Diplomové práce / Theses (UUD) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Hanzl, Jakub
Můj dům - můj hrad The construction of the chapel of last refuge in the countryside near Žatec and way that led the author to it. |
Sharavarau, Aliaksandr
Koordinovaný vizuální styl pro neziskovou organizace The topic of my diplom work is "coordinated visual style for nonprofit organization". This theme represent uniform visual style for a young non-profit organization KINOPLAN from Minsk, Belarus. For this organization I made range of mediums of visual communication, which was based... |
Yakubovskaya, Olga
Cyklus ilustrací ve formě knihy The goal of my final work was creating of a book about my grandmother. The main events of her life are illustrated in painting on glass technique. The subjects of illustrations were created on the base of the text about grandmother's life. The text of the book... |
Čechová, Sandra
Bibliofilie Topic of my thesis i the Bibliophile. The work also includes sixteen graphic prints. The book si called Pee and sleep. In graphic prints I focus on my childhood memories. |
Kozáková, Zdeňka
Víceúčelová nábytková sestava. This thesis deals with a design of multipurpose furniture set which could be an alternative to some pieces of gym equipment. It contains some storage spaces as well. The set consists of a cabinet, a stool and a hanger. |
Malátková, Hana
Prostor pro přípravu jídla. The main aim of this project was to design a kitchen for a family house or apartment that would offer the customer something new and novel. I tried to think of such an element in the kitchen, which would be at first sight quite different and unique from exi... |
Grosman, Martin
Bestiář transgenních organismů The Bestiary of Transgenic Organisms is an installation reflecting the author's negative perception of the current trend in modern agriculture - genetically modified organisms (GMO). The theoretical part of this thesis describes the negative aspects of this agricultural technology and real... |
Houdková Roudnická, Veronika
Interiér veřejného prostoru s použitím moderních komunikačních technologií The theme of this thesis is the interior of the kitchen studio Sykora. Especially the area where employees work on a projects for customers and in the same area they also present it to clients. My design should optimaze the workspace of the emloyees and also be ... |
Kalivodová, Markéta
Soukromý rituál The theme of diploma thesis is a set of grinded porcelain vases conneting Czech glass and porcelain art craft. Vases are created in two colour variances - blue and pink. |
Dvořák, František
Pamět prchavého místa The aim of my diploma thesis is to analyse, using the adequate means, certain chosen pagan areas in a city or inside the open nature, that were later christianized, thus creating a uniquethat will become my personal testament as well as a testament of the environment.... |
Hanzliková, Monika
Soukromý rituál A set of objects inspired by my family history. It consists of decorated dessert plate, a beer jug, four diferent forms not only for butter and a gourd with "onion" pattern. For all objects I used earthenware, except for small forms that are made of porcelain. |
Soukup, Vojtěch
Paměť prchavého místa The sculptural installation working with the principles of land art. Construction of the natural material as the bearer functions aestethic values and spiritual dimension. Installation tries to react sensitively to the place and its history. |
Solilová, Iva
Analýza současného vývoje módy a tvorba vlastní ucelené kolekce kabelek, tašek a jiných doplňků The theme of my Master Thesis is complete collection of handbags, bags and other accessories. The theoretical part is briefly focused on mode evolution analysis in presence and pays attention to clarification of thoughts and process of designing and realization of whole collection ... |
Sejkorová, Adéla
Kompletní vybavení včetně doplňků pro konkrétní typ prostředí nebo aktivity The collection is inspired by the most colourful festival in the world Indian Holi feast. Originally a Hindu religious feast has become popular all over the World where it is celebrated under different names. From a natural view it is a celebration of the coming of&... |
Prudíková, Barbora
Trendy, styl a vize - vlastní téma Topic of my thesis is the trend, style and vision my own theme. After analysing of current trends I had an inspiration in perforation of material which has become increasingly popular, however I decided to work with them already before. Therefore I decided partly on ... |
Pchalková, Markéta
Trendy, styl a vize - vlastní téma I would like to introduce in my diploma thesis the topic of trends, style and vision. It offers to me a way of creating a complete fashion collection, including accessories related to the current events in the field of fashion. I can create my own vision of the&... |
Marková, Lenka
Vlastní filozofie, analýza stylu „Moje značka“ Celková koncepce, typ zákazníka a vize. Kolekce obuvi a doplňků (případně včetně oděvu). 6 ks modelů. In my dissertation, I dealt with new approaches in shoe manufacturing as a reaction to observing the development of current trends. Among other things, speed and simplicity have become a sign of the fast times we are living in. Following the study of the evolution of ... |
Kolínská, Anna
Vlastní filozofie, analýza stylu "moje značka Celková koncepce, typ zákazníka a vize. Kolekce obuvi a doplňků (případně včetně oděvu). 6 ks modelů. The topic of my master's thesis is pERSONAL PHILOSOPHY, ANALYSIS OF "MY BRAND" STYLE The conception, the type of customer and the vision. Collection of shoes. This topic enables me to use knowledge and skills acquired in both studios that I attended during my stu... |
Weinfurterová, Monika
Site specific As a theme of my thesis I chose the Site Specific. In my work I focus on the relation between people and nature. In the text part of my thesis I describe the relation between people and nature in art from prehistory to the present. I focus on today's... |
Tyrpeklová, Lenka
Laboratoř - Mám pár nezodpovězených otázek. Projekt je výzkumem napříč obory, vztahy, systémy. Předpokládá se využití aktuálních technologických možností například v animaci, 3D, After Effects, audio video projekce. Výstupem je objekt, instalace v multimédiích. The main theme of my diploma work is Laboratory - I have a few unanswered questions. These questions will be related to the current topic - rising crime rate of seniors. The population is aging, more and more seniors are thus on the increase and thereby also the... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta designu a umění Ladislava Sutnara / Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art
- Ústav umění a designu / Institute of Art and Design
- 13 ilustrace
- 12 illustration
- 11 grafický design
- 11 logo
- další >