Diplomové práce / Theses (KTR) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Zítková, Kristýna
Domácí násilí The diploma thesis is focused on the topic of domestic violence. The diploma thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to the characteristics of domestic violence, where the concept of domestic violence, its origin, types, phases and the most common my... |
Belada, Tomáš
Trestněprávní důsledky porušení postupu lege artis v medicíně The main goal of the diploma thesis is to analyze the criminal consequences for breaching the lege artis procedure in medicine. The thesis will focus on the definition of the lex artis concept, its legal sources and related case law. Furthermore, it will deal with the... |
Vitáková, Klára
Kriminologické a trestněprávní aspekty kriminality mládeže (se zaměřením na region Klatovska) This master thesis focuses on youth crime in the Czech Republic and in the Klatovy district. The thesis is divided into ten chapters, which contain a description of youth crime from both a criminal and criminological point of view. In particular, it contains the legal reg... |
Záruba, Josef
Právo poškozeného na účinné vyšetřování The thesis deals with the issue of granting the victim the right to an effective criminal investigation. The aim of the thesis is to obtain an answer to the question whether such a right is available to every victim within the Czech legal system and, in case of&... |
Vojáček, Matěj
Kriminalistické a trestněprávní aspekty vyšetřovacího pokusu This thesis deals primarily with the institution of the investigative trial as a special method of proof. The issue is first broadly addressed from the perspective of evidence in general. The main part of the thesis then deals with the investigative experiment as such, from... |
Uhrová, Kristina
Nedbalostní trestné činy proti životu a zdraví v silniční dopravě The thesis is divided into several main parts, which are further subdivided. The introduction focuses on certain concepts related to road traffic and the aforementioned concept of negligence. The main part of the thesis is an analysis of criminal offenses, specifically mans... |
Siváková, Lucie
Trestný čin vraždy (současná právní úprava v českém trestním zákoníku a náměty de lege ferenda) The thesis focuses on the current legal regulation of the crime of murder. The first part of the thesis focuses on the development of the Czech legal regulation of the crime of murder. The focus is on a detailed analysis of murder in terms of individual features ... |
Párecký, Šimon
Stížnost pro porušení zákona This thesis focuses on the complaint against violation of law as an extraordinary remedy in criminal proceedings. The main aim of the thesis is to analyse the current status and use of the complaint against violation of law. The thesis is divided into four parts, which... |
Šináklová, Lenka
Zvláštní způsoby dokazování v trestním řízení The thesis deals with special methods of evidence in criminal proceedings within the meaning of Section 104a et seq. of Act No. 141/1961 Coll. on Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Act). The thesis is divided into seven basic chapters, which contain a general overview of... |
Topinková, Tereza
Role soudního lékařství v trestně-procesním dokazování This thesis deals with the role of forensic medicine in criminal procedure evidence. The aim of the thesis was to clarify the affinities between criminal law, criminalistics and forensic medicine. It is divided into four main chapters. The first chapter introduces the reader to... |
Pácalová, Anna
Minulost, přítomnost a budoucnost stížnosti pro porušení zákona This thesis focuses on one of the extraordinary remedial measures namely the Complaint for a Breach of Law. The main aim of the thesis is to introduce the reader to the desired issue. The work is divided into 4 main chapters and contains an introduction, conclusion a... |
Tláskalová, Klára
Řízení proti uprchlému This thesis deals with one of the special types of proceedings, namely the proceedings against a fugitive. The aim is to explain the basic concepts of this issue and, above all, to describe the course of these proceedings, including the pitfalls that may arise and are... |
Šnajdr, David
Hospodářská soutěž a trestněprávní rovina jejího narušení The thesis focuses on aspects of competition regulation in Czech legal system with a focus on the criminal offence of violation of competition rules. The main aim of the thesis is to provide a description of protection against the unlawful competition conduct, including the cr... |
Podzimková, Daniela
Kybernetická kriminalita páchaná na dětech The diploma thesis deals with cybercrime, which is committed against children. It analyzes the problem of cybercrime against children, the causes and the ways in which this cybercrime is committed. At the same time, the thesis deals with the prevention of this crime. |
Lepší, Eva
Domácí násilí z pohledu trestního práva This thesis deals with the issue of domestic violence from the perspective of criminal law. It aims to describe the aspects of domestic violence and then apply selected aspects of domestic violence to a questionnaire survey to explore respondent´s views and experiences of domestic&... |
Musilová, Michaela
Role státního zástupce v trestním řízení This diploma thesis deals with the role of the public prosecutor in criminal proceedings, as a public authority which, on behalf of society and in the public interest, ensures the application of the law in cases where there has been an infringement directed against a lega... |
Křivánková, Barbora
Trestné činy v silniční dopravě se zaměřením na dopravní nehody The thesis deals with crimes committed in road transport. It also deals with the criminalistic methodology of investigation of these accidents and its specifics. The thesis deals primarily with crimes against life and health, as well as crimes of general danger and crimes against... |
Kalčíková, Tereza
Trest smrti The thesis concerns the issue of absolute punishment, which has not been part of our legal system since 1990. The thesis focuses on the development of this punishment from the first surviving references to the situation after 1989. Within the chapter of history, the thesis... |
Makar, Svitlana
Sexuální násilí mezi partnery The thesis focuses on the subject of sexual violence in itimate relationships. The goal of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of the issue of sexual violence in intimate relationships. The thesis is structured into five chapters, in which the concepts related to... |
Drášilová, Carla
Stopy na místě činu a jejich trestněprávní význam Qualification work on the topic "Traces at the crime scene and their criminal law significance" comprehensively, not exhaustively, analyzes criminal traces and everything related to them. It provides an overview of the crime scene, its checkup, criminal traces, their searching and ... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra trestního práva / Department of Criminal Law