation of the project-based learning about population of Africa in primary school. Pupil's evaluation confirms that the veryfied project motivated and activated pupils and led them to independence. The main aim was to verify suitability&... |
Piňosová, Sára
Biodiverzita malakocenóz v povodí říčky Ostružné The inventory research of aquatic and terrestrial molluscs in the valley of the Ostruzna river between the Kolinec township and the Sušice town proved occurrence of 53 species. It took place in 2019 year. The field work during one season and results were negatively influenced&... |
Urbanová, Lenka
Terénní výuka zeměpisu v oblasti Černého a Čertova jezera This diploma thesis deals with theoretical knowledge about the Černé and Čertovo's Lake. This work is focused on the planning of fieldwork in this area within the excursion for elementary school The aim of this thesis is to investigate the theoretical knowledge of&... |