Diplomové práce / Theses (KPP) Domovská stránka kolekce Zobrazit statistiky
Záhrobská, Tereza
Těhotná zaměstnankyně z pohledu práva sociálního zabezpečení The thesis deals with the Pregnant employee from the point of view of social security law. The historical development of this area of social security law as well as the regulation at the international and European Union level is also mentioned. The main aim o... |
Zelenková, Alena
Důsledky vad právních jednání v pracovněprávních vztazích This thesis focuses on the consequences of legal defects in labour relations. The aim is to analyse individual defects of legal conduct and the consequences of such defective legal conduct according to the legal regulation in the Labour Code and the Civil Code. The thesis ... |
Paštiková, Iva
Kolektivní vyjednávání a kolektivní spory The thesis focuses on collective bargaining and collective disputes. The thesis is divided into six parts, in which it focuses on sub-sections related to the material. The thesis aims to analyse the legal regulation of collective bargaining and collective disputes. In the beginning,... |
Schejbal, Václav
Práce z domova This thesis deals with the issue of working from home, which is very actual nowadays. The thesis primarily analyzes the concept of working from home, in the light of current legislation and in historical contexts. The basic rights and obligations resulting from the employment ... |
Mrázková, Lucie
Neplatné rozvázání pracovního poměru a jeho důsledky The topic of the thesis deals with invalid termination of employment and its consequences. The thesis is divided into three chapters. In the first part of the thesis, the possible ways of termination of the employment are mentioned and the ways in which the employment can... |
Slezáková, Daniela
Nelegální práce This thesis focuses on the issue of illegal work, in particular on the definition of dependent work and illegal work, types of illegal work, control activities and legal sanctions. The aim of this thesis is to present the issue of illegal work, which is an increasingly... |
Zábranská, Irena
Inspekce práce a jí konaná kontrola v oblasti dodržování pracovních podmínek In my master thesis I dealt with the Labour Inspection and its inspection in the field of compliance with working conditions and the structure of the Labour Inspection. The goal of this thesis is to highlight the development and embedding of working conditions, to... |
Veberová, Jana
Insolvence zaměstnavatele The master's thesis focuses on the analysis of the impacts of an employer's insolvency on labor-law relationships and employee claims, providing a multidisciplinary view of the insolvency issue, encompassing Czech, EU, and international legal frameworks. The investigation is not limited t... |
Mikolášková, Natálie
Whistleblowing a ochrana oznamovatelů This diploma thesis focuses on the topic of whistleblowing and whistleblower protection. The thesis describes the historical context of the concept of whistleblowing and its perception across selected historical landmarks and legal cultures. In addition, some of the most famous whistleblower ... |
Malknechtová, Eliška
Pracovněprávní vztahy zaměstnanců v sociálních službách This thesis deals with employment relations of employees in social services. In the first chapter the thesis focuses on employment relations in general and from the perspective of social services. In the second part, the thesis deals with social services, their description, ... |
Humlová, Tereza
Okamžité zrušení pracovního poměru The diploma thesis provides the reader with a comprehensive explanation of the issue of immediate termination of employment, as one of the ways to terminate an employment relationship. Immediate termination of employment is a rather radical method by which both the employer and the... |
Křivohlavý, Roman
Využití informačních technologií v pracovním právu se zaměřením na BOZP This thesis focuses on the usage of informational technologies in labour law with a focus on OSH. The first part deals with basic concepts and legal regulation. Then the thesis deals with the practical usage of information technologies in the field of OSH. These chapters ... |
Kudová, Marie
Ochrana osobních údajů v pracovněprávních vztazích The work is devoted to the protection of personal data in employment relations and is divided into 5 chapters. The first part of the thesis deals with the theoretical basis, such as basic concepts, the development of the right to protect personal data and the applicable... |
Lokajová, Natálie
Kamerové systémy na pracovišti The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of the issue of CCTV systems in the workplace in the context of the Labour Code and GDPR. The thesis is divided into seven chapters in which the concepts related to this topic and the mutual rights... |
Čechnerová, Šárka
Odpovědnost zaměstnance za škodu The thesis deals with the employee's liability for damages according to the current regulation in the Labour Code. Its aim is, in addition to a comprehensive definition of the employee's liability for damages, also a contemporary analysis of selected issues that have not ye... |
Handrychová, Veronika
Změny pracovního poměru This thesis deals with changes in the employment relationship. The thesis is divided into several parts. The first part discusses the employment relationship its elements and types, followed by the employment contract. The second part consists of changes in the employment relationship, ... |
Holasová, Magdaléna
Pracovněprávní soudnictví This thesis deals with the labour justice system - specifically its definition, examination and subsequent assessment of its current state (i.e. until 31.03.2024), with a focus on individual labour disputes, both in a historical and contemporary context. The aim of the thesis is to... |
Černá, Barbora
Překážky v práci na straně zaměstnavatele a zaměstnance v době hospodářské krize a v době pandemie COVID-19 This thesis focuses on the obstacles to work on the part of the employee and the employer during the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic.The aim of the thesis is to present in more detail these obstacles, the case law concerning these obstacles, to provide a fo... |
Desortová, Natálie
Zaměstnávání studentů v rámci středoškolských praxí The diploma deals with the functioning and legal regulation of employment of students in secondary school practices. The diploma analyses the cooperation between companies, secondary vocational schools and students in the performance of professional practice. The aim is to comprehensively define&... |
Číhalová, Jana
Zaměstnávání mladistvých The thesis topic is the employment of juveniles. The theoretical part analyses the development of labour legislation, both national and international legislation, and individual special working conditions of juveniles. Additionally, this part describes the employment relationships that juveniles can e... |
- DSpace at University of West Bohemia
- Vysokoškolské kvalifikační práce / Theses
- Fakulta právnická / Faculty of Law
- Katedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečení / Department of Labour Law and Law of Social Security