Diplomové práce / Theses (KMP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky

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Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 73
Michálek, Miroslav
Dědictví s mezinárodním prvkem

This thesis deals with the issue of succession with a foreign element in the context of recodification of private law in the Czech Republic. It takes into account the Regulation (EU) No 650/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on jur...

Samková, Jiřina
Mezinárodní justiční spolupráce v trestních věcech

This thesis aims to describe the substantive heart of International Judicial Cooperation in criminal matters. Content is focused not only on the development of judicial cooperation between states, but also on individual forms, the principles of cooperation and sources of law. The larges...

Kuttová, Milena
Právní úprava podnikání cizinců na území ČR

My diploma thesis on the topic Legal regulations of enterprise of foreigners in the Czech Republic is divided into two main parts. The historical ? theoretical part is concentrated especially on protection of human rights. Afterwards this part takes heed of national laws, which...

Joza, Adam
Právní úprava mezinárodní silniční přepravy zboží

My thesis on the topic The legislation of the international road transportation of goods is divided into four chapters and the main are the second and the third one. The thesis is dedicated to the international legislation of the road transportation of goods in the second...

Jungwirthová, Marianna
Řešení investičních sporů z pohledu rozhodovací praxe mezinárodních rozhodčích soudů

The thesis on "Settlement of legal investment disputies in the decision-making practice of the international arbitration centers" deals with the protection of international investments and possibilities for solving disputes arising from them.It focuses on the definition of investment (based ...

Marek, Jiří
Boj proti terorismu a jeho právní nástroje

The thesis entitled Fight against Terrorism - Legal Instruments contains a historical developement and the current situation in the law related to this area. First two chapters are dedicated to the differentiated definition of the term terrorism, to the historical development of the...

Matějec, Martin
Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku

The diploma thesis deals with the issue of international commercial arbitration and its fundamental elements. The main goal of the thesis is to describe the purpose of arbitration in international commercial disputes and to provide a general overview of arbitration.

Csillagová, Kateřina
Odpovědnost dopravce v mezinárodní přepravě zboží - se zvláštním zřetelem na námořní přepravu

The main objective of this work is to analyze and describe the contractual liability of the carrier in international exchange of goods with a different means or ways of transport. Special reference was made to transport of cargo by sea for it´s complexity and merging with...

Formánková, Kristina
Problematika mezinárodních únosů dětí rodiči

This diploma thesis covers the topic of international parental child abduction, addressing illegal situations where one parent has removed a child from, or retained a child somewhere other than, his or her habitual residence, resulting in a breach of the second parent's custody ...

Křítek, Zdeněk
Právní regulace mezinárodního rozhodčího řízení

This work mainly describes the legal regulation of the problematic of arbitration. The chapters are divided into introduction, general description of arbitration, international arbitration, international conventions, procedure acts of the arbitration courts, legal regulation in a relation to the Czech...

Král, Aleš
Význam Konference OSN o životním prostředí a rozvoji z r. 1992 pro mezinárodní právo životního prostředí

Thesis provides a comprehensive view of international environmental law. It is concern with the historical development of environmental law to the present. Firstly, it defines the basic terms and discusses the most important conferences on the environment, United Nations Conference on Enviro...

Hudzovičová, Eliana
Řešení investičních sporů mezi státy a občany druhých států dle Washingtonské úmluvy 1965

This master thesis deals with the issue of Investment dispute settlement between states and citizens of other states according to the Washington Convention 1965. The main goal of this thesis is to describe the issues arising from the international investments which are made by ...

Kučerka, David
Československo a svatý stolet - diplomatické vztahy do roku 1989

The thesis deals with the history and development of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and Czechoslovakia.It also deals with the ways these relations were influenced by national political situation and vice versa. The period surveyed includes the begining of Czech statehood and&...

Thám, Daniel
Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním právu

The thesis deals with an issue of the international commercial arbitration as a method of dispute resolution. It provides a comparison of arbitration to other dispute resolution methods, mainly those know as "alternative dispute resolution". The thesis then defines the phenomena of...

Ouzká, Tereza
Úloha generálního tajemníka OSN v mírových misích OSN

This thesis elaborates upon the role of Secretary General in UN peace operations and specifies his functions with respect to other principal UN organs. This work enumerates his responsibilities and explains their legal basis. This thesis also addresses the effectiveness of selected peac...

Románková, Kristina
Rozhodčí řízení v mezinárodním obchodním styku

The goal of this Thesis is to define the term of international arbitration. Then there are mentioned important legal sources of international arbitration as well as international arbitration institutions. It also defines the arbitration agreeement and arbitrability. Finally it describes the ...

Frank, Martin
Ochranné známky v mezinárodním obchodním styku

The diploma thesis discuss the issue of trademarks in the international trade. It describes the history of trade marks, their functions and general properties. Subsequently the work systematically discusses the legislation protecting trademark rights in international and European level, which ana...

Helebrant, Vojtěch
Právní aspekty řízení mezinárodního letového provozu s důrazem na vymezení rozsahu odpovědnosti jednotlivých subjektů

Liability of air traffic comtrol providers. First part of the thesys describes the history and development of civil air traffic law including international organisations. Next part is about liability of subjects of air traffic controlitself. At the end I describe two different situation...

Zelenka Kubíková, Eliška
Evropský system lidských práva a realita

I deal with the question of the protection human rights in the area of present international common law in my diploma work. Inside of the history description and present description international protection of human rights I try to appraise even the effectiveness of the ...

Wolfová, Andrea
Ochrana mezinárodních investic a řešení sporů z nich vznikajících se zaměřením na ČR a Francii

In my thesis, I am focusing on protection of international investments and settlement of disputes arising from them with a focus on the Czech Republic and France. The main chapters of my thesis are: 1. Concept of international investment,2. Investment protection agreements, 3. Conc...

Záznamy kolekce (řazeno podle Datum zaslání v sestupně pořadí): 41 až 60 z 73